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Read book online Β«Matrix by Katryn Ali (read any book TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Katryn Ali

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β€œShe is not my responsibility! I have to find my boys!” he yelled.

I stretched and smiled as I woke up. There sat Tiel on the other bed, on top a pillow at the head with his legs crossed just looking at me. It had been several days. I no longer had oxygen or an IV. I was pretty much all healed up, my head injury I mean. Tiel did not look happy. He was beginning to forget. β€œWho are you?” he asked me.

Michael had paid for up to a week here at this motel and had food daily delivered. I finally woke up but Tiel was pretty much long gone now upstairs if you know what I mean. He was convinced that he was an angel from heaven and that God was not there. That God had left them with no explanation.

Tiel had not met up with Flanagan or Cetera before his true memories of them started to fade, but they too were in their own world here, living and believing the terrible lies.

They believed that they had been born here and were humans that grew up. They lived the lie and false memories that they had lived next door to each other while growing up and were the best of buds. That they went and did detective work for an agency a lot like the X-Files.

Castiel sighed. He shook his head. β€œAAyael, I don't have much time. This dimension is beginning to affect my mind. Soon I will forget who you are and where I am originally from,” he told me.

I sat up. β€œWhere are you from, Ti?” I asked him. He looked at me like I was an alien.

β€œI am an Angel of the Lord,” he finally said. Was that the truth or the fantasy he was now living?

He seemed to snap out of it for a moment again. β€œWhy are you not affected?” he barked. I took his hands and sat next to him and looked into his beautiful face. β€œI belong to the Lord, He is protecting me,” I said. But Tiel was gone again. β€œYou are not His,” he surprised me by saying and he looked at me with murder on his mind.







Tiel now believed the illusion that I was once an angel of Heaven but that I rebelled and was wanted by all the garrisons. To kill me if found.

β€œAAyael,” he spoke and grabbed my arm. β€œYou will not elude us again.”

I tried to pull away but he had a firm grip. He placed his hands around my head and I could feel power rush.

β€œYou are damaged. I will put you out of your pathetic misery. For you must die,” he shocked me by saying. I felt his power begin to cause my heart to skip. β€œStop it!” I howled and kicked him in the gut with my foot. He was outraged by now and determined to end my life.

β€œDo not resist. I will make this painless and show you mercy,” he told me. I felt my throat closing.

β€œGet your hands off me in Jesus' Name!” I hollered and slapped him hard, getting my left hand free. He seemed to wreath in pain by the name of the One who redeemed me.

He then seemed to snap out of it long enough to tell me to run. That he didn't know how long he could hold back the terrible illusion that wanted to claim his whole mind.

β€œTake this. It may be able to get you back to your universe somehow. I had it around my neck. It seemed to keep me secured there. I didn't know and when I removed it, was when I got zapped right back here,” he told me placing the necklace with the crystal attached to it, into my hands now. β€œBut you must wear it,” he said.

β€œLook up Thomas Flanagan and Samuel Cetera. Maybe we'll both get lucky and find them here,” he told me.

I then left the motel room. Where was I even to start looking?

Tiel was furious that the angels hadn't rescued me from this horrible place. It just made his heart turn more against God.


During the next several months Tiel did in fact, meet up with his boys but they all thought they were someone else and did not recall each other. All their previous memories were gone now.


I cried and cried as it rained hard. I had nowhere and I was all alone here. How could Tiel do this to me? I knew it was not his fault about this universe fogging up his noggin but to try to kill me thinking me some rogue angel..


Tiel was dead set on finding AAyaelees. She had to be put down. She was the enemy of the Lord. With sword in hand he was zeroing in.

He found me in an old abandoned warehouse. β€œCas, she's just a kid,” Thomas spoke. Here they only knew him as the Angel of the Lord, Castiel.

β€œDon't let that innocent face fool ya. She is powerful and dangerous. She must be stopped at all costs,” he told him and Sam.

He had been ordered to do so by another Arch Angel in Heaven (Who was only an undecided caught up in all the lies as well).

β€œPlease, help me. You all don't understand,” I begged. I felt faint. Cetera even though he was going by a different name now. and even though he did not know he was an Angel anymore, still sensed how ill this woman was. β€œCas, she has a high fever. An angel would not be sick like this,” he told him.

β€œCareful. She is trying to trick you,” Castiel replied. They all 3 believed they were the good guys going up against evil. All kinds of evil.

β€œCas, wait,” Cetera said as he approached me with his sword.

β€œTiel, please, you do not remember. Try... The Seaside Hotel where we met. You were injured. You were looking for these two,” I said and said. He stopped. He looked puzzled now. A flash of memory found its way to the top. β€œAAyael?” he spoke.

β€œWe got sucked into this terrible place. You were looking for your boys, these two,” I reminded. Tiel now looked at Thomas and Samuel, but here they went as other names, but we will just keep them as Thomas and Samuel when addressing them so as not to make it more confusing than it is.

β€œWhat is she talking about?” Thomas blared. Cetera began to recall something. β€œWait, yes, we were with Tiel. He was injured badly. He was in intensive care. We were not sure he would make it,” Cetera began saying.

A demon wanted me dead. It began to roar inside Tiel's skull. Others used their magical spells to thicken the chaos around the 3 angels.

β€œNo! No! No! She is deceiving us! No more stalling. She has to die, now!” Castiel bellowed, then came at me. He flashed his sword type knife and its blade knocked against the crystal and an energy charged out forth from it. It somehow activated it now and the residue from the other dimension inside of me.

A wind began to blow which should not be so in a warehouse tightly shut with no breezes. What was occurring was, I could not stay in this dimension any longer with the crystal activated now by Tiel's sword.

It was the metal in the sword that did it. What happened to Cas, Flan, and Cet, when they had been in the other universe, was what was happening to me now.

Tiel lunged at me then with his knife. I wasn't fast enough to get out of the way and he stabbed me.

I was so hurt in my heart that Tiel could do such a thing. Even though he lost his marbles so to speak here in this awful universe, he still should not have wanted to kill me.

No, not deep inside and that should have prevented this that had happened. I looked at him. He did look sorry for a moment. β€œI'm sorry, girl,” he told me, softly. It was like he remembered something, but only for a second.

Anger filled up his face again and a satisfaction for finally knifing me. Then a portal opened and I got sucked through it before he could confirm I was dead.

β€œNo, you don't!” Tiel roared running toward the portal that had zapped me inside. But it closed as he flung himself to try to get to where I had gone. I must have used a spell to open a doorway. Tiel ended up landing hard onto the pavement inside the building. Boy, was he ever mad that I got away...



As soon as I ended back up at the Seaside Hotel I cried out for help. I was back inside that hotel room I let Tiel use.

β€œHelp me!” I cried as I came out into the hall. Yoha, who was waiting and ready for me to arrive, then rushed down the ladder he was using to change a light bulb. He ran over to me.

He called an ambulance. β€œYou’re going to be alright honey. Just stay still,” he said and placed a towel down over the wound in my chest. He pressed down hard so I wouldn't bleed out any more. Luckily Tiel had missed any major organs or I'd be dead. Again.

I was loaded up in the ambulance. I had been missing for over a week. β€œOh man, what happened to you sweet heart?” Ycantohgs blared after he was told I was found and was stabbed.

I was loaded up in the ambulance. Yoha got into the back and started an IV. Ycantohgs went to give his aide. β€œI thought you were a maintenance man?” he questioned him.

β€œI am, part-time, on the side. I do odd jobs,” Yoha told him. I wondered before I lost consciousness if he was an Angel. He looked awfully familiar.


After arriving at the hospital Cyrus rushed over. He was assigned to take my case.

β€œStab wound,” Yoha spoke. But Cyrus already knew it all and that it had been Tiel who had stabbed me.

β€œYou’re going to be alright. I'm going to put you to sleep and fix your chest,” he told me. He was so kind. I remembered him from the hotel room, or was that a dream?

He then knocked me out with some medication he gave through my IV. He intubated me as soon as I was placed in the OR at the Trauma Center.

The last thing I heard before knocking clear out was,” forgive Tiel, AAyael. He wasn't aware of what he was doing...”

CHAPTER 9 No Place but To Roam
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