American library books » Fantasy » The Red Diamond by Emily Flowers (primary phonics books .TXT) 📕

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and joy that I didn’t even feel like my parents were gone,” I said.

“Wow, that’s amazing! Your grandfather is a good man,” Troy said.

Then there was a slight moment of silence until he played some music. He seemed to enjoy rock music, which I didn’t mind even though I was more into classical music like Beethoven.

I wondered where he was taking me. Well, if he did anything creepy, I would just turn into a lab rat. I was a wizard after all, a wizard who was breaking the rules right now.

He finally parked outside an old science museum, which caught me by surprise again. I almost thought we were going to a rock concert, since I had the sound of Evanescence ringing my head after the drive. We stepped into the museum and our adventure began. We toured the Hall of Human Life, the Butterfly Garden (which was my favorite), the Light House and the moon exhibit, which was his favorite. And then we sat down for some ice-cream.

“This was so much fun!” I said.

“It was even more fun with you; I love how passionate you are about science,” Troy said, making my pale face blush like a red tomato.

“Yeah, what do you think of magic?” I randomly asked. Sometimes I feel like my mouth blurts out things without waiting for my brain to think.

“Well, magic is a myth I think,” Troy said, looking confused and uninterested in my question.

“I somehow believe that magic is science,” I commented without thinking again.

“Science obeys the laws of physics and magic defies common logic and reason,” Troy made his statement showing that he was serious about facts and magic would always be a fantasy in his understanding.

“Ok, Mr Science Factor, I still believe that magic is an important stepping stone to science. Both magic and science embody a small collection of general principals which can be adapted to a particular situation. Magic includes engineering like sensibilities of cause and effect just like science.” Being my wizard self, I couldn’t help but stand up for my first love that was magic.

“Hmm, ok, Miss Magic, I on the other hand will only believe in magic once I have seen it with my own eyes and then investigate it, interrogate it and scientifically examine it,” Troy said jokingly.

“Well, at least there’s still hope,” I said playfully.

We were like two peas in a pod, a perfect match. That was what I thought I guessed, but he was human and these moments would soon be just a dream.

Troy drove us back to the campus and we continued to laugh and talk, which was amazing. When we finally reached our destination, an uneasy silence arose. I could feel my body unable to control my hormones and all I could think of was grabbing and kissing him deeply, but that would be too embarrassing.

“I had a great time,” Troy said, almost leaning toward me.

“Yes, thank you so much! Bye.”

I opened the door and hopped out like a frog sprinting to grab its meal. In other words, I looked ridiculous.

As I laid my head on my pillow, my body embraced affection while my mind visualized his face, his smile and those eyes that had captured my heart from day one. Was this love? Or was he my crush? Whatever it was I wanted more.

The following day at class Troy and I looked at each other differently. Professor Lee made our day even more interesting.

“Today we’ll do a microbial investigation of our hands. Each of you will use a microscope and investigate your partner’s hand and tell me what you see,” the professor gave his instruction.

I felt like bursting because the tension between Troy and I was already on another level. Troy placed my hand on his and we both felt the chemistry flow through our veins.

“What do you see?” I asked as he looked at my hand through the microscope.

“I see that you need to wash your hands, my dear lady!” he said mockingly.

“Ha ha, really now. Your turn,” I said, taking hold of his hand.

“Hmm, I see that you need to not only wash your hands, but also scrub deep,” I said jokingly while examining his hand.

We both smiled and felt more at ease with each other.

After class, I could feel Troy tag behind as I walked to the library. Immediately when I entered the science section, he grabbed hold of my arm and drew me near to him. I panted as the oxygen around me decreased until his lips met mine and pressed down intensely. My body finally got the satisfaction it craved for.

When it was over, I shyly bit on my thumbnail while he tucked my hair behind my ears.

“I need to go back to my room,” I softly said.

As I was about to move, he stood in the way. “Can I see you later?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said, smiling at him.

As he walked away, I turned back to find him gazing at me and I smiled wider and blushed harder.

“This is definitely love,” I said to myself, falling flat onto my bed and smiling broadly, until I saw a light glowing from under my pillow.

It was the diamond. As I reached for it, Grandpapa startled me because he magically appeared in my room.

“Grandpapa!” I exclaimed.

“Hello, my dear, nice to see you too,” he said in a jolly good tone. I quickly went over to Nicole’s side of the room and looked outside the window. Everything was frozen because when Grandpapa did his vanishing and appearing magic, he also froze time.

“Why are you using magic to visit me?” I questioned, while he stood there in his wizard gown and hat.

“I wanted to surprise you and take you for a magical tour,” he said.

“Not today, Grandpapa. It’s been a long day for me and I have a ton of homework to complete.” I said, feeling guilty because my true excuse was I couldn’t miss my date with Troy.

Grandpapa’s excitement dropped and my heart felt a pinch. His eyes caught the red diamond glowing under my pillow and he looked at me as if he could tell that I broke two rules already from the wizard code of conduct, falling in love with a human and lying to a fellow wizard.

“Ok, we’ll take a tour next time around. However, I’ll investigate why your diamond is glowing. Your safety is my priority,” Grandpapa said, kissing me on the forehead and magically disappearing.

My grandpapa was a very smart man and that was why he was the chief wizard. I know that he would eventually discover my secret and lies, but whatever happened I would protect Troy.

Chapter 5

We stood under a tree behind the campus wall where nobody went so that no one would spot us together.

“I hate this!” Troy said angrily. “I don’t understand why we need to keep our relationship a secret. We’re adults and this feels real stupid, hiding!”

I had fallen in love with him already and I was afraid of losing him. I couldn’t run the risk of having our relationship exposed to the public because news traveled and wizards caught on fast.

“I know it’s difficult, but it’s just for a little while. Please try to understand,” I said, pleading for him to let it go and move on secretly. Plus, relationships kept in the closet have more zest and passion.

“No! I don’t understand. I like you a lot and I feel like you’re not sure about me!” Troy exclaimed.

“Do you really want people to be involved in our personal life? I just don’t feel comfortable with that,” I answered back.

I knew I was wrong in human terms, but because I was a wizard this relationship must stay a secret, I told myself.

“Fine, have it your way then,” Troy said bluntly, turning away from me while tears rolled down my face.

Deep inside, I knew that this wouldn’t be a forever thing. When he saw me cry, he wiped away my tears and kissed me on the forehead just like Grandpapa.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said with his strong arms wrapped around me.

Little did we know we had an audience. Nicole. She suckled every juicy moment of our privacy.

Later that evening I decided to catch up on some reading. I sat on my bed reading my book while Nicole decided to watch me. I tried to ignore her but the constant bubble blowing she made with gum in her mouth totally flabbergasted my brain cells.

“Are you ok?” I asked her.

“I’m perfectly fine. And you?” she said sounding like a child.

“I’m great. Thank you!” I said, and continued with my reading. She was probably just bored, I thought.

“That boy, Troy from your science class, is absolutely hot, isn’t he?” she probed.

She caught my attention immediately when she mentioned Troy. Did she know something?

“Yeah he is, I guess,” I responded like I didn’t care.

“And everyone is talking about how him and Sheila, this gorgeous girl with long brown hair, kissed at the cafeteria the other day,” she said with a wicked smile.

My body flamed with anger. “Did you see them or is it just a rumor?” I firmly asked.

“And why are you concerned, hmm?” she sarcastically asked and at that point I got up and left the room.

“How can this be?” I frantically asked myself and ran out the campus before I tore down the walls. My mind started pondering all sorts of things. Sheila, what a bitch! How dare she touch my man Troy! I was too hurt to even describe how I felt. They say a woman can handle a lot of battles. We are patient, kind and can love unconditionally, but lie to us or even worse cheat on us and you will see a monster.

I saw Troy drive past as I was running down the road from the campus. He stopped his car and ran after me.

“Iman!” he yelled from afar.

I tried running faster, ignoring his cheating voice, but Troy was in the football club and his speed had more velocity than mine.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” he asked while grabbing my arm.

“Leave me alone!” I said pushing him away.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asked with a confused face.

I looked at him furiously and continued to walk away and then he held my hand.

“Hey, come on, talk to me!” he said, trying to calm me down.

“Why don’t you go talk to Sheila?” I said sarcastically.

“What?” he questioned, unsure what I was talking about.

Then I received a call from the hospital. “Hello ... What? I’m on my way.” Tears poured down from my eyes like the Jordan River.

“What’s wrong?” Troy worriedly questioned.

“My grandfather had a heart attack. I need to go to the hospital.” I said sobbing.

“I’ll take you. Let’s go,” Troy gently said and led me to his car.

There was silence in the car as he drove and all I could think

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