American library books ยป Fantasy ยป League of Extraordinary Robots by Yolanda Jackson (interesting books to read for teens TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซLeague of Extraordinary Robots by Yolanda Jackson (interesting books to read for teens TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Yolanda Jackson

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and then more and more. โ€œTo the true king,โ€ shouted one of the villagers.
โ€œTo the true king,โ€ echoed many of the others and they began to fight anew, with a strength and hope that what they were fighting for would be true and worth the battle.
โ€œIf we fight and win only to go back into slavery, what have we won?โ€ shouted one of the villagers, doing his best to get in a blow at the war king with his sword. โ€œI will follow the true king!โ€
โ€œTo the true king,โ€ echoed the others and they fought with a renewed energy.
In the mean time, Sudo and the war king were battling once again, back and forth on the shores of the island. Some of the villagers showed Wisker how to turn off the magic discs that were now destroying the land.
When the war king saw that the people were now helping to defeat him, he gave off an angry roar. He made one last call to his magical shrine. โ€œCome forth!โ€ he cried.
The stone shrine arose from under the island. It seemed to grow right before the eyes of the people. The shrine went up to the heavens and a large humming noise came from the inside. The noise got louder and louder. The villagers began to back back, none of them taking their eyes off from the shrine.
โ€œThere is something coming that is more dangerous than anything we have ever seen,โ€ said the oldest of all the elders.
The war king whistled a loud whistle and the large door on the shrine opened and out came a green mist of clouds and puffs. A loud growl came from inside the shrine and the villagers began to scream and run towards the hill.
While all this was going on, Wisker and a few of the remaining villagers were in the other temple shutting down the golden disc. The temple was guarded by a huge oval ball, an eye actually, and it moved back and forth, forth and back, searching the surrounding area, keeping a close watch on the temple.
โ€œI will slip over that way,โ€ whispered Wisker to his companions. โ€œWhen I get close to the door, I want one of you to distract the eye with a smoke bomb and I will do my best to slip into the temple without being seen.โ€
Wiskerโ€™s plan worked perfectly. Wisker got into the right spot and one of the villagers released a small distraction of smoke bombs. The eye moved away from its post and Wisker slipped into the temple unseen, in the split second that the eye was away from its post.
Once in the temple, Wisker looked around in amazement. โ€œThis has to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen,โ€ he thought. The flawless golden walls were covered with hieroglyphics which had been carefully carved into them.
In the center of the room, stood a large silver or metallic device that gave off a glowing aura and made a loud humming noise. Wisker was carrying a large stone and he quickly ran up to the device intent upon smashing it before whatever protective device was safe guarding it could give it warning, but the object gave off a big burst of wave of some sort of energy and knocked Wisker across the room. Wisker fell to his knees and then quickly got back up and struck the object with the stone. Over and over again Wisker struck at the object until it stopped producing the flying discs. The object stopped humming, its glowing aura went out and the object fell battered to the floor.
โ€œNow I must get back to the shore line and see what I can do to help my friend, Sudo,โ€ thought Wisker. Beat up and tired, Wisker made his way back to the shore line as rapidly as possible. โ€œWell, it looks as if Sudo has been doing very well without my help,โ€ thought Wisker, as he watched the battle between Sudo and the war king.
Suddenly things changed. โ€œWell, perhaps I spoke too soon,โ€ said Wisker. โ€œI may have gotten back just in time.โ€ Wisker watched as out of the temple of the other worshiping area came a large giant. The giant was not alone. It came with three golden discs in its hand. As the massive giant stepped out of the temple gates, Wisker saw that it had three heads attached to one body. Each head was a different color. One was red, one was green and the other was blue. โ€œThe third head seems to have been hurt,โ€ said Wisker as he watched the gigantic creature. In fascination. โ€œIt seems to be missing an eye, and it must have happened recently too, judging from all the puss that is draining from the corners of it.โ€
The giant had on gold bangles around his necks, hands and ankles and was wearing nothing more than an ancient kilt around its lower body. Its chest had ancient markings burned into it and was filled with old spears and arrows. Wisker cringed as he saw the spears and arrows that were sticking from the giantโ€™s chest. โ€œThose must really hurt,โ€ he thought to himself.
โ€œAhhroaoooor!โ€ roared the giant. The islandโ€™s foundation cracked to the center, the trees immediately crashed to the ground and the temples collapsed as if an earthquake had hit them. One by one the ancient structures became nothing more than piles of rubble.
โ€œAttack them!โ€ the war king ordered the giant. The giant headed towards the villagers, its three heads spinning at once. The villagers appeared to be stunned. They stood as if mesmerized, unable to move. The giantโ€™s spinning heads seemed to be holding them in some sort of a spell.
โ€œRun,โ€ Wisker told them. โ€œQuickly, now run, run!โ€ Wiskerโ€™s words seemed to bring the villagers out of their shock and they took off running, screaming and crying through the land.
โ€œI have no pity on you,โ€ the war king screamed after them. โ€œYou turned your backs on me for Sudo and now you will repay.โ€ The giant began to throw his golden disc into the air and with one toss the disc opened up and out of it came a swarm of large, ancient wasps. The wasps began to buzz and to attack the people of the island, driving them away from the battle between Sudo and the war king, knocking them down and devouring their flesh. When Sudo saw what was happening, he left off his fight with the war king and ran to defend the islanders.
โ€œYou will not hurt these people,โ€ he told the giant in a loud, commanding voice. With one big jump Sudo attacked the three headed giant, knocking him to the ground. Sudo and the giant were now doing battle, first one on top of the other then the other on top. Tossing and turning, throwing each other into walls and onto the ground.
The war king took advantage of the time to get rested, then he jumped up and began to help the three headed giant in his fight against Sudo. โ€œSudo was stuck fighting two foes at once and there was nothing that Wisker could do to help his friend. As he looked around Wisker read an ancient scroll on the temple walls. โ€œWhy this tells how the three headed giant was chained in the hidden temple by the people of the land and how he vowed revenge on the people who enchained him.
Wisker was the only one who knew how to read the ancient writings and the only one who could possibly speak directly to the three headed giant in its own language. Wisker propped himself up on a temple roof and with a large horn, he began to speak in the language of the creature.
When the heard itโ€™s language that had been lost for centuries, it fell to its knees as if a ton of bricks had hit it. โ€œThe war king is the one who truly enslaved you,โ€ shouted Wisker. โ€œYou promised to get revenge from him and now is your chance. The people of the island woke you so that you could get revenge.โ€
By now the giant was thoroughly confused and a little disorientated. He let out a loud scream and dropped the disc form his hands. Soon horns protruded from his head and his eyes began to look like catโ€™s eyes. โ€œSo, youโ€™re the one who was responsible for my being imprisoned!โ€ roared the giant. Without another thought, the giant pushed Sudo out of the way and began to attack the war king. The people of the island were escaping by boats and underground tunnels.
โ€œKeep running,โ€ said Wisker to the people. โ€œRun, run!โ€
โ€œYou fool, he is tricking you,โ€ said the war king to the giant, but the giant was not swayed and began to fight with the e war king. Soon the island was in a burning fury, as the two creatures fought.
Battered Sudo was guided to his secret hole by Wisker to heal. โ€œAfter they destroy each other, the land will be yours again,โ€ Wisker told his old friend. โ€œAfter making sure that the remaining villagers were safe, Wisker and Sudo watched from a distance as the war king and the giant fought. The two massive creatures battled each other until both of them were badly beaten and both of them had lost their strength and were not able to fight anymore.
โ€œGo and get them,โ€ called out Wisker to the villagers. โ€œTie them both up and lock them away in the hidden temples for good.โ€ He gave a loud blow on the sacred horn and the villagers came running in with their spears and shields, attacking the giant and the war king like a swarm of ants. With strong ropes made from the barks of the island trees, the two creatures were tied up and carried off to the secret temple where they would remain for eternity.
The two creatures growled as they were being tied up by the villagers, but neither of them had any strength left to fight. The villagers took advantage of this and quickly tied the two up.
Sudo summoned the temple with the secret knowledge that had been passed down to him from generation to generation. As he said the spell, the temple arose from the ground, sending sand and debris flying through the air. The villagers hovered back into a corner and looked on as the god they once disowned has now saved them.
As the temple came out of the ground, it was adorned with secret markings and carvings. Two large beasts stood at the entrance of the temple. The beasts were in the form of a large bull and each had a mystical orb on its head. The orbs were opening every now and again, letting off some type of smoke.
โ€œDonโ€™t worry my people, they are only awakening,โ€ said Sudo as he saw that the villagers were all afraid.
Soon Sudo asked that the war king and the giant be put into their holding cells. All of the villagers got together and began to pull the massive creatures into their golden cell.
Once they were in, the two suddenly began to scream. โ€œNo, not this
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