American library books ยป Fantasy ยป Over Night by Julie Steimle (any book recommendations .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซOver Night by Julie Steimle (any book recommendations .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Julie Steimle

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The soldiers standing around the aristocrat stepped back. One even ran back into the bushes. The younger Night Stalker reached out with its bat like arm and grabbed the aristocrat with a claw hold, opening his mouth.

โ€œI saw you kill him,โ€ the Stalker said, his silver eyes narrowing. โ€œI was not drunk.โ€

Recognition flashed on Mr. Felapโ€™s face, staring at Teris in horror. But it was too late for himโ€”even to scream. The Night Stalker clamped on his neck, drinking away the avaricious blood that flowed in every vein and capillary of that man.

The judge stood back and watched, keeping an eye on the Cordril. Strangely, the young soldier stood near the far wall, making faces and even closing his eyes. The others retreated further away. Only one remained, and he stood by the demon boy much like a guardian or friend would. When Teris was done, he dropped the drained corpse on the cobblestone. The two that had remained on the street jumped, both swallowing as if ready to protect themselves from an attack despite the deal they had made.

Wiping his mouth, Teris looked over at the Cordril standing on the road. The judge had flown up again, calling to Teris to come home.

Teris took a step and bowed to the Cordril. โ€œJustice has been served. Thank you.โ€

He flapped, launching upward into the darkness. The soldiersโ€™ eyes lifted after him.


โ€œTeris, you have a visitor.โ€ His father stuck his head into the room smiling.

The sun had risen and Teris had just barely finished his morning breakfastโ€”mostly to wash down the nasty medicine he was forced to take despite the fact that he wasnโ€™t really ill. He had been lying there just listening to the beating of his own heart. It was like music.

โ€œHello, sick boy.โ€ Dendi peeked his head in before walking entirely into the room. โ€œHow are you feeling?โ€

Teris had to lie. โ€œWretched.โ€

He groaned it out, but really he was feeling wonderfulโ€”alive again.

Walking over, Dendi dragged up a chair and sat next to his bed. โ€œI have good news for you. It turns out you were right. Mr. Felap was the murderer. The Night Stalkers got him last night, and the demon hunters discovered burned remnants of a blood stained shirt in his fireplace. It appears he bribed his servants to testify on his behalf. They also found the weapon.โ€

Teris really did blink in surprise this time. โ€œWhat was it? What did he use to kill Mr. Grae?โ€

Dendi got a sinister look on his face, the one he used when he was telling horror stories. โ€œIt was a serving spade from his silver kit. They found it stashed in a closet. Blood was still on it even after all this time.โ€

Really feeling ill now, Teris covered his mouth.

โ€œI also have news on that Stalker they killed,โ€ Dendi said, rocking back in his seat casual-like. โ€œHe was identified as Quinny Worth. You know, the guy that left the party with Emanda Ilkins? They snuck off that night, you know. And I talked with Emanda, and she says that Quinny ditched her the same night you discovered Mr. Felap killing Mr. Grae. Apparently he was the one that had been hunting uptown all that time.โ€

Teris blinked. He paused before asking, โ€œWhat about the other Night Stalkers that were reported?โ€

Dendi shrugged. โ€œI guess the report was wrong. Those soldiers said there was only the one. But, oh! Did you hear? One of those soldiers was a Cordril hunter! And someone asked where he came from, and do you know what he said? He said he was from Harsall. Thatโ€™s just a little bit east of the where Cordril in the story I told you and the girls was from. I bet heโ€™s the one from the story.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t talk nonsense,โ€ Teris muttered, closing his eyes though he would not be that surprised if it were true.

โ€œIt is not nonsense,โ€ Dendi snapped. โ€œThat story was true. I told you so. Scary thought, really. Demons are nearly everywhere it seems like.โ€

Teris smiled, leaning back into his pillow. โ€œOf course it is nonsense. You only talk nonsense, Dendi.โ€

His friend stood up, sighing as he gaze on his sleeping pal. โ€œGet well you silly fop. We have some partying to do, and I canโ€™t do it alone.โ€

Teris smirked, listening to his friendโ€™s footfalls as he walked to the door. Imprint

Publication Date: 11-13-2009

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