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nice, and he was till you got on his bad side.

“Good day Miss Jessica,”Mr. Rox said,”I’m making you chief again, you know.”

“What!”Amanda said in shock,”I’ve been it for eight years. She just got back from where ever she was.”

“I kept up with Jessica’s performance,”He said,”She has the highest rating in the state. Her team does as well.”

   Amanda stomped off in anger as if she was a two year old. I had to introduce everyone while Mr. Rox handed out schedules and a rule book out. Then we headed to the meeting area.




The school was like an Indian campsite from the way it was design. There was a giant wooden fence with high tech security. I had Ace at my heels, because wolves were allowed to run around whether they were a pet or not it was fine with us. When it rained, we didn’t get wet for there was a force field around the top of it. I always thought of it like a Percy Jackson deal with it. In the middle of the school was a small fire. That’s was the meeting area.

   I stood in front of everyone as they just sat a listened. I looked around and saw what He had meant about appearance. All of the people of zombie had tan skin with dark hair except a few because of where they stood in the ranking. Mr. Rox said that today was a free day, so everyone of the zombie people went to the tents with their last names on it in the language. The regular kids stayed outside to mingle with one of another.

“What do we do?”Layne asked.

“Follow me,”I said heading to my tent.

   I walked up to the BIG tent with my last name on it. Everyone had two to three people in a medium size tent. For mine it was only me in this huge tent. My friends joined me sometimes but I really didn’t care.

   The inside was a mixture of modern and ancient put together. I had computers and a beanbag chair. I also added a drawing studio for my entertainment. There was a mat on the floor like a bed. A pile of books in a corner. I added a few rolling office chairs for when my friends were with me.

“Jess,”said a person behind me.

“Yes, Kyle Walker,”I said turning to see a light brown haired kid,”Is something wrong?”

“No,”He said holding out a small box to me,”I’m here to give you this.”

  He handed me the box and left. His family was like Hermes, so they were the messengers. Kyle’s family has helped me out a lot with keeping up with what is going on and they are the ones that sends out the messages for the right people. So I opened the small box to find…

Chapter 8

 “We’ll be safe here,”I said flipping the coin that was in the box,”We got Ace, and a security system that no one can beat.”

“I didn’t know that every country had a tribe,”Layne said scanning the rule book,”Also their birthmarks are in different locations. Also to tell who is who look at how old the zombie bit looks. Doesn’t your bit look fresh, Jessica?”

“Yes,”I said,”That’s why everyone here wears pants.”

   I realized how James had a dragon birthmark on his shoulder blade. I never knew why it was a dragon or that it never bothered me until now. He was on my computer watching videos of me when I was little and acting stupid for attention.

“Ace was a pup when you were born,”James said,”I thought he would be older than that.”

   Everyone except my old friends and Layne went to the computer. Layne was still loving the knowledge the book had. My friends were spinning in the office chairs I had here. I looked at the golden coin in my hand. On one side it had a knife on it, the other was my family name.

Marks are strong people and leaders,My dad’s voice said in my head,We protect what we care about. Even if it means losing your life.

  I blacked out to the long days me and my dad spent in that room, the training room. I was five years old and people started to take notice in me. I always wanted to be like him but could never do it.

“I’m never going to get this,”I said sitting on the floor,”I can’t even judo flip a stupid dummy.”

“Because you’re not trying,”My father said so calmly,”You know it takes time to become strong. Just find what moves you to act and achieve it.”

I took a deep breath and said,”Losing you, mommy, and my friends. I can’t stand that.”

“Just remember though,”He said kneeling beside me,”What makes you act can hurt you. We protect what we care about the most. Even if it means losing our life.”

“What’s your daddy?”I asked.

“You, my princess,”He said hugging me.

 I started to come back at that moment and honestly I wanted to stay there. Ace laying by my head and everyone was around me. I started to sit up with Ace helping me. Everyone looked at me like it was bad or something terrible had happened.

“How long was I out?”I asked knowing it had to be about thirty minutes,”What time is it?”

“You were out for two minutes,”Macy said.

“Two minutes!”I said surprise,”It had to be at least thirty.”

  No one said anything to me at that statement. I got up and walked over to my computer. They were watching my flip fails and I was embarrassed to have them on this device. I rubbed my head remembering them all to well for my taste. I exited out of it and pulled up the video of my dad before I was born. He was carry Ace and the video explained everything I would ever needed to know about the world I lived in.

  The video was roughly an hour long and I sat there as they watched it not taking their eyes of it. I listened to him explain all the rules and our traditions but I knew it all already. I was watching in the background to see my crazy uncle, who was in New Orleans still hopefully. He was mocking my dad which made me smile.

   After showing my friends the video, I had worked up the nerve to ask James about his birthmark. Everyone looked at him for the answer to it. He stood there for the count of twenty before talking.

“I’m from a different tribe,”He said,”The american dragon tribe. You know that is right, Jess?”

“Kind of,”I said trying to recall on what my dad said,”It’s kind of...I didn’t really understand it once my dad told me.”

“Of course you didn’t,”James said,”The two tribes are way different. The rules and techniques are not even on the same world base. One uses magic while the other uses weapons.”

“I know that, Dragon boy,”I almost snapped,”Isn’t it like you can control fire or something. I remember Dad saying something like that.”

  James engulfed his right hand in fire. It was cool, but it was only one hand. I was curious on why I needed to know this. I really didn’t get that part of it plus some of the other details.

“Can you do that with your other hand?”I asked after a few seconds.

  He looked at his other hand and did it. It was cool, except for the fact that he got a third degree burn on it. He looked at me than his hand and shook his head in a ‘heck no’ way. I wanted to laugh at him but I already did that on him trying to ask me a question thing.

“Do you have anything for burns?”He asked.

Chapter 9

 “Run to the tunnels,”I yelled.

“I thought you said it was safe here,”Layne yelled throwing his axe at a zombie,”You owe me two axes, Jess.”

“Where is James?”Macy yelled.

    The school was being attacked by Mr. Mathew and a huge group of zombies. James was on top of a building snipping everything that came close to us. Our group made it to the tunnels at last but James was still out there. He had his earpiece in, so I put a camera on Ace and sent him to James’s side to give me a view on how things were going. I pulled it up on my laptop to see what he was doing still out there.

“James.”I said into my earpiece,”What are you doing? We made it to the tunnels. You need to get out of there, Now!”

“Hey, I see that Mathew guy,”He said as Ace looked at him then to Mr. Mathes.

“I know,”I said looking at my laptop.

“How do you know that,”He said looking at Ace,”Is there a camera on Ace?”

  Ace barked and turned to see what was going on. The groups of people that I known my whole life was being taken away. Amanda was standing on the middle platform while everyone else was being attached. I saw two zombies carry a small girl from the Ach tent up to her. The Ach were strong warriors and a proud swordsmen. Amanda looked at the child and told the zombies to put her with the rest.

“That low life trader!” I yelled.

“That was my ear Jess,”James said.

  Ace took off and I lost track of what was going on out there. I tried to tell James that I had lost track of him, but I got no answer. When Ace came in, the poor wolf had a bullet wound in its leg.

“First my friends and now MY dog,”I said running to Ace,”This has gone too far. I’m calling an attack on this Idiot.”

“Jessica, Don’t you think you’re taking it too far,”Layne said.

  At that moment the tribe adults without their kids came in. They all looked just as mad as I was. My grandmother came in with my aunt and uncle, that I haven’t seen in years. He was my dad’s brother and he didn’t have a wife yet.

“Hey mini Randy,”He said,”Where’s everyone? Your mother, siblings, and stepfather. Or did they get taken as well?”

“I’m not in the mood to jock with you, Uncle Jack,”I snapped at him,”My friends and our tribe are being taken right now. So just shut that big mouth of yours.”

  Mr. Rox walked up and said he barely escaped. Then turned to me as his eyes changed its color to brown as if he was in deep thought. Everyone else left except for Mr. Rox, my grandma, my friends, and Aunt stayed here with me. Mr. Rox opened his mouth to say something but stopped once James’s voice came through my computer’s speakers.


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