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this door…
I spotted a large crate “I guess these are the materials I was sent here for” I said to myself lifting the heavy crate.
I walked out of the outpost and back toward the main temple; it would take me almost twice as long carrying...whatever this was….
I suddenly dropped the crate, my heart started to beat faster again, my vision was blurred, and my head felt as if it had been hit by a ten ton bolder.
“What’s happening?!” I said as the pains got worse, and my heart beat even faster, and my vision got dark.
A human-like shadow appeared in front of me, with a slightly worried look.
“Hello…brother” the shadow said, in a slightly distorted voice.
“Draco…is this your doing?” I asked.
“No, i want to help you, but first you have to LET me help you” the shadow replied.
“But…who is doing this then?... if it is not you…” I trailed off.
“That is not important right now... you just have to remember…five-hundred and eighty-nine…” the shadow said.
“But…” I trailed off, the pain still coursing through me.
“Just…remember…. And also… it is the leader of those who are opposites of the ones you now are a part of… who carry the answers to your pain, to your past, and even your future” the shadow said, slowly fading into nothing.
I stood up... the pain now gone... but I could not see….I could hear faint static in the distance.
I wondered if I should investigate the sound further or not….
I walked toward the sound, as it grew louder I could feel the pain building up again… someone... or something... did not want me to follow this sound, but I continued none the less.
I thought I had reached the source of the sound when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, I tried to feel my neck to see what was wrong but instead I fell over onto the ground and passed out.
I awoke and looked around “what happened?” “Where am I?” “Am I alive?” I asked myself.
I tried to get to my feet, but found I had no strength left to move, it was as if I was held to the ground by a two ton weight.
“Do not waste your strength” a strange voice said to me.
“Who are you? Where am i? What happened?” I asked.
“All in due time.” The voice replied.
“I don’t have time for this!” I said, and forced myself to stand.
“Now, do not get ahead of yourself” the voice said, sending what seemed like lightning strikes of darkness toward me.
I did a quick duck roll to the side and threw a dagger at the stranger, aiming for his neck.
“You will not win that easily……for you cannot kill what is already dead” the stranger said, fading.
“I want answers!” I exclaimed, trying to grab the stranger but it was too late, he was gone.
“Well it seems I will be finding my own answers at the moment…” I thought to myself.
It was strange, one moment I could not see and I was hearing things, the next I am on the ground with barely any strength left listening to some stranger.
But there was no time to worry about such things now I thought as I walked slowly toward a sparkling blue lake in the distance.
It was then I saw the crate again, the same one I had picked up and quickly dropped on my mission.
“I should get it, no since in leaving it here…” I said as I walked toward it.
It was then I saw another human-like shadow appear in front of me, this one was far from friendly I noticed.
“Do not touch that crate or it will be your last move” the shadow said, in sophisticated yet aggressive voice.
“I am on a mission from the general…” I said, hoping that maybe the strange shadow would at least know who I was sent by.
The shadow laughed “so I see, well go and get it then.” As it disappeared slowly I began to walk closer to the crate.
Suddenly there came a scream in the distance and my head began to ache…I closed my eyes… and when I opened them I had a feeling a déjà vu…
I looked at a letter I was now holding in my hand “Mercenary, you have been chosen for contract #581, kill the rebel named “Draco” and take any of the other high ranking rebels out, good luck and spirits be with you – The Golden wolf temple” the year on the letter said “January 9th, 1470” …but that could not be true… that was all in the past.. But then... I saw myself walking past what was the battle of the rose petals… which actually had nothing to do with roses and was mostly painted the color of a red rose petal…but...that was the only similarity I could tell….
I followed my former self to the rebellions castle in the far corners of the forest; I knew what would happen… made me have an extreme since of dread.
Later, the former version of myself arrived inside the castle and I followed...nothing but a ghost of my future self.
“Draco, brother! How are you?” my former self said, in a fake happy tone.
“It has been too long! Where have you been?” Draco said.
“I have been here and as usual” my past self replied, slowly reaching for a dagger.
“let me get us a drink, shall i?” Draco said, turning around.
My former self quickly drew the blade and stabbed it into the back of my brother, quickly pulling it out, sheathing it and walking away as if nothing happened.
Draco collapsed on the floor as guards rushed to help him, but it was too late.
My former self casually made way out of the entrance, holding a small medal that Draco was wearing moments ago “…too easy…” my former self said, walking to a strange figure.
“I assume you got the job done?” the figure asked.
“It was no problem; I was in and out in less than five minutes.” My former self said.
“Good, now take this and leave, we do not want them to be suspicious of your being here.” The figure handed my past self a small pouch and quickly walked away.
My past self soon followed in turn, but left in an opposite direction.
I closed my eyes for a moment, and then opened them to find what seemed to be home…
I looked around the room, “father?” I said whilst walking slowly toward the exit.
There came no response.
I slowly opened the door; it made a creek as it opened “it did not do that before….” I said to myself, walking outside.
It was then I saw that crate again…
I walked to it slowly, as I got only a few feet away, I saw a strange pool of blood surrounding it. “What in the…” i looked up only to see that the crate was gone.
Surprised, I jumped back, looking around. “What just happened??” I thought.
I closed my eyes again “Please all mighty spirits... I want to go home….” I said softly, holding a necklace that was in the shape of a cross.
There came no reply, no light, in fact... at that moment, was when it became dark again, I longed for the light, but I knew I would get none…
Then, as If out of my own self, the darkness in the air started to take form around me, I could not see, could not hear, my breathing started to slow, I felt as if I was dying slowly… but felt no pain…
I opened my eyes; daring to look at what was making me a captive, but… there was nothing… my senses were back. “What just happened….” I said, looking around, hoping for answers.
But there was no time, for as soon as I thought I saw someone in the corner of my vision, my vision went dark again, and when I got it back… I was not in the forest any more…not in the temple… the shelter... the castle... or anywhere I knew of, it was some kind of village from what I saw at first… I would have to examine further to be sure…
Chapter 3: Promises broken…
Date: March 21st, 1470.
“Promise no matter what, we will always look after each other…” I heard Draco’s voice in my head… it was when we were but children… promises meant nothing then….right?
“I promise, no matter what, I will always help” I remembered saying…
I shook my head to snap out of the memory. “It was just a childhood promise, they never last….” I said to myself trying to reassure that what I did was strictly business and nothing more.
Then I walked further into the strange village, fog filled the air making it near impossible to see, but I kept walking
Moments later I saw a strange figure in the distance “hey! Can you help me I got lost in this strange place an---“the figure was gone…
I looked around “but just a second ago…” I thought.
I walked to where the figure was but moments ago, looking around for some sort of sign.
I struggled to even see a foot in front of me because of the thick fog.
“…maybe it was just my imagination… the fog is getting to me…” I thought, as I started to walk down a path in the village, which was slowly starting to look more and more deserted as I progressed…
I stopped as I heard the words in my head again. “Promise…” I heard my brother’s voice, this time in a much sadder sounding tone.
I looked up at the sky angrily “that promise meant nothing! I killed you because it was on the contract... not because I hated you…but because of my own greed, is that you what you want me to say?!” I said.
Then as I continued to stare at the sky, it did something I was never expecting, it started to rain blood.
I quickly looked down as to not get the blood in my eyes “what’s happening?” I asked myself, wondering if it was what I said that caused this.
But it was then I saw the figure again “you! Stop! Do you know what’s going on?!” I asked, running to the figure.
But as soon as I almost reached the figure… there was no trace.
I looked at where the figure had once stood, there was some kind of strange note, and I picked it up and looked at it.
The text was in some strange ancient language… even with all my years of training on these types of things I could not read it.
Suddenly the note burned in my hands, after staring at where it used to be for a while I walked down the street, arriving at an old church.
“There might be someone in here to tell me how to get out of this place” I said quietly as I walked inside, the church bells rang loudly as I did…
The figure was there again, sitting in one of the pews turned around and looking at me, as if knowing I would be there.
I walked to the pew and sat down next to the figure, “You again….why do you keep running every time I try to ask you something?” I asked.
The figure spoke in a soft, almost hypnotic voice. “I…I did not want you to hurt me, like you did him…” the figure said, slightly scared by my presence.
“Why would I hurt you? who is ‘him’?” I asked.
“You kill others for money…” the figure said, with a hint of
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