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"As a matter of fact, I did."

I looked at the tag again. I saw the little red mark they put on the tags to symbolize a discount.

"You really are the best, Hunter." I said as I turned to go back into the fitting room.

It was Hunter's turn now. We walked over to the men's part of the store. I immediately found a incredibly tailored suit with a silvery blue bow-tie. Plus, it was on clearance.

"Really? you think it looks that good?" he asked, when he came out of the dressing room to show me.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't." I said, giving him my signature crooked smile.

In a matter of about forty-five minutes, both of us had everything we needed for the Snow Ball. That night would be magical.
Chapter 5

The night of the dance came faster than I thought it would. Hunter and I decided to arive together because, of course, Hunter chickened out on asking Sara, and Sam had turned me down. Five minutes before Hunter was supposed to pick me up, the doorbell rang.


"Just stopping by to say- wow, you look amazing!" he said as he turned to look at me. For some insanely weird reason, I blushed.

"What did you want to sat other than 'wow'?"

"Oh, to be in the library around five minuteds after the dance starts."

I nodded.

"And you really do look beautiful." he blushed so many shades of red, I thought he looked like a tomato.

"Thank you." i said as he turned to leave.

After closing the door, I dashed up the staires to the bathroom. Checking how i looked in the mirror, I nodded with content.

I had curled my hair into tiny spirals then put them up ina slightly messy but still fancy bun, leaving some curls out to frame my face. Then, I aplied a light silver to the corners of my eyes, changing to darker and darker shades of grey and silver as i progressed to the outer corner. I aplied a light coat of white under my brows and used a cherry red for my lips.

As soon as i was done wiht the finishing touches, the doorbell rang.

"I got it, Fire." my mom called up the staires.

"Oh, hi Hunter. How have you been?" i heard my mom greet him.

"Great Mrs. Grey. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing just fine." she answered.

I started donw the stairs. As soon as Hunter saw me, his mouth was open wide and his eyes the sized of baseballs. He looked utterly stunned.

Once at the bottom of the steps, Hunter took my arm and my parents, being parents, took what felt somwhere near a thousand pictures. When we finaly made it to the car, i was pretty sure the dance had already begun.

When we got there, the dance had only just started. As we walked in, I felt all eyes turn to us. Surely they were staring at Hunter, he really did look spectacular. They definetely were NOT gaping at me, I was actually friends with one person, aquanted with another, and slighlty less than enemies with a third. That's three people totatl that even remotely knew me. Yeah, the were definetely staring at Hunter.

As we ascened on the crowd, heard whispered comments like "Is that REALLY Saphire Grey?" and "Crap that girl looks great." Aparently they were looking at me.

I checked my phone for the time. The dance had started five minutes ago.

"Hunter, ya know what time it is right?" i turned to him.

"Sam catchin' time?" he smile.

I just nodded my head vigorously, making my curls bounce.

"Go get 'im, girl." he encouraged.

I headed for the study hall.

As I stepped in the door, I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Saphire?" I heard Sam's voice.

"Yupp?" I replied.

"Wow." he said holding out the "o".

I gigled. "I take it you like how I look?"

he just repeated 'wow'.

We talked for what felt like the longest, most wonderful time ever. We were interupted by the door opening.

"You guys do realize you've been in here almost the entire night, right? They're about to have 'The Best Dressed' competition. Saphire, ya might wanna be there." we heard Zane say.

"Okay, we better get out there, and Fire, you really are the best dressed." Sam said as he bent forwarde and brushed his lips against my cheeks,

I felt myself blush a painful red.

Chapter 6

"And the Best Dressed award goes to..." there was a pause. "Saphire Grey!" the announcer exclaimed.

I walked on stage and everyone just stared and murmured their agreement. It was oddly nerve-racking, having that many people stare at you.

"Okay, one more dance." the DJ declared.

It, of course, was a slow dance.

"May I have this dance?" I heard someone ask behind me. I whirled around.

It was Zane.


"C'mon, I do deserve at least one dance for setting this up for you two." Zane said.

I looked for Sam and saw him dancing with and insanely beautiful girl. Tall and tan, and wearing a shimmery black and white mini-dress.

"Sure." I replied cheerily.

And we danced.

As it turns out, I am a horrible dancer and Zane is an AMAZING one. Of course.

"I know you've heard this a thousand times tonight and I myself said it twice, but you really do look absolutely beautiful in that dress." Zane complimented as he twirled me.

"Thank you Zane, for everything. Ya know, I used to think you were some-" I never got to finish.

There was a huge crashing noise as the doors were banged down and a strange, monstrous creature barged in. It looked like someone had mixed a man and a bull and took a turn at them with a baseball bat. But everyone kept on dancing.

"No!" I heard Zane whisper. "Crap, I should have known this would happen."

"Wha- what is that?" I ask scared witless.

"You can see that?" Zane asked, amazed.

"Well, duh, it a huge frigging MONSTER!" I snap back.

The thing racked it's horns along the walls of the decorated gym.

This time, everyone stopped dancing.

Chapter 7

The students started running around like a chickens with their heads cut off. They were shouting things like "Gun! Gun!" and "He's gonna kill us all!"

Zane grabbed me and rushed me over and out the back door. Taking something out of his pocket, he turned to me.

"Sahpire, I need you to stay in here, don't tell anyone what you really see. I'll explain everyhting later. . . hopefully."

Before I could even reply, he dashed off, heading into the gym.

I heard a crash. Actually, it was more like an explosion. The doors to the gym burst open and a hurt looking zane stumbled through. He saw a probably horrified looking me, and started running towards me.

He grabbed my hand, not even stopping or slowing down, making me really sprint to keep up with his long-legged pace. Before long, we were far from the school, on a more secluded part of the beach, and I was panting.

I had already taken of my heels, seriously thinking about just dropping them instead of continuing with them in hand. Grrrrrr, I thought, my perfect night just had to be ruined at the very last second, didn't it. And as an added bonus, I have no idea what the flip was going on.

We finally stopped running.

"What the friggin flip was that?" I ask, less than pleasant, as I slide my sparkly silver pumps back on.

"You still have those stupid shoes with you?" he replies, ignoring my question.

"Yes, now answer me."

"That, Saphire, was your first encounter with a monster." he replied.

"Okay... well, what was it?" I say, still moderately confused.

"That, was a Minotaur. Half man half cow or something. I can never remember. That one, however, was smarter than the rest. It got out of there before I got the chance to stick him."

"MINOTAUR!? Oh that is a complete and utter load of CRAP! They're just fantasy, part of Greek mythology. They aren't real!" I nearly shout, waving my arms around like a lunatic.

He grabbed my wrist. "How in the freaking world, did you survive this long without meeting a monster? Your eyes give it all away."

"My eyes?" I say, my arms going slack in his grip.

My eyes have always been different. They were blue, but not the usual pale, dark, or turquoise blue. They were an almost luminescent blue. Kind of like a light on an electronic neon sign. They were dark, but still glowing. I looked into his grey eyes. They had the same light to them, even though they were grey.

"They give away what you are, your godly lineage too." he explained. "I'm guessing Poseidon, or Nix, they both like blue eyes."

"What the friggin cow are you going on about?"


"Inside joke. Now explain."

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"


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