Genre - Family & Relationships. You are on the page - 89
Things couldn't be worse! Charlotte's family has moved her halfway around the world where she is completely cut off from her friends and surrounded by people who will never understand her! and now her father is trying to foist a computer off on her! Sure, to him, computer are the most important tings on earth, but Charlotte likes people, not machines. Its not like the computer can keep her from feeling homesick... Or it can?
He has built an empire of his own. He stands as one of the first ten billionaires in the world. Now to hold his empire intact, he has been fighting with his fortunes. And he is playing with his destiny with a toss in the air. Normally every sensible man will go by first choice as Head. But, he has chosen the tail. Can he succeed in holding his great empire intact? Or will it crook down like a pack of cards?