Genre - Adventure. You are on the page - 162
Erica, a seemingly normal bartender for her bipolar manager, Dan, at the establishment Self Indulgence struggles with an inner demon, and not in the metaphorical sense. It's not easy in the life of a vampyre, and Erica's only wish is to be normal like everyone else, to be human like everyone else. But the mistakes of her ancestor and a greek goddess has cursed her with this abnormality in her blood for the rest of her days. That is, until this same goddess reveals herself to Erica and offers
Mission; Deliver an aging C-54 aircraft to the Air America group operating out of Da Nang Vietnam and Long Tieng (L21) Laos and return home and return to his every day civilian lifestyle. Team leader AD1 Tim Ryan has his hands full on the mission from the start with an adventurous young bunch of crew members that over indulge in the night out in Olongopo during their RON in the Philippines. Ryan continues with crew to Vietnam where he meets Sean Casey and a girl that is connected with the