American library books » Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (hot novels to read .txt) 📕

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The Lady commanded with a growl. "Damian is my cousin, so let me deal with him." She put a hand to her mate's beating heart. Her mind was going a mile a minute and he was angered.
A vision came in her mind, and she smiled.
"Go ahead and destroy the Dominionites for me." Adellandra crooned evilly. "But leave Damian standing. He will know the meaning of the Dragon's Wrath soon enough."
Draconis laughed heartily and held her tight. His brother Dranus saw his eyes were black and hollow, telling him something dark within him was coming to the surface. It would be the first time the Lady actually saw his acclaimed Chaos without being afraid of it. He wasn't going to destroy hundreds of thousands of his own people. Only hundreds of Dominionites that never deserved to live in the first place.
Dranus smiled at the thought.
Dranus was amazed at how easily Adellandra took to the Darkness in him. It intrigued her as nothing else would. He stayed silent, at attention as he listened in and watched from the shadows.
Adellandra pet his chest. "Now go while the goods are hot, my love." She reached up to his cheek and planted a kiss on his lips before whispering in his ear. "Remember, lanta. Leave Damian to me."
Lord Draconis roared loud and long before heading out, with Dranus behind him.


Draconis flew in his Chaos Dragon form toward Monarch’s Glen’s Castle. Dranus flew beside him, equally seething with rage. Just the thought of Damian angered both Dratianos brothers.
Dranus remembered long ago, when the Wars for Power crippled many of their own Draconian people and killed off many clans. He remembered when Orthos destroyed sets, stole O’Dell’s Companion children, and made a pact with the evil side of their then-Emperor Lord Father Brakkon to destroy the Nations.
Draconis himself remembered very little about Damian and Orthos. The only things he remembered now had to do with his own Chaos taking control and nearly destroying the entire Nations in one blow. What stopped him was his faithful Branno Dranus, who convinced him to place a magical wall of fire between the Realm of Dreams and the Dragon Nations, ensuring the Mystic Realms were safe from his destructive Chaos.
Those times were long ago, but with Damian’s return and kidnapping of their sister, the brothers had to take care of business.
“We take the Dominionites and leave Damian to Adellandra.” Draconis announced.
“Agreed.” Dranus supplied. “Now, let us kick some Dominionite butt!”
The brothers swooped down to the Castle at Monarch’s Glen and fought the many Dominionite guards Damian had posted around the winding corridors. When they reached the dungeon room, Draconis sensed Damian was torturing the male his mate had called her Earthly Protector. His mind reeled with thoughts about Derrick, both positive and negative.
Draconis, bratton, I can sense you. Dracora's voice announced in his mind. Now hurry and rescue the Protector.
What about you? Draconis asked, sharing his sister's thought with Dranus.
I will take care of myself, thank you, Brattons.
Draconis smiled and headed to the dungeons in the East Wing with Dranus behind him.
The brothers stopped around the corner, where they heard voices. One of them he recognized as a younger version of Orthos' voice. It had to be Damian.
“Has the Protector told you where the Crystal is, Dominick?”
“Nay, Master.” Draconis heard a young demonic voice answer in annoyance. “Not yet.”
Damian growled loudly and Draconis heard glass break against the wall.
The Emperor looked at his brother, who nodded his head.
It didn’t take but a moment for Draconis and Dranus to attack the two demons. As Dranus was rescuing Derrick, Draconis fought with Dominick.
Damian had disappeared.
“Where is he?” Draconis demanded of Dominick.
“I will never tell you, dragon!”
Draconis used his dragon’s magic to squeeze his throat with a thought. “You will, or you will never see the light of day again.”
“Fine!” Dominick spat. “He disappeared to the Abyss.”
Draconis threw the demon across the room and against a wall. He landed with a loud ‘oof!’, brushed himself off and disappeared.
Draconis turned to his brother and Derrick. Swallowing his pride, he asked roughly. “Are you ok, Mortal?”
“The name is Derrick, and yes, I’m a little shaken up but fine.” Derrick responded. “What about Dracora?”
“What about me?” They heard Dracora’s voice say sweetly behind them. “As you can see, gentlemen, I am fine.” She winked at Draconis. “I am a Dratianos; I have learned well from my brothers. Right, Draconis?”
Draconis’ tough exterior stayed, but he smiled and nodded. “Let’s get out of here.”
“For once, we agree.” Derrick responded.
The four of them headed to the Royal Chambers.

Hope for Tomorrow

While waiting for her mate to return with news of the Dominionite Army's destruction, Lady Empress Adellandra headed to the Garden outside Mal'estar's Castle just below their personal Chamber balcony. She flew out the window and landed at the site of the grave-marker entitled "My Empress."
She shifted form to her dragonwolf and wore her Fighter's Gear. Adellandra unsheathed her sword and placed it tip-down to the ground, leaning on the hilt.
Since returning, there have been times she found herself there, just staring into space, thinking of the memories he shared of those many years ago when he went chaotic and destroyed Mal'estar. It brought a tear to her eye. She wouldn't wipe it away.
This time, her Dragonwolf son Kronin found her there, staring at the marker. She sensed him hiding in the shadows.
Adellandra wiped her tear and sheathed her sword, rising from her knelt position. "Yes, Kronin?"
"Do you remember this place at all?"
Adellandra nodded. "Aye, thanks to your Dratyr. He gave me my memories back." Adellandra told him. He stepped closer. "I am still sorting them all out."
"Did he tell you of the destruction of Mal'estar?"
She nodded sadly. "He didn't need to. I already knew."
Kronin listened intently.
"I was ill for awhile before that, and I didn't dare tell you or your sitas why." Adellandra began, looking at him. "Now, however, I owe it to you. I owe you the truth of why things had to be as they were."
Kronin perched on a stone beside her. "I am listening, Lady Mutyr."
"It's not a happy story, but you do need to hear it." Adellandra picked a flower and caressed it, starting her story. "Weeks before, I began to have visions. First about your Gramere Locarra, then Granpere Brakkon. They became more intense as the days went on. I saw the destruction made by Thorn, when Brakkon turned evil. I knew I had to do something when my own Dratyr deserted and abandoned his own Branno. Your Dratyr's second, Dranus stuck by his side, beyond all anger, hate and chaos within." She paused, setting the flower down on the gravestone. "But his own mate and Empress did not."
"Why Mutyr?" Kronin whispered. "I thought you loved us?"
"Oh, Kano, Donar, I did love you, and still do." The Lady hugged him. "I always will! It is because of that love I stole you and your sitas away, before my visions came true. I didn't want us to perish in the destruction so I took you to Matéré's Wolf-Packs to live as wolves."
"You left us there, Mutyr!" Kronin stood back, angry. "You never came back for us!"
"Donar, I had no choice!" Adellandra announced. "It was for your own safety." She took a deep breath and let it out. "After I came back from the Packs, I settled back to my parentada's hutch-cave and waited until I knew it was safe to return for you."
"Why didn't you?"
"I waited two-hundred years for your Dratyr to sense and come back for me. Somehow, I was swept away by the Ancient Mystics to begin another existence as one of their Daughters. All memories I'd had of this place were lost." She said. "Hundreds of years later, I learned all about my true-parentage and life here in the Dragon Nations. I had to send my Earthly Protector to be Countess Dracora's vassal, just so I wouldn't feel bad for leaving him and returning as Empress here.
"Along the way, I acquired many forms and titles, learned a lot of magic and remembered why the Dragon Nations felt more like home than the Realm I called the Outer World. I have been conflicted since, between the Realm of Dreams, Ancients and Epsilon of my Mystic blood and the Dragon Nations of my Draconian and Wolfkin blood."
"But you are both, Mutyr." Kronin supplied. "Both and all. The Realm of Dreams is now part of our Nations, as it always had been before. You are the Lady Guardian of the Realms and our Lady Empress of Mal'estar."
Lady Adellandra smiled. "I have also been gifted with Goddess of Spirit status, from the Dragons and Mystics." She wrapped a loving arm around her kano, Prince Kronin and asked him. "Enough about me, kano. What have you and your sisters been up to all this time?"
Kronin looked down. “We lived with the Packs and Gramere Katerina, speaking nothing but Wolf-Speak and living as wolves. That is, until destruction hit the Realm of Dreams.” He started. “The one calling himself Master destroyed sets, families, clans and homes in his path. The Packs around me dwindled in numbers, each succeeding Alpha and her Pack destroyed and killed. Gramere was one of the many hundreds thousands of Companions and Creatures to be killed by the Master.”
The Lady frowned, thinking of yet another thing to get Damian for. Somehow, she knew it were on Orthos’ orders by Damian’s Warrior Army.
If Orthos weren’t dead already, She thought to herself, I’d kill him myself for the injustice.
“I took care of the twins alone, finding solace after the Wars for Power.” Kronin continued.
“Did you fight in it?”
He shook his head. “Nay, we were kept safe by the feline Companion Braken Joel Hawk. He led us to the Province Underground. It was not until years and generations later that he declared it safe to return above ground.”
“I remember that.” Adellandra told him. “You were with the Elder Companions.”
He nodded. “I recognized you then as someone special, for you were magically familiar to me.” Kronin supplied. “I did not know where to go when we parted ways, so I took my sisters back to the Nations by flight. The Firewall was there, and I sensed a familiar magical signature all over it. When I saw what was left of the Empire I once called home, I was crushed. Rubble, blood, bones, decay and other remnants of war were all that was left behind.”
The Lady placed a hand around his shoulders.
“I searched the empire for some living relative, even you, but no one was found. We were orphans.” Kronin continued. “After going to the back garden and paying my respects at the gravestone, we left in search of somewhere to go.” He looked up at me. “I followed my senses and found the hutch-cave your familia used to live. We spent the night there before heading on our way once again. We came upon Lady Aura at Dragon’s Keep and stayed there until you came along as Lady Guardian.” His dragon face smiled. “I believe you know the rest.”
Adellandra nodded, kissing his cheek. “Aye, my donar, that I do.”
She thought over his tale. If it hadn’t been for me, She thought to herself, my draconian children would never have had to live through that.
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