American library books Β» Fantasy Β» The Portal to Mortal by Maya Rainforest (e book reader android .txt) πŸ“•

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seen too much. Besides,Slade is a formidable opponent and has as many kin as I. Who is to say it would not be my kin slain?

I shall keep quiet of this event, is it worth having blood on my hands because of a stolen glance of my body? I am to blame for this, not my family, I should have heeded warnings and swam with my vest on. The fact that the vest is there to protect us from the biting fish and not male glances is by the by!

You would think also that the rude, hateful man would keep histongue in his head after witnessing my nakedness before him?

But no, he had to speak to me! How dare he speak to me. I never want to speak to him again.

β€œYou should be more careful maiden. You are lucky tis I that came upon you and not a man of less honour who may have taken your virtue after witnessing such a sight.”

Well, can you believe the cheek of the man? I tried so hard to ignore his comment, I really did, but I could not...

β€œI doubt Sir, that there is a man within any dimension miles from here with less honour than you. A man with honour Sir, would avert his gaze.”

I quickly pulled my petticoat over my head and decency was established again, much to my relief.

β€œA woman with virtue would swim covered my Lady. Why you almost put me off my hunting today and where would we be without a beast at the blessing tonight?”

I blushed to the roots of my hair then. He is right of course, I should have worn my vest. But the delights of the swim would not have been half as pleasurable.

I knew I should pay for my foolishness but presumed it would be a fish bite that would bring my karma and not the blatant stares of Slade Palfor.

I could not help though, one last retort, and that shut him up once and for all.

β€œI'm so very sorry that my womanly nakedness has put you off your hunting and the thought of your meal tonight Sir. Perhaps you should miss the feast altogether! "

and with that....I walked away.

I didn't look back but I could feel the fuming anger emanating towards me as I left him. Good. I hope he stews on my jibe all night.

Now everyone is feasting, celebrating merrily and giving prayer for the seed to grow in Moralie's fertile ground. A new child, sired by Palfor blood, unites our clan. This is much to celebrate.

Slade Palfor provided a huge male hog for the feast, enough to feed everyone twice and still have leftovers for the dogs. So he wasn't put off his hunting after all?

My cousin Shellia came to visit us today; it was wonderful to see her. She went away to live with the dragon tamers after she was chosen as bride for the Chief dragon tamer, Raylan Defro.

The fact that she was utterly besotted with him didn’t go unmissed by any of us and although we were sad to see her go, at least she was leaving with her soul mate and not a husband she despised.

She bought with her a happy brood of offspring, conceived and raised in love. Her eldest boy Raylan is almost six moons old now and shares both his father’s name and image. Terra, her beautiful daughter is now five moons old and such a little darling and the baby, Katharyn, is just adorable.

Why I almost felt broody myself at the sight of her and that’s most unlike me!

It was wonderful to see Shellia so happy and with such a delightful family and handsome husband. I told her how lucky she was and of course she said she praised the stars, sun and moon every day for her good fortune.

I commented on her lovely young ones and she surprised me by announcing she was already carrying their fourth child! Both Shellia and Raylan were delighted she was pregnant again so quickly after Katharyn’s birth and hoped for another son this time.

I asked Shellia what it was like being with the same man for seven moons and do the lustful feelings die down at all? (stupid question seeing as she is carrying her husbands fourth child!) she answered with a giggle and confided in me that the night-time activities between them just get better and better!

Then she asked me who I had my sights set on as surely my father will be expecting me to consider marriage shortly.

I then confessed everything to my dear cousin. Thank heaven for the trustworthiness in some; I have always been able to share my deepest feelings with my dear Shellia.

I told her of my Lord Dayan and the fact that I witnessed his wedding to another after crossing over. I also told her of my utter hated of the insufferable Slade Palfor and I begged her not to tell my father and brothers of his looking upon my nakedness unashamedly that day he stumbled upon my bathing.

Shellia then suggested I had hidden feelings of desire for Slade Palfor which were manifesting themselves as hatred and that I was not admitting my true feelings to myself!
Well, I can tell you I was well and truly taken aback by these suggestions. If it had been anyone other than Shellia saying such things I would have challenged them severely.
However, Shellia would never say such things if they had no credence.

I asked her whatever makes her think these absurdities and she said that it was this way with her and Raylan before they became betrothed. I had no idea of this, I always thought love were a simple thing.

You see the mate you desire, fall in love and declare him your soul mate…then you marry and that’s it. Of course this has not been the way with me. My Lord Dayan is obviously not my soul mate else he wouldn’t be wed to another.

But is my soul mate Slade Palfor? The thought brings a shudder to me. I cannot for the life of me see any truth in the words spoken by my cousin today on this matter. Yet….in retrospect I admit, I do find him physically attractive and maybe I might enjoy myself somewhat if I were to share his bed for a night.

Is this enough though to suggest I may have deeper feelings than this? I find the man utterly repulsive and highly annoying as well as being an attractive male. These confusing feelings are driving me to madness and my cousins words have created thoughts of disarray swirling through my brain.

She suggested I should consider Slade Palfor as future husband! I asked her if she had been chewing from the Kava root for breakfast for she was sounding truly mad!

Now she is settled for the night, in the spare yurt with her husband and young brood and I am alone, I find myself contemplating all she said. Could there be just the tiniest grain of truth in the words she spoke?

I remain befuddled, confused and disheartened. For if I do have feelings for Slade, if he is my soul mate and future husband, why did I get things so wrong when I fell in love with the human Lord? I do not understand this, the emotions I posses are beyond my comprehension.

Analysis of them would only serve to bring a headache on I feel. Therefore, I shall go to see the wise witch Marriya tomorrow and confess these troubles to her, maybe she can see something in her crystallised glass that would give me an idea of my own emotions and of the future closest to me.

Until then I shall try to stop thinking of all this and join the others around the fire. The music is too entrancing to stay away and the night is young, I am young! So, to join the revelry and think of my feelings for Slade on the morrow and not before.

The mating tree

My last born sister has shamed us all. She is a youngun and has not reached the age where lovemaking is allowed, yet that did not stop her cavorting today with Donni Palfor, the younger brother of Slade.

Had myself or Moralie caught her, we could have dealt with it without fuss but it was my mother that found them canoodling like newly-weds in the branches of the mating tree. My mother was furious and marched a tearful Lalli-Ly to my Father's yurt.

My Father was not pleased at this intrusion from his daughter or my mother as he was entertaining his new wife-to-be. Both my mother and his second wife Dayla had been told to steer well clear of him for thirteen moons while he spent undivided time with his chosen third wife.

My mother dealt with all this, she knew my father had multiple-wife status and she honored my father's wishes, however Dayla was beside herself with grief and jealousy at the arrival of the younger bride. Father's mood was already soured due to Dayla's whining and when this new interruption came in the form of Lally-Ly all the tribelands could hear his bellow.

He demanded Donni Palfor be banished from Arrowsmoot for a hundred moons and Lally-Ly had her wish magik removed from her wings, the worse punishment of all for a faery girl, how was she to cross over to the human realm now?

It fell to Slade to conduct the banishment spell and it was for this reason he approached me.

β€œI would wish for your Father to reconsider Donni's banishment. It seems, although young, that he has deep feelings for your sister. He says he loves her and is asking for permission for a betrothal to take place. Surely your father will see reason if you talk to him Layna,

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