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still that entire time, hearing about the wolf, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. She didn't believe in all that superstitious bullshit.

To her that so-called information was just a hyped up elaborate tall tale to scare children. And when they were children it scared the living daylight out of them, keeping them up at all hours of the night. Gran-Nai knew she was fighting a lost cause, so she simply begged the girls to stay with the boys. Don't stray too far from the group and get back in the house before night fell. The girls smiled sweetly as if they actually heard all Gran-Nai said, sealed the talk with a hug and kiss, then bolted for the door, before she changed her mind.

By the time Tim's raggedy maroon station wagon pulled into the big town, it was filled with a few friends from the neighborhood. The maroon station wagon was thumping with music, the kids repeating rap lyrics, dancing in unison. The loud music and the louder voices of the kids crooning horribly when a soft R&B song played seeped to the streets of the big city. The town Nkosia (Nuh-cojuh) was thought of as the pitiful town of crazies to many in Midwave. But Nkosians never paid mind to it and made a stop in Midwave anyways.

The rumors of a werewolf residing in Nkosia is what brought tourists to Midwave in the first place, but still there was no appreciation. Tim pulled into the northeast corner of the huge mall, every window rolled down, eyes peaking, seeing all the youngsters stopping by the mall on this fine Friday. It was eight at night, the sun was nearly gone from the sky and the kids just pulled up. Ain't no way they're gonna head back for Nkosia right now.

“Ooh wee!” Saki exclaimed, looking around the packed food court. “Girl, the mall is jumpin' jumpin' tonight.”

“Yes lawd,” Aanu playfully said, “and I can't wait to get it jumpin' jumpin' myself wit' one of these fine brothas.”

Both Saki and Aanu laughed amongst themselves, gaining the attention of the five guys they rolled with, but only one approached. Four of the boys return to their own conversation, while the short, bean brown colored young man who looked like a chipmunk sent a geeky smile to Saki. He said, “What's so funny ladies?”

S'hkmanyu took a deep breath and before she could respond Aanu did it for her. “Just glad to be out the house Goop.” Goop grinned cutely still giving his eyes to Saki, forcing it to make Saki look away and Aanujah to laugh.

Saki whispered to Aanu as Goop walked away, “Why are all yo brother's friends awkward geeks? Why can't they be,” Saki shook her head as she thought of the best way to say it, “can't they be—”

“Any day now Sak.”

Saki smacked her lips. “Why can't they be like him? Ow!”

Aanujah bit her bottom lip and chuckled at her best friend's burst of excitement. Her eyes followed Saki's line of vision and saw him stroll into the food court. He was six four, skin so flawless it looked like polished black marble, long thick locks, clothed in basic black jeans and black hoody.

“Okay on this one I'm feelin' you.” Aanu smiled as both girls watched him grab a seat, while fighting the urge to chase after him.

Saki said, breaking both ladies from their trance, “But instead Aaron ass hang around these busters.”

“If you ain't notice Aaron got a little nerd in him too. But foreal, shut up Saki. The gang is a handsome bunch, just need a little work in wardrobe.”

“Sheeit, they need a lotta work in personality, get some a that quirk up out they system.”

“Shut up Sak. In case you forgot it was one of these nerds as you like to call 'em that got us here and will get us back.”

Aaron walked over to the girls, cutting in their conversation. “Yeah Sak, you keep talkin' like that you won't be ridin' in the nerd mobile. And that ain't nothin' but the real Saki. You need to shut up.”

“That's what I'm sayin'.”

“I know Nu-Nu. Look doe, we 'bout to hit up the arcade spot. Timbo told me they got some new game system up there. So, we be out, I'll hit yo cellie when it's time to bounce.”

“Hold on,” she hailed him back over, “gimme some money.”

Her brother frowned. “What? I thought you had some, that's what supposedly took you so long.”

“Well, I was lyin'. Come on hook ya lil sis up. I just wanna get some food Aaron.”

He sighed, but relented and dug in his pocket. “Thank you big bruh. See, that's why me love you.” The gals stood on their toes to kiss Aaron's cheek, then he watched them walk off.

“Aye,” Tim called, getting Aaron's attention. “Let's go.”

“Hol' on,” Aaron said, keeping his friends from heading to the game room, “you said we need six players for the game, right?”

“Yeah,” Tim says, nodding.

“Well,” Aaron let the word linger.

“A'ight, how about him? He from 'Kosia and e'rything.” Tim pointed at the mysterious guy Aanujah and Saki had their eyes on. By now he was comfortable at his table reading a small black book that held no picture, words, or title on the front and back cover. He seemed in a trance which crept the guys out.

“Hell naw,” one of the boys said, “pick again.” The other fellas gave murmurs of agreement.

“Aw that's messed up y'all. What y'all got against homeboy?” Tim said.

“His ass is creepy,” Aaron retorted.

Timothy looked at his friend, “Not you too.”

“Look at him,” Goop said, jabbing his chubby finger in his direction, “he could be talking to the devil right now. I swear ya boy is mass murderer in the makin'.” The guys laughed.

“Okay now,” Aaron spoke, “I ain't goin' that far, but dude look kinda crazy.”

“What we go do about the game?” The tall, skinny guy of the group questioned.

“Maybe we can find somebody up there. Come on,” Aaron replied.



“Damn Sak,” Aanu says, glossing her plump lips in the wide restroom mirror. “You plop ploppin' in there or somethin'?”

“Shut up!” Saki shouts from her stall. “For yo information I'm takin' a piss, but you still ain't gotta put my business out there like that.”

Aanujah smiled, tucking her laughs behind it. “My bad baby girl.”

“Whatever,” Saki answers, “I know yo ass gettin' ready to laugh, so don't front.”

Then Aanujah let her laughs rip. “I'm just sayin' sis, I'm just sayin'.”

Saki opened her stall door, zipping up her skin-tight jeans. Saki smiled as she went for the foamy soap and said, “You ain't sayin' nothin'.”

The girls exited the restroom, talking amongst themselves down the empty hall. Lockers on one side, random pictures on the other, noise and commotion straight ahead. The young ladies grinned and laughed as hard as they knew how, because both felt the shiver. Neither girls could place it and neither wanted to admit, Gran-Nai's beliefs of the wolf rubbed off on them. So, while they sauntered around the shopping mall, they indulged their every sense to forget what could possibly lay in the near future.

“Watch out Nu-Nu!” Saki yelled, pointing behind her. But before Aanu knew it she was tumbling into a lofty male form.

“Dang,” Aanu wiped her hand over her face, getting to her feet with the help of Saki and the gentleman she knocked over.

Saki whispered, “Look.” Her eyes motioning to the man Aanujah knocked over. “It's him. That fine dark chocolate specimen.”

“Oh my god,” Aanu said under her breath. “I am so sorry.”

“It's okay,” his gentle baritone voice purred. “Are you alright?”

“I'm fine. Are you alright is the question. I'm not the one who just got knocked over.”

His handsome face smiled, flashing perfect teeth. “I'm good...thanks for your concern.”

Aanu looked down. “Damn, I knocked all your stuff on the ground.” She squatted to pick his items up, he rushed to grab a hold of his things first. Her hands immediately went to a solid black book with the word Necromancy written on the spine, not that she had a clue of what that meant. She knew it was something up with it, because the brother quickly snatched it from her hands, stuffing it back in his bag.

“Thank you again,” he said, standing to his feet along with Aanu.

“So, Mister man,” Saki started, “would you like to join us at our table? We ordered some pizza—it should be ready by now.”

He shakes his head. “No.”

“I really feel bad about bum rushin' you, the least we could do is feed you.”

“No,” he slightly smirked, but let it fall away, “thank you for the offer, but I really gotta get out a here.”

The ladies turned to each other, giving one another quizzical glances, then back to him.

“Alright,” Aanu replied, “maybe another time. Peace.”

“Bye ladies, have a good night.” Then he took off in a hurry towards the exit.

“Ohkay, that was a bit weird.”

“Yeah,” Saki said, “but he still fine. Mm.”

The girls faced each other and giggled, then left for their food with megawatt smiles.

Track 2: Courage, the New Discovery

It was quick. The sky didn't even give onlookers below a chance to blink, to capture the clear beauty of the night sky. The night was going well, sky built with twinkles of star light, surrounded in a canvas of flawless black. But instead the sky took a turn, uncovering dull puffs of gray. Gray clouds that didn't move in, they simply appeared, taking up space with no shame.

Winds picked up, swarming around house walls, mercilessly kicking its ass. And the cold, not the coldness of the air, but a feeling so glum that a cool shiver overtook the body, forcing the movement. Aniyla stood witness to the changes and probably one of the few in Nkosia to notice. She clutched on the cordless phone in her right hand, while clutching nothing but air and hurt in the left hand, anger blazing in her eyes. She paced away from the window, knowing there was no turning back once the doors were open.

The wolf blew in town and there ain't no telling what he was up to this time around. So rightfully Aniyla was worried about her family. She muttered to herself, “I'm a hurt these damn kids if the wolf don't get to 'em first.” Once again, she dialed Aanujah's cell number, rocking herself, praying she pick up.



Aanujah looks up from her phone, glanced Saki from her peripheral tearing up a slice of pizza. “Come on Sak, we gotta find the boys. Somethin's wrong.” Aanu stood from her seat, Saki looked at her, confusion brewing in her eyes. As S'hkmanyu rose from her seat, still with pizza in hand, the boys entered the food court.

Aanu raised her arms up, gaining her brother's eye. She started to come to him, but Aaron shook his head, his expression spoke, “stay there”. Aanu nods, waited, but didn't sit back down. “Gran-Nai is blowin' my cell up,” Aaron said as he neared the ladies' table. “What about you?”

“Yeah, not only have she called me about fifteen times, but I'm gettin' text after text. Nai-Nai is on one right now. But uh...I 'on't think she's in the wrong though.”

“Whatsup? What you know that I don't?”

Aanu lets her breath out. “Craziness big brother,

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