You are in the section on architecture, which will help you find literature on architecture and all issues related to it. Our library is a completely open system of electronic sources in architecture and construction.
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Our library allows you to find and read online various books on construction and architecture.
Sometimes we all need a little inspiration when it comes to construction, renovation, design projects or just a little help finding our own style. Fortunately, if the reader thinks he needs help, then he should use the books on our site.
- Looking for ideas for home renovations?
- Thinking about how to make a multi-purpose garage or a regular barn?
- Are you writing an essay or research paper on the development of this art along with engineering and design?
- Are you planning to improve your skills?
- Want to learn something new about the world of construction and design?
- Looking for new ideas?
- Need to get rid of stupor at work?
Answers to these questions and other questions can be found in our online library.
What creates the spatial environment and atmosphere for human life? What is the main factor in the perception of reality? Of course, architecture is an artistic organization of space, which is based on building structures. It's something like a spatial art form. Transforming the most ordinary building structure into a composition is the artistic meaning of the art of architecture. But architecture is not just about designing public and private buildings. In addition to the general aesthetic appearance of the buildings, the functionality, safety and well-being of the population must be ensured.
An important role in architecture belongs to the new creative search for progressive trends, concepts, principles and techniques in the field of construction. Recently, modern architects have been facing environmental issues, construction, environmental materials, rational use of space in general, and others.
On our shelves, the reader may think, there are not many books and materials, but this is just the beginning. Funds are constantly evolving and replenishing, so use the search to find and read the book you need.
If you are interested in a particular source, write to us - we will try to find it and supplement the online shelves so that you and other visitors to our site can read a book on architecture in English anytime and anywhere.