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and the boys avoided me when I had joined their tour.

"Erick was so sure you would bring destruction to Crystalia."


"All of the people who you thought loved you chose to believe that you could turn evil."

"Shut up!" I yelled at Eva with a glare. "You have no idea of what you're even saying."

Eva furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Really? Then can you explain that?" The mirror swirled again to show Ashley talking to Erick outside the castle in Crystalia.

"She broke off our friendship. Are you happy now?" Ashley had asked Erick in anger.

"What do you mean?" Erick asked.

Ashley rolled her eyes.

"She broke off our friendship because you guys don't even know her! She fears you guys will ruin my life because you blame her for things she never did!"

"We all know she did evil things, Ashley. What I am doing is for the safety of my people. Besides, aren't you glad that you aren't near her?"

"What?" Ashley asked, appalled.

"The constant drama that surrounds her. The fact that people hate her. Aren't you tired of all of it?"

Ashley went to speak, but she hesitated.

"Aren't you afraid that will all that is happening, she would eventually turn evil?"

Ashley did not reply to his question, glaring at Erick before swiftly walking away from him.

The mirror changed to reveal my wide-eyed reflection.

Ashley doubted me?

"You see, Emery, everyone does not trust you," Eva spoke as tears started clouding my vision. 

I couldn't believe it. Eva was right. 

I sobbed, realizing that everything I thought I knew was not what they truly were.

"You were stabbed, almost raped, and you were arrested for something you didn't even do. Don't even get me started on what happened in the Australian prison. Everyone hates you, Emery! They betrayed you, and you are still with them? For what?" Eva raged.

I sobbed louder.

"What about what Erick wanted to do to you once you came to the castle after seven months?"

He wanted to lock me up, as if I was still in jail yet I had not committed a crime!

The memories hurt.

"What about the ignorance? Don't you remember how everyone ignored you when you tried to tell them the truth? Don't you even recall the insults that were thrown your way?" 

Eva approached me and whispered in my ear: "What about what Harry and Zane did to you?"

I remained quiet, my sobs settled down while tears came out of my eyes.

"Everyone believes you are evil. You have no one, Emery. You are alone once again, and everyone still doesn't know you. Even though everyone found out the truth about Bianca, what proof is there that they still know you? What proof is there that they still trust you? Do they even really love you?"

I turned, placing my head on Eva's shoulder as I continued to cry. She patted my head in comfort, but that did not stop her from speaking.

"Emery, listen to me. Stop making things hard for yourself. Stop tricking yourself with the thought that you can continue living after the mess that your life has become."

"I just want it to stop," I sobbed. "I want all this pain that I'm feeling to end. Eva, please help me."

"You can only end the pain if you listen to me. Come, Emery. Let go of everything and embrace your true self," Eva said as the mirror in front of me materialized to show my evil form. "There is nothing left for you in this world and in Crystalia. There is no way things can go back to normal for you, especially after what had happened tonight."


"You have nothing to lose, Emery. You get to block out your emotions," Eva cut me off. "Just think about it; no more feeling anything that could tie you down.  You'll get a sense of freedom, and more importantly, you won't feel pain."

"I won't feel pain?" I whispered in a small voice as Eva nodded her head in agreement.

"Don't you want to end all your suffering?"

I remained silent as I thought over what Eva said. My mind and my heart were fully on board with what Eva had in store for me.

"I do."

Eva smirked at me. Just then, a vial of yellow liquid soon materialized on her palm.

"Take this, Emery," she advised as she handed me the vial. "Drink it all, and all you care about will go away. Drink it all, and you won't fear anything. Drink it all, Emery, and you will feel nothing."



I quickly unscrewed the cap off the vial. Without a second thought, I opened my mouth, letting the contents of the potion rush in.

I made sure to drink the whole vial.

Third Person's P.O.V

Eva felt victorious as she stared at Emery.

"How long will the potion take to--" Emery cut herself off when her stomach made a noise. The noise came again, and Emery soon had her hands pressed against it. She felt something tug painfully at her heart. She had gasped before screaming out in shock, not expecting the pain that she felt. 

"What's happening to me?" Emery asked as she held onto the dresser in front of her. The pain was spreading in her heart, quickly taking effect. She screamed again as she threw her head back.

"Relax, dear. Let the potion do its work," Eva advised.

Emery went to stand, but another tug at her heart had her grasping the dresser.

"What's it doing to me?" Emery asked as she closed her eyes in a wince. 

Eva waved her hand around before casually saying, "Burning your heart."

"What?" before Emery could say more, the pain she was feeling spread through her form. She let go of the dresser, falling onto the ground. 

The pain did not register to her brain as Emery continued screaming. Golden stardust appeared on top of her form before falling onto it, disappearing into her skin. 

Eva watched in glee as the potion continued doing its work. The stardust first highlighted Emery's veins with a yellow glow before darkening her skin in a slow manner. Emery stared at nothing, her eyes wide open as the darkness continued to spread like ink in water.  

Just then, the windows busted wide open as a huge gust of wind entered the room. The glass on the windows shattered, falling onto the ground with a loud sound.

Emery's back arched as her brilliant blue orbs became dark, the sclera of her eye completely darkened. A white ring soon appeared around the iris. Emery's nails grew and took the shape of claws. She lay still for a moment, letting the transformation finish its work.

"Emery?" Eva called out with a raised eyebrow. Emery had been staring into nothing with her new black eyes for a minute. They had blinked before she levitated to a standing position. 

Eva watched in amazement. Emery walked to the mirror, and she took her time observing her form.

"Are you okay?" Eva asked.

"I'm okay, Eva," Emery replied with a calm, emotionless voice. "In fact, I've never been better."

Eva realized that her potion had worked when Emery soon released an evil chuckle.

"In fact, what I would like to do is get my revenge," she talked as she walked towards the window. "I would make everyone pay for what they did to me. They will regret ever messing with me!"

Emery used her powers to summon a storm over the city. The clouds had covered the sky within seconds. Emery laughed with an evil glint in her eyes just as lightning flashed behind her.

"Oh, my," Eva commented as Emery continued laughing maniacally. 






Third Person's P.O.V

Selena had just come from a meeting that involved the boys and their manager. When she entered her suite, she didn't go to bed. An hour had passed ever since she had returned, and she was thinking of ways of confronting Emery and apologizing to her. 

After she had seen the video evidence against Bianca, Selena felt hatred towards Bianca and herself. She realized she had messed up the relationship that had once existed between her and Emery. She had to apologize, especially since she worried that she wouldn't get to see her cousin ever again.

But then, what would she say? Would sorry really be enough to make up for all the pain she was unknowingly inflicting on Emery?

With a sigh, Selena left her suite and headed towards Emery's. She recalled her suite details because she had been with Emery when they were booking their hotel suites.

Selena soon found herself outside Emery's suite. She formed a fist with her hand and knocked on the door. 

She stood for a minute as she waited for Emery to get the door. Thinking she hadn't heard her, Selena knocked again and waited for about two minutes.

There was still no answer. 

Selena realized seconds later that Emery might have been asleep. She was disappointed, but she knew she would have to go after her later. Maybe in the morning before Emery could check out of the hotel.

Selena turned to head towards her suite when she heard the door creak open. She turned, surprised that the door was open all that time she wasted knocking. She felt annoyed with herself. 

She opened the door wide, and she stood still at the scene in front of her with her eyes bulging out of their sockets. 

"Emery?" Selena called out after a couple of silence-filled seconds, still observing the room. She noticed the blood on the walls and a couple of hair strands on the floor. Selena noticed the hair strands were black. Emery had dyed her hair black, and Selena hated to think that her cousin was the victim in whatever had happened in her suite.

As she explored the room, Selena got more worried about Emery. The drying puddle of blood on the floor had her close to tears. 

Please don't be dead, she thought.

There was a thundering sound that frightened Selena, but she realized it was a storm coming.

She continued wandering in the suite, still searching for Emery. She came to a stop at the slightly-opened door to the bedroom.

"Emery?" Selena called out again. The door opened wider, revealing Emery standing near the window.

It was like a tension had been released from Selena when she spotted her. She felt relieved to see her cousin was still alive. 

But then, if she was still alive, then whose blood was it in the dining room?

A feeling of dread took over Selena's form. It was then that she focused on Emery's surroundings that she noticed something was wrong. 

There was broken glass that surrounded the spot where Emery stood. Moreover, something felt different about her. She still had the clothes she had worn to the interview, but her skin was different.

It had turned black. 

Selena almost collapsed when she thought for a moment that she was experiencing a nightmare.

"Emery?" Selena called out to her cousin. Emery turned, revealing the blackness of her eyes. Selena's eyes widened as her form tensed in shock.

Selena hated to think that Erick's dream was becoming a reality.  It couldn't be. Selena had discovered it was something the erwiches had done to mess up with their minds.

But then, why did Emery look like she did in the dream?

Emery began to slowly approach her cousin, a look of anger on her features.

"Emery, are you okay?" Selena said, slowly backing out of the room.

"Never been better, Selena," Emery replied with a frighteningly-calm voice and a snide smile. Emery's eyes flashed yellow before taking on their current

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