American library books ยป Adventure ยป Hunters & Dragons by Nick Venom (top non fiction books of all time txt) ๐Ÿ“•

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The woman said before smiling. Noah nodded and thanked her before leaving the shack and returning home. 

With him gone, the woman reached behind the stool she sat on and took out a photo. In the photo was her son and his girlfriend smiling and enjoying their time on the beach. โ€œThis happened a day before Overpoweredโ€™s backlash got himโ€ฆ I wonder how his girlfriendโ€™s doing since our parting,  all of those years ago.โ€ She muttered to herself. โ€œI wonder how Noah will fare with his new skillโ€ฆโ€


Noah returned home and noticed that everybody was hard at work to pack up. Russ took notice of him as he entered the house. โ€œHey, Noah! Iโ€™m heading home for Christmas!โ€ He announced.

โ€œSame here for me!โ€ Thatcher shouted from his room, upstairs.

โ€œOkay, then see you guys after Christmas,โ€ Noah said. Russ nodded, with his bags in both hands, and walked out of the door, struggling to carry them. Thatcher came out from his room with four bags in his hands, carrying them with ease.

โ€œMake sure youโ€™re exercising,โ€ Thatcher said as he passed him.

โ€œI will, thanks, mom.โ€ He joked.

โ€œGood,โ€ Thatcher said, smiling. He walked out of the room, leaving only Jean and Noah left in the house. Noah shook his head while grinning, watching as Thatcher left. He then turned around, sitting down on the couch and staring up at the ceiling.

โ€œN-Noah?โ€ Noah looked over at Jean, who appeared with a bag in her hand. โ€œD-D-Doโ€ฆ Do you wan-wa-waโ€ฆ Do you want to go to my house!โ€ She shouted after stuttering. Noah jumped up from the couch and tilted his head.

โ€œYou want meโ€ฆ to go to your house?โ€ Noah asked. Jean nodded, blushing on both cheeks. She raised her bag to hide her face.

โ€œI-I do-donโ€™t want you to be lonely.โ€ She whispered. Noah broke out a small smile before he began to laugh. Jean lowered the bag and glared at him.

โ€œN-No! Iโ€™mโ€ฆ not laughing at you! I was taken by surprise by your offer.โ€ He told her.

โ€œDonโ€™t do thatโ€ฆ โ€œ She said with her pink cheeks on full display.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry Jean. I would be thrilled to accept your invite,โ€ he said before bowing his head. Jean puffed her cheeks up before walking over to Noah and hitting him in the head with her bag. โ€œHey! What was that for?โ€ He asked.

โ€œYou have ten minutes before we miss the carriages.โ€ She told him before she walked out of the house and stood on the porch, blushing up an entire storm. Noah smiled at her before turning around and heading up to his room. He grabbed his stuff and packed it within a couple of minutes, returning to Jeanโ€™s side.

โ€œShall we go?โ€ He asked, extending his hand out. Jean, nervously, took his hand. Noah then dragged her towards the carriages. โ€œI hope that your family likes me!โ€ He exclaimed while they ran.

โ€œIโ€ฆ I hope so too.โ€ She whispered while staring at Noahโ€™s face, which was in a mix of delight and curiosity. They made it to the carriages on time, departing for Jeanโ€™s home as the snow fell overhead. โ€œIโ€ฆ likeโ€ฆ you.โ€ She muttered under her breath while sitting down next to Noah, putting her head on his shoulder. The wind managed to block her words out, leaving Noah with a pile of confusion.


Upon arriving, Jeanโ€™s parents were thrilled to have Noah over and teased Jean about him. On the other hand, Jeanโ€™s brother, Erin, exclaimed that โ€œhe wants to take Jean from us!โ€ 

To which her parents responded with: โ€œwhy not take her?โ€ 

Unlike Erin, the eldest sister, Izabelle, enjoyed having Noah over and invited him over for next Christmas while teasing Jean about bringing a boy her age over. 

The six of them then drank while opening up presents, none of them for Noah, as Christmas music played on a small stereo. The next day, none of them would remember every detail about the previous night, leaving Erin suspicious about Noah sleeping with Jean while the rest of the family laughed and teased the two. Noah and Jean blushed up a storm during his stay. Their eyes would link with each other often with words being whispered and never heard by each other.

โ€œI love you.โ€

โ€œI love you.โ€

However, the music was too loud for them to hear each other.


Publication Date: 08-14-2019

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