The Secret of Falling Apple by Akbar Kouravand (free ebook reader for pc .txt) π

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- Author: Akbar Kouravand
Read book online Β«The Secret of Falling Apple by Akbar Kouravand (free ebook reader for pc .txt) πΒ». Author - Akbar Kouravand
Sound: But the balloon doesn't stay in space until we can press it.
ME: Yes, it's true. I know I have to take a balloon example to better understand you.
I continued to say: Gravity which is between the black vacuum and void vacuum makes the molten metal that is cooling and almost become spherical.
As you say, if the planets are fragments of the sun, they are all spherical-shaped and at certain intervals, with the number of certain moons and volumes and vacuums.
Never an irregular explosion is regular compounds to such an extent that will be full goal and science and math.
Dear audience: the air around us is very light and compressed, but it causes the apple to have weight and fall. The air pressure on the sea level is the highest and this pressure causes that the object thrown into the air falls down. The air itself also alters the creatures but affects the pressure and the objects of the earth, but it can never lonely cause the apple to fall. The role of the gravity of earth which is a black vacuum is very important absorbed by space and rotation of the planets.
In other words, if you put apples on the earth, due to gravity, with the air pressure stays on the earth and the air causes the apple to fall.
In other words, if you put the apples on the earth, it stays on the surface with the gravity of the earth.
The ocean's bottom also has massive water pressure. One man has the highest weight on the water because the pressure on the sea level has the highest level because the water level is equal to the earth. What is the relationship between the level of the air pressure, the air weight and the earth's gravity?
We said that the air weighs about 2.1 kg/m3.
If the moon does not have an atmosphere, when we travel to the moon, the spacecraft should use energy in order to land and take off the moon and it is due to the presence of a black vacuum inside the moon which is related to the void vacuum in terms of gravity. When you descend to the surface of the moon, the void vacuum presses at all levels with the same severity.
The spacecraft cannot fall on the moon surface because there is no air.
If you leave an apple at a distance of one meter from the moon surface, it will remain there and will not fall.
If you want to climb up the wall on the earth, you'll surely fall from the wall, but in the moon, you can climb a rocky cliff without falling. And if you suppose that the moon has an atmosphere, the rate of falling off its objects is related to the atmospheric density, so the higher the density of each planet is, the greater its rate of falling is.
Whatever clings to the planet can be absorbed by the black vacuumβs gravity, but it cannot be seen because there is no air.
The void vacuum itself also affects the moon, so the spacecraft is under the power of gravity inside and outside of the moon. But only until it stuck to the surface of the moon, the air causes the apples to fall, and the earth's gravity with air pressure makes the apples falling on the earth. If we consider the distance between the earth and ozone layer over 25 km, according to the weight of air, we will assume that the pressure of the air on one cubic meter of the earth, which is 2.1 kg/m3 is 52.500 kg, but the air density gets lower from the earth level to the altitude and this is due to the void vacuum of air around the earth. So the air on the earth surface as invisible cloud acts with weight and does not act as a weight-pressure, otherwise, the creatures are pressed. This density and compression of the air causes the falling and keeping creatures on the earth. The more compressed and the denser air is, the higher the falling is too. So the object weight is higher in compressed air. So the weight of a person is higher on the sea level than at a height of, say, 20 Km of the sea level.
Sound: But the density of air at this height is not the same.
ME: It's true that the pressure on Everest's top is lower than the sea level.
Sound: But how does this touch our weight and how it does not die us? How are we moving?
ME: The air is like an invisible tour on the entire surface of the earth and the sea and keeps everything underneath. At the surface of the earth, the air density is higher, but it does not break us and of course, we need to use the energy for moving, but we do not need the energy to fall. If you throw an apple in the air, it will be degraded depending on its height because the weight and pressure of the air cause to make its velocity higher and it degrades. The airβs weight makes the mass of objects on the earth.
The sea water also keeps the organisms in the sea, and every creature for moving, if it should move in the water, it will need energy, but the sea water does not damage the creatures of the sea. At depths of the sea, we will be mumbled, but fish will only die on the earth's surface and will not degrade.
The weight of the water does not disintegrate the creatures in the bottom of the sea but a creature in the ground being destroyed at the bottom of the water, and this is because of exiting the body βair, not water. Weight and compression of water also cause to fall, but not as much as falling in the air, because of the difference in weight between the object and the air
Is more than the object and water, and the falling is higher.
A vacuum is without weight but full of energy and force and the object is suspended in it = void sky.
The air is lightweight and the body falls in the blue sky
Water is heavily weighed and the body drowns in it floating sky
But now one question arises: why the pace of falling an apple in the air is more than water?
The greater the difference in weight of apple relative to its surroundings, the more velocity and the amount of falling, the more density of around apple, the less its weight.
So, is vacuum density more than air and water because it causes all thing gets weightlessness?
So what is the meaning of true density?
Sound: Please respond to the questions.
Mr. Kouravand, how do you state this scientific idea without higher education?
ME: Dear audience, my degree is a mathematics diploma. But whether your education increases your understanding to be able to better understand the world?
Will your discoveries be greater?
This is all the scientist and ... so why is it so low the number of your discoveries...
Higher qualifications help you interpret what you see and exist beyond that, I'm sure all the human-made ideas that grow our world is on the right path. God has allowed us to speak and execute the idea of a computer, power, and ship and so on.
It is true that the idea of ββmaking an aircraft is not intended for anyone who does not understand it but the idea fell into the minds of Wright brothers and how much people mocked them, but they were successful.
Unfortunately, your degree holders will compare everything with the degree. I have a diploma, but I can understand what's about space. A simple understanding of solar system structure.
I do not want to do heart surgery because I cannot do it. I can what I see and interpret, and I know that all the creatures of God in the same magnitude and His enormous wisdom has the beauty of simplicity and order if you understand the former, the latter one will be revealed to you.
Sound: Well, you said that there is no gravity that can drop the creatures on the earth, but then you said there is gravity. Please explain more.
ME: Yes, there is gravity and its force can cause the creatures to stay on the earth, but cannot cause falling the apples. This gravitational force originates from the black vacuum. There is a strong relationship between void vacuum in the sky and gravity to hold what is on the earth.
But there is air among these two vacuums and this gravity force causes air to be squeezed on the earth and there's something called the ozone layer and I called it the βair beachβ.
Sound: You cannot suddenly put your name on the world or change its name.
ME: Everything that is first discovered is called by its discoverer. I have the right to name the new law between planets and stars and the new law is βKouravand Lawβ.
They all looked at me ... they said what he says, heβs foolish ... you have not chosen your name ... So what do you say...
Sound: You said that the black vacuumβs gravitational force affects the vacuum of void (space). What is the origin of this gravity? Secondly, if it is not the atmosphere in the moon, how the gravity force works?
ME: Dear audience, in the end, I will give you all the explanation. Now I would say that Kouravand's law can express the secret of the Bermuda triangle and the mystery of the origin of the earthquake.
There is no air in the other planets that we can breathe and live through it and do build like the earth. The gravitational force within the moon is absorbing void vacuum, and if we assume that there is no air on the moon atmosphere, then this vacuum does not descend to the surface of the moon and will completely push over the surface of the moon and cause whatever it lies on the surface of the moon and stick to it.
Of course, I mean the force that results from the vacuum of gravity and the black vacuum, because the vacuum does not weigh any objects.
If you leave an apple at a distance of one meter above the surface of the moon, it will remain there. So to separate from the surface of the moon we need to use energy, we cannot walk the moon as easily as we walk on the earth.
Sound: How does the weight of the air which is 52.500 kg collapse us?
ME: See this weight may be less or more, but surely it is. We breathe air, the density of air is less than that of water. So, we collapse in the sea, but on the earth surface, we can walk. The air does not pressure us to crush us, but the environment makes a collapse will keep us on the earth. In a vacuum, weigh is void and in the air is more than water. Since the density is different in each case, do the energy consumption is different in each case. The greater the density of the environment, the more energy it consumes. In the vacuum, there is no weight, but it is higher in air than water, but it's full of energy and power, and I think objects in void vacuum have the peak of height, but due to the massive vacuum force, this weight is not visible and it is neutralized, like the fall of apples in water and the fall of apples in a container filled with oil. The higher the density of the liquid, the lower the velocity of falling. So whoever wants to land on the moon and separate from the moon must consume energy.
If the apple falls, it will be just because of the air, and if it stays on the earth, it will be for the sake of the air pressure
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