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come we couldn’t kill her?” Seth glanced over at Dylan and then stared at Ashley. Seth made his eyes turn yellow. Ashley whimpered and walked back down the stairs quickly. Seth turned his eyes back to normal and ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in several places. Seth then turned back to Dylan and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by footsteps coming up the stairs. Seth turned to see Nick running up the stairs. Nick's hair was tousled and he had small cuts on his arms and hand. “Seth you need to get down stairs quick", Nick said breathlessly. Seth drew his eyebrows together in confusion and said, “why what’s wrong?” “Hayden’s awake, and very very mad.”


The Interrogation


 Nick had been right. Hayden was awake and very mad. When Seth walked into the living room, it was in pandemonium. Hayden had managed to cut her ropes that were bound to her arms and was holding two small red-orange daggers with a rose symbol engraved on the blade, and was slashing at anyone who came to close to her. Justin, Alex, and Jack already had several cuts on their arms and rips through their clothes. “Hey!”, Seth yelled angrily, making everybody turn their heads to him, except Hayden who was cutting the ropes tied to her legs. Seth looked over his pack.

Alexander had his lips pulled back into a snarl, Jack was holding his arm where he was cut deeply, and Kristen was glaring at Hayden. Then his eyes fell on Hayden. Seth could feel his heart quicken its pace as his eyes roamed over Hayden’s body. Her black hair was sticking up in several places, her pupils were dilated, and there was a white gauze bandage wrapped around her arm that was stained with blood. Seth eyes traveled down her legs that were skinny, but still slightly curvy, just like her body was. Seth shook himself out of the trance and looked over to Dylan.

Dylan gave him a nod back and walked over and grabbed Hayden by the arm, who managed to cut the binds at her feet. Hayden raised her arm to strike Dylan with her dagger, but Seth already had his arm around her other arm. At that moment, Seth thought he was going to melt into a puddle at his pack’s feet. Hayden’s skin was so smooth and soft. Dylan started half dragging Hayden, who was squirming and thrashing, to the interrogation room that was in the basement. The pack only used the interrogation room when they needed to get answers out of the targets before killing them.

The interrogation room did not hold any sort of torture devices, because, well, the pack was the torture devices. The interrogation was designed just like a police station interrogation room was. When you walked in, there was a silver steel table nailed to the grey concrete floor, grey painted walls, and a mirror that could allow people on the outside see into the room. The only thing different about the interrogation room was the people on the other side of the mirror, couldn't hear what was being said in the room. Not even with the advanced hearing of a werewolf or vampire could hear inside the interrogation room, not even with there ear pressed up against the door. Once Seth and Dylan reached the interrogation room, they threw Hayden into one of the chairs and quickly tied her back up, using chains this time. After chaining Hayden securely to the chair, they started their interrogation.

Fighting Against The Pain


“Why were chasing the alpha of the Mayland pack?”, Dylan asked for the millionth time. Ever since Dylan and Seth started questioning Hayden, she hasn't said a single word. She just kept giving them blank stares as if they were speaking a different language. Dylan sighed and looked over at Seth. Dylan was losing his temper, which he rarely did, especially with a target. Putting up a mental wall so that the other pack members couldn’t hear, Dylan said, I think we need to resort to violence to get some answers out of her.

Seth looked over at Hayden, who was still staring blankly at them, her face as blank as her stare. A pocker face. Seth looked back to Dylan and nodded. Fine. Do what you have to do, Seth said. Dylan nodded and stepped in front of Hayden. Hayden looked up to Dylan slowly, as if she was suddenly tired.

“This is your last chance to give me what I want. Either you give me the answers I need, or else.” Seth stared at Hayden, hoping she would come to her senses and just give them what they needed. Instead, the corners of Hayden’s lips rose into a mocking sneer. “Fine. You had your chance.”

Dylan clenched his hand into a fist and punched Hayden in the face, hard. Hayden’s head snapped to the side and Seth heard her let out a gasp of pain. Dylan then raised his fist again and punched Hayden in the stomach, making Hayden wrench forward. Hayden spat out blood and sat up slowly. When Seth saw her face, he sucked in his breath and felt his heart jump into his throat.

Hayden’s eye was already starting to become swollen. Her lip was bleeding and a purple bruise was forming on her right cheek. When Dylan raised his fist to strike Hayden, Seth took a step forward to catch Dylan’s hand before he struck. Seth then stopped himself. What am I doing?, Seth thought. She’s a vampire and a target. We have to get answers out of her one way or another. These feelings that i'm having towards her, mean nothing, Seth told himself.

Even when Seth thought the words, he knew instantly they weren't true. Seth knew he, somehow, imprinted on a vampire. And no matter how much he hated the thought of it, he couldn't help how he felt about her. However, Seth stepped back and continued to watch as Dylan punched Hayden over and over again. After several more punches to the face and stomach, Hayden was doubled over, spitting out more blood, and was still not answering any of Dylan's questions. We need another plan to get her to talk, Dylan said, turning back to Seth. Seth nodded, Yeah we do. Go back to the living room and make sure no one disturbs me while I question her. Dylan gave Seth a questioning look, but said nothing. Dylan nodded and left the interrogation room. Once Dylan left, Seth turned to Hayden and started to unchain her.

The Hybrid


Once Seth unchained Hayden, she instantly fell to the floor, coughing up more blood and sucking in air frantically. Watching Hayden, Seth felt his stomach drop. Without thinking, Seth slipped off his shirt and knelt down to Hayden. Seth then started dabbing at Hayden’s blooded lip and the cut on her cheek. Once Seth touched Hayden, her body tensed and she looked up at him suspiciously. 

But, surprisingly, she let him clean her up, staring curiously at him as he did so. Once Seth finished and slipped his shirt back on and stood up, Hayden instantly moved away from him. Seth looked at Hayden, and Hayden stared back at him. Her shirt was torn slightly at her right arm and Seth could slightly make out a tattoo with thorns and a stem. Was it a rose?, Seth thought. For what seemed like a decade, they just stared at each other. Then, finally, Hayden spoke.

“Why are you being so nice to me? Aren’t you going to beat me up like your friend did?” Seth ignored her, he was more focused on Hayden’s slowly healing face and her tattoo that he couldn't quite make out. Seth knew all vampires healed fast, just like werewolves did, but she still had the claw marks on her face and her lip was still split and bleeding. “Why did you unchain me? You know I can easily escape? Hey! Are you even listening to me?”, Hayden yelled, obviously getting annoyed. Still not listening, Seth took a step closer to Hayden and knelt down and took Hayden’s face into his hands, gently turning her head left to right.

Seth still had to fight the urge of melting into a pile of goo from feeling the softness of Hayden’s skin. So Seth focused on her cuts that were slowly healing. Then he looked at her arm. Hayden following his eyes, her hand covered the rip in her shirt. Seth looked at Hayden and then stood up. After Seth finished examining Hayden’s face, he pushed back her face, rather roughly, and stood up and stepped back. This girl was obviously not an ordinary vampire. If she was, all of her wounds would be healed right now. Is that why the Head Councilman wanted her dead? Seth glanced down at Hayden, who was frantically looking around the room for a way to escape, still covering her tattoo. 

Seth then grew out his claws and grabbed Hayden by the neck, who let out a surprised gasp. Seth sunk his claws into Hayden’s neck, seeing red drops of blood form from her neck. Hayden frantically started grabbing at Seth’s hands weakly, trying to, unsuccessfully, pry his claws from her neck. This only made Seth sink his claws into her neck deeper.

Seeing Hayden’s hands drop to her sides, a voice sounded in the back of his head. Stop you're hurting her!. Seth pushed the voice away and said to Hayden through clenched teeth, “What are you?” The only response from Hayden that Seth recieved was a look of confusion. Seth, now frustrated, shoved Hayden against the wall, slowly lifting her body off the ground. “Now i'm only going to ask you one more time. What are you?”

Somehow, Hayden

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