A Girl With A Crush!! by Reyna Wells (best e ink reader for manga txt) π

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- Author: Reyna Wells
Read book online Β«A Girl With A Crush!! by Reyna Wells (best e ink reader for manga txt) πΒ». Author - Reyna Wells
Brandan drove up to my house. He saw a car that he has never seen here before. He walked up to the door, he heard voices inside. He couldn't tell if it was me or not, he listened till he though it was stupid and just knocked on the door.
I was inside talking to me mom and this random guy. i heard the door bell, I opned it, there stood Brandan smiling.
"You made it!
I leaned in, kissed him on he lips.
"Come on in sweety." I said tha rather loudly.
He walked in, I could tell that he was confused about what was going on.
"Brittant, ARic, this is Brandan. This is Brittany and her boyfriend Eric.
Brandan sat down next to me and put his arm around me. We all talked intill Brittant and Eric had to leave. Now it was Brandan and I.
"Wy did you call me your boyfriend?"
"Well here's the think, I told her all about us, she wanted to come see you. She doesn't that we had broken up yet, I haven't told her yet."
"Oh, okay. Bye then!"
He walked towards the door, I was about to regrete what i was about to ask.
"Wait Brandan."
He turned around, he looked at me.
"What is it?"
"Do you have a crush on someone?"
I shouldn't have asked that, I should already know that the answer to that.
"Yeah, why are you asking?"
"Is she pretty? Does she like you back?"
"I hope she still loves me. She is the prettiest girl in school though."
"I think she still love you as a boyfriend..."
"She does?!"
"Yeah, what's her name though?"
"I will always trust her for now on. Her name is, Ashley Martin."
"Oh Brandan...I love you too!"
I ran into his arms, we kissed. Ever time I kiss him, i alwasy fall back in love with him.
"Brandan, do you really do love me, right?"
"Yes! I have had a crush on you since kindergarten."
"Really?! Your just like me in away."
By tehn, we were sitting on the couch, in front of the fire place. We bout fell asleep.
When I woke up, Brandan was gone! I got up, looked around for him. No sign of him anywhere!
Uneasy DayLater on at school...I was at my locker, fixing my make-up when Brandan was leaning against the locker next to mine. We started talking and laughing, holding hands. The other students noticed, it seemed that I only look happy when I'm with Brandan. My friends noticed it as well. We held hands while we were walking to class. Call me crazy but it looked like we were in love, when we get to our classroom, we would depart and go to our seats, depending on which class we were going to.
We both go the Mr. Baldwen's class, science. I sit by the window sometimes.
"Brittany and Miranda are sick this week so Brandan, Ashley, ya'll will be partners."
Brandan walked over to where I was sitting, when he sat down, Mr. Baldwen started with what we had to do today.
"You can finish your projects, you begin."
I turned toward Brandan, we smiled at each other. We were smart and worked on it during the week end so we had finished early.
"Mr. Baldwen?"
"Yes Ashley."
"What do we do when we have finished the project?"
"You can read, go to the libary, draw but ONLY the popular's can text."
Brandan and I looked at each other, we smiled then pulled out our phones.
"I can't believe that we can text during class!!"
"I know! What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't really know. What are you doing for Christmas break?"
"My mom is coming, my cousins and thier kids. What about you?"
"My family doesn't really care...they don't care what I do anymore plus they stopped doing Christmas together..."
"I'm sorry to hear that...I have an idea!"
"What is it? Don't leave me hanging babe."
"Well you can spend Christmas with me...but my mom doesn't like you that much though. What do you say?"
"Okay, when do you want me there?"
"Before my family comes, so they can meet you before my mom does."
"Okay, what time though?"
"I guess around twelve but some come around eleven-thirty."
"Okay, thanks for letting me spend it with ya'll, babe."
"Welcome! That's what girlfriend are for, aren't they?"
By then the bell rang, we turned our phones off and left the classroom. We were walking to my locker, holding hands as usual, when my friends were thinink that we were up to something. We were at my locker when Issac walked up to us.
"Babe, why are holding hands with him and not your actual boyfriend."
I was about to punch him when I turned around and looked at him, dead in the eye.
""Your not my boyfriend, you slapped me more than once, you kept doing it over and over. That kind of guy will not be my boyfriend, plus I already have one."
"Maybe I should it again since you didn't learn your lesson little girl."
Brandan started to get really angry, I was wondering when he would show that he was angry. He finially stepped in like I knew he would.
"You need to leaver her alone already."
"Who's going to make me?"
I started to feel a little scared now, I don't like when someone is trying to start a fight with Brandan when all he's trying to do is, protect the one he loves.
"ME! That's who."
I got out from behind Brandan and stood in between them, I'm going to try to make sure that they don't fight right here in school. I don't want Brandan exspended because he was trying to protect me.
"STOP!! Issac, we are over. Get that through your head already. My heart and love is to only to Brandan, no one else."
"Fine! Id on't need you, there are plenty of girls that would want to go out with all this."
"You should go look for her then...she's probably long gone by then cutie."
I made face when I said that to him, I made sure he didn't take it as something also, other then a sarcasim thing towards his girl.
He finially walked away after a while, he didn't say anything but he just turn, walked away without saying anything.
"Nice one babe."
i started to realized that the people around us, they heard everything that was going on. I doubt that he would find a girlfriend now, sucker!
I noticed that they were also paying attention to what he did and said together. They started to realize that we were in ded together and no one, I mean no one could break us a part.
The Un-needed MeetingAt my house...I was picking out an outfit for the Christmas Eve, when I heard the door bell. I was hoping it was Brandan. I went down stairs to see who it was when...IT WAS MY MOM!! I started to feel now, Brandan would get here when my mom is already here. Later on, the rest of them showed up. I didn't want to throw them out and make them wait till Brandan got here. I knew my mom came to give me something early but I wasn't sure if it was going to be something that I didn't really want.
"Where is my early Christmas present?"
"It will be here any minute now, daughter."
"Okay, mom. I guess I can wait then."
"Okay, Ashley."
I'm starting to really hate when my mom does that to me. I was taken away from my thoughts when I heard the door bell. I went to answer the door to see...Brandan!
"I'm here, babe."
"Come on in, please."
"Okay..is she early? Is that way you are acting this way."
"Yeah but please come on in."
He cam in, I shut the door behind him. I lead him to where my parents where, they were sitting on the couch in the livingroom.
"Mom, look who it is?"
My mom turned around expecting someone else.
"What is he doing here?"
I looked at dad for help, he just looked at me like I should know that he wasn't going to go against her. I shot mom my 'stop or your going to make me leave the house again.'
"That's a long story on why he's here but you need to be nice or we can leave."
"Fine but...why isn't he with his family though?"
I looked at her like she was ensane, I shot her a look of 'your really going to ask that when I already said that it was going to be a long-ish story about why he is here.
"MOM!! Your being very rude, you are making to where I will leave. He is my boyfriend and you are not allowed to be rude in my house, mother."
"Oh look, I think I smell my cookies."
I shot her another glare, 'your really going to do that.' She left for the kitchen, I turned toward Brandan, I could tell he was thinking of walking out. I pulled him from his thoughts, I grabbed his arm, I looked at him like...'please don't go sweety.' He sent me a look, he was showing me that he okay and wouldn't go.
"I have something for you babe."
"You shouldn't have gotten me something, I feel bad now. I didn't get you anything."
"It's okay, being here with you, it's present enough and here."
"I'll put under the tree, I'll open it when it's time."
He placed it under the tree, I sat down on the couch as he put his coat on the back of the couch. He sat down next to me, put his arm around me.
It felt like hours till i heard the door bell again. This time mom, she ran to it before anyone else could answer. She motioned for me to sitt back down while she got the door, I could hear voices but wasn't sure what she had in minded. I could tell that she was excited about something but wasn't sure what. I then heard a male voice that i have heard before.
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