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to stifle my sobs he jumped up and ran over to me
“What’s going on?” he asked me
“Im moving out” i whispered rapping my arms round him
“What why? Don’t go please” he said pain leaking into his voice
“She has to” dad said in the door i couldn’t stop my tears
“Why” Lucas growled
“Because she is getting married” he said then walked away i couldn’t keep it in any more i broke down and sat on the floor
“Why are you crying?” he asked me
“Because i don’t get a choice in it” i whispered he growled and picked me up he took me into my bedroom but then walked strait back out
“Im sorry” he whispered in my ear and then i fell asleep in his arms
Lucas’s point of view
Secret ran into my room she had tears running out her eyes and she was in pain i could feel it
“Lucas” she said trying to stifle her sobs i jumped up and ran over to her
“What’s going on?” i asked her
“Im moving out” she whispered rapping her tiny arms round me i was in pain why on earth was she leaving
“What why? Don’t go please” i said pain leaking into my voice as much as i willed it not to
“She has to” dad said in the door she couldn’t stop her tears and i got angry it was dad’s fault
“Why” i growled
“Because she is getting married” he said then walked away she couldn’t keep it in any more she broke down and sat on the floor i was so confused why is she crying if she’s getting married something don’t add up
“Why are you crying?” i asked her
“Because i don’t get a choice in it” she whispered i growled and picked her up i took her into her room but then walked strait back out people where packing her stuff. Bad idea
“Im sorry” i whispered in her ear and then she fell asleep in my arms i held her close, and then walked downstairs with her still in my arms. I sat on the sofa and held her close James and his wife Tina looked at her with painful eyes i growled and dad walked over to me with his arms held out
“Pass her hear son” dad ordered me
“NO” i whispered angrily
“KIERAN” Tina shouted “she’s asleep leave her she has had a stressful day he can put her in the limo when her stuff is in the car” she lowered her voice but kept it as an order so he couldn’t argue with her
“Fine” he growled then walked off
“May i ask you something” i whispered looking at her she nodded so i continued “why her” my voice cracked but they pretended they didn’t notice
“Son listen she will be very powerful when she reach’s 19 she will be the most powerful half blood in the world, she will be stronger than any full blood and she will need someone who can control her when she does” he explained
“And you think your son is the best person for it” i whispered but i couldn’t keep the disgust out of my voice
“Yes they will be bonded when she reaches 19” he whispered
“So you’re interfering with fate” he nodded and the maids came down with her luggage i grimaced all the boys ran down the stairs and froze
“What’s going on” they demanded i stood up with out disturbing secret
“Secrets leaving” i whispered a tear that I’ve been holding in fell out my eye
“Kids hug her goodbye or they will miss there plain” dad ordered
“Where are you going” i whispered
“England, London” Tyler said
The boys took their turns holding her and saying goodbye but it wasn’t the same as she was passed out they handed her back to me and i hugged her and whispered in to her ear
“Ill find you sis, and i promise ill come visit you soon, they wont mind, ring us” i handed her over to Tyler he carried her to the car and sat in the back with her on his lap i ran over to the window
“Don’t let her down Tyler or we will find you. Take care of her and i swear to god if you hurt her we will hurt you” he nodded and they drove off i sat on the pavement and cried my eyes out the last time i did this was when Tommy ended up in the hospital and doc’s said he might not pull threw
“Its you fault” i yelled at dad and all off us sat down in the living room and cried
Secrets point of view
I woke up on a plane i shot up from my seat and some one grabbed my hand my eyes went black and i flashed away from the danger (well the wolf family but i didn’t know as i was unconscious) i landed in the middle of the plane and looked at my surroundings, it was just me and the wolf family no one else.
“Honey its ok” Mr. Wolf said to me
“Who are you” i said backing away from him
“My name is James Wolf and this is my wife Tina Wolf and my son Tyler Wolf. You need to calm down honey” he said taking a step forward
“STOP CALLING ME THAT MY NAME IS SECRET SKY JOHNSON” i yelled at him tears started poring out my eyes “i want my dad. I want Tommy. I want Lorenzo” i whispered sliding down the wall of the plane
“Secret i know but listen you need to calm down when we get home i will explain everything but you need to calm down” James said
“Sweetheart listen” Tina said stepping closer to me i didn’t object i felt safe near her
“TINA” James growled Tina sent daggers at him and she came over to me and sat next to me she hugged me and i put my head on her shoulder
“sweetheart ignore James he’s being stupid” i giggled and everyone sighed “anyway you need to sleep would you like to sit with me or on your own” i didn’t want to be left on my own so i grabbed her hand she smiled and helped me over to a bed in the back “lay down” she ordered me i smiled and did as i was told she put on some classical music so i got up and put some DJ boonie music on i smiled and laid down and fell asleep instantly
Tyler’s point of view
“Tyler come hear please” my mum called from the room i walked in and froze secret looked so peaceful i smiled and my mum sighed “she will love you, you’re just going to have to give her time” i sighed this time
“Yes especially as we have just stole her from her family not long after finding them” i mumbled my mum gasped i cursed my families hearing
“What do you mean” she whispered
“She was in a care home because he dumped her for some bird and like 2 or 3 months ago she moved back in with them and now we are taking her away from them” i said walking towards her i sat next to her on the bed and stroked her hair a smile came on her lips and i smiled back
“Ill leave you to it” mum whispered
“You sure that’s a good idea mum” i said not taking my eyes of secret
“Positive” she said then closed the door i sighed and laid next to secret and stroked her hair until i fell asleep i woke up an hour later and sat up and stretched and i got up secret gasped and i looked at her she grabbed the TV remote and threw it at me and started screaming pervert at me
“Stop” i yelled she froze and i grabbed the opportunity and jumped on her i pinned her arms above her head “calm down” i whispered taking a deep breath she wriggled underneath me and gave up after 5 minuets mum and dad came in and froze
“TYLER JAY WOLF YOU GET OF HER THIS INSTANT” my mum yelled i jumped off secret and she grabbed the lamp and threw it at me just missing my head my dad pinned her arms and my mum soothed her and till she calmed down
“When i left you to alone i didn’t think you would take advantage of her” my mum scolded me
“NO thats not what happened mum we fell asleep then i woke up and got off the bed she over reacted and started throwing stuff at me and i pinned her to the bed and you guys came in and she flipped out again” i shouted no way was i getting the blame for doing nothing
“We are landing go get seated” dad ordered i nodded and walked out the door but before i got all the way out i looked at secret
“Im sorry” i mumbled then walked out i sat down and two minuets later someone sat next to me
“Listen im sorry i threw stuff at you, you err well you scared me” secret whispered i laughed
“S’okay you missed me anyway” she giggled and i smiled at her she put her head on my shoulder “you cant be tired” i said looking at her she yawned and giggled i put my arm round her and she snuggled closer to me i smiled and lifted her into my arms
“No im to heavy” she said trying to get out my arms i laughed and she blushed and hid her head in my chest i felt my heart beat quicker like it always did when i saw her. We pulled up and i carried her off the plane and into the limo
“I can walk” she murmured her voice was thick with sleep, i laughed and she went back to sleep she was so light i kept forgetting i was holding her and i would let my arms drop and she would stir. When we got home i carried her into my room ignoring all the stupid maids asking me if it was my sister i slammed the door and she stirred i cursed again and i laid her down on my bed and went down stairs
Secret’s point of view
I woke up in someone’s bed and i got up and grabbed my carry on i didn’t even remember moving or going on holiday i brushed my teeth and had a shower i got changed into black skinny jeans and a white v-neck vest top that hugged me i grabbed my black high heels and walked out i straitened my hair and put on some make up and grabbed my phone and went down stairs i got glared at from the girl maids and the boy servant’s starred at me with lust in their eyes. I giggled and carried on walking down the swirly stairs until i bumped into someone and fell down the last couple
“Miss” someone screamed i held my head as my vision swirled i noticed a crowed of blurs around me i sat up and someone asked me how many finger they were holding
“I don’t know my head hurts” i whined
“Who did this” someone asked in an angry tone
“I. Don’t. Know” i yelled it this time i stood up
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