American library books Β» Adventure Β» The Obsolete by Cama Seeney (essential reading TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Obsolete by Cama Seeney (essential reading TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Cama Seeney

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tight smile. β€˜Well I suppose you can guess which group has a stick up their asses.’ I muttered looking over to where Beth lounged over Landon's arm, he saw me looking and slowly raised his eyebrow. Yet again I snorted and turned away. β€˜I’d mind what you say if I were you.’ He told me quietly, grabbing the cigarette from behind his ear and rolling it in his fingers. Who brings cigarettes to gym? I thought perplexed.  


β€˜I have a habit of doing the opposite.’ I replied almost laughing and catching his cigarette and he threw it in the air. He glared at me until I passed it back with a little grin. I looked into his light brown eyes, they appeared honey like, his skin was pale. Why wasn’t he with the other pales? I asked myself silently. β€˜I have a habit of being a loner.’ He muttered back walking away from me, closer to the other group. And before I shock you to death I don’t mean the other pales. No, I mean he walked straight towards Deven, the grouchie one. He said something, shook his head and turned to leave. I watched as Deven turned towards him slowly, placing his hand on his arm, looking straight into his face and quietly whispered to him until he nodded.



 What did I say? I asked myself. Sighing I turned away, I suppose here no one's normal. I suppose everyone here has something shoved up their own ass. Brad called my name and I turned to see him throw a ball straight at my face. I caught it before I was left pin wheeling and falling ass first on the ground or something. I laughed and dropped the ball waiting for it to bounce before I kicked it straight at his stomach. Which he caught easily with a step back, I sighed that was a good kick I was proud of it. β€˜Basketball or football?’ He asked throwing me a perfect dunk. I snorted and shrugged. β€˜Either, you’ll get whooped whatever we play.’ I called out. He threw the football in the air before catching it again. β€˜Allie, Sam. Dev, Char wanna rematch ladies?’ He asked a group of people I didn’t know.   Char - the pale face from earlier smiled uneasily. Wherst Allie or Sam I couldn't tell which yet grinned openly. She was dressed in dark three quarter length joggers and a black top. Her dark brown hair was braided down her back and her eyes shone with the dark makeup surrounding them. β€˜Let’s do it.’ Deven muttered darkly, though he did look a little pleased.


Brad jogged back towards the guys entrance and we followed him, straight through the little corridor - which smelt like old ass by the way, there were three doors - on the left looked to be the teacher's office, on the left led to the guys stench and straight forward led to another hallway. On the left was the guy's bathroom, straight forward led to the stairs I went down earlier and to the left was a door leading to a big empty field with bare goal posts begging to be scored.   


Char was smaller than both Brad and his even bigger brother Dev, but he was leaner too. He seemed wiry, strong but thin. He had the possibility to be fast even though he was also shorter than both. His dark hair covered his eyes but he seemed to like it that way. He seemed to lack the life that Brad seemed to just have buckets off. He bounced and dribbled the ball even though no one was near him, Dev was neither still or in motion. He seemed to own each footstep he took and didn't care what he stood on. Looking at the darker of the too girls was strange, she seemed to fit in with these guys, wherest what could only be said to be her brighter twin did not.  


Instead of almost black hair the other girl had almost blond hair. Her face was filled with freckles from spending too much time in the sun, laughter and smiles always seemed to lighten her olive face. Brad jogged past me kicking the ball in a direction next to me, instead of letting it past I jumped forward and kicked the ball to the lighter one of the twins who giggled and kicked it to her sister. Who promptly took off running towards the empty goal. Char seeing it empty took off in a serous sprint. Gaining on her faster than should be possible. He tackled her from behind and quickly took control over the ball.  


I didn’t want to chance it, I already turned tail and sprinted past the surprised looking Devon and towards our own goal. Seconds later I heard footsteps following me. I laughed and sped up, stopping and turning when the goal was close enough. I turned around and walked backwards slowly, still wanting to get closer to the goal. Is that not off side?’ I asked Char was up near Allie, Sam. Brad was behind Dev already passing him the ball. β€˜Now it is.’ He called out laughing as he kicked the ball in the goals general direction. I dived and caught the ball, and mud scrapes. Jumping back up to my feet I kicked the ball as far as I could, the lighter hair coloured twin sprinted towards it.   β€˜You're alright V.’ Brad called out taking a seat by me, flopping on the floor with zero dignity. I giggled and tried not to glare at him, the more I reacted to the nickname the more he’d call me it.



  β€˜Better than you Princess.’ I told him crossing my arms as he grabbed a pair of goalie gloves from his pockets, throwing them at me he grinned as the came up short. β€˜Yea, I doubt they’ll fit me.’ I told him looking down at the discarded gloves. β€˜There smalls I checked.’ He replied jumping back to his feet and snatched them up. He strolled over and grabbed my hand gently. Pushing my hand into one he didn't the velcro up. I held my hand in the air and did the same with the other, it was evident by the size difference in my hands that they were way to big. Immediately he cracked up and his brother kicked the ball at the back of his head, I cracked up too and threw my glove at his ducked head. β€˜Ow!’ He called out turning around and β€˜booting’ as some call it, the ball at his brother. Deven dodged the ball and rugby tackled his brother to the floor.



The two rolled around for a minute only as brothers can before Char walked over calmly and sat on them both. Causing the darker twin ( pretty sure I’d heard her being called sam) to jump on top and then even Allie piled on, I spotted the ball looking lonely and sprinted past them and kicked the ball, running towards the goal I heard Brad shout seconds before I scored. Giggling I turned and nearly banged into Char. β€˜I win.’ I called  out breathing heavily but more surprised at how quickly he'd managed to untangle himself and be right behind me.  jogging back to the other end of the pitch. β€˜Sneaky. I like it.’ The lighter haired twin called high fiving me, Allie? 'You were the destruction, technically you did half the work.' I replied slapping her hand before turning back to Brad. 'You really don't like gloves do you?' He asked holding the floppy glove in the air. 'Only yours.' I replied giggling and jogging back to my place in goal.



Publication Date: 09-04-2015

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