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his soldiers. They turned their horses and rushed to the abyss. At this moment, the fog split apart and something black and dense appeared from it, it was similar to human size inkblot. Then another one and then more and more... The reptiles and creatures didn’t notice the soldiers anymore, began to rush through the valley in horror. The ‘blots’ slowly rose. The scene was absolutely spectacular…


One of them swooped down on a lizard and in a second sucked it up. Only the skin and bones of the monster fell down on the earth. Everything was balled up.

People and goblins were mad with fear. They were running away from the cave. It was rather the flight than retreat. The men were running past Angelica, throwing swords away and screaming in terror.


Now she noticed Prince Edward and King Swein. They were trying to keep the army and give orders, but in this situation, no one listened to them. The ‘blots’ began to swoop down one after the other on the screaming people and goblins sucking them one by one.


“Stop!” exclaimed the Prince of Vampires. “They can feel your fear and kill those who energetically open for them!”

The Vampires came down on the ‘blots’ cutting them down.


From the vampires’ swords, they shrank and fell apart.


“They have different weapon,” Angelica guessed. “They can kill not only the physical body!”

Meanwhile, the goblins and people army quickly retreated beyond the valley. The Prince Night and Swein were still among the boulders, fighting with huge lizards.

“Go back!” Lica shouted to them. “Your weapon is powerless against the monsters of the abyss!”

Suddenly they heard a whistling sound and a huge crater grew up from the yellow fog. It was rising higher and getting wider. Suddenly the translucent creatures appeared out of the crater and furiously attacked the vampires. Two riders from Arthur’s army fell to the ground with a groan... and vanished.


“These things can quickly absorb our energy!” shouted the Prince of Vampires. “If the sorcerers don’t hurry up with the third stage, we won’t be able to hold out longer!”

“What happened to Margo and Huron?” Angelica was think-ing nervously. “Why don’t they start the third stage?”

A few more vampires fell down from their horses and disappeared.

To the sorcerers!



“I have to find the sorcerer and the witch immediately!” decided the girl.


She pulled her sword out, struck the horse with a whip and rushed towards the cave.


“Where are you going? Are you crazy!” she heard someone cried behind.


But Lica did not even turn her head. She saw only one goal in front - the entrance to the cave. Her horse was neighing and jumping from side to side. But Angelica was holding the reins tight. Suddenly a huge shadow rushed to the girl. Horrible stench hit her in the nose. Lica looked around and saw how something terrible was coming straight towards her. This ‘something’ fell on its hind legs getting ready to jump.


“Oh dear!” Angelica cried.


Almost automatically, she swung her sword and slashed at the monster. It roared and limping fell to the ground... but other monster had already followed the dead one.


“Faster! Faster!” the girl commanded to herself.


But it was too late to break through to the cave. The creepy-crawlies had circled her. Lica stopped the horse and put her sword forward. Suddenly, she heard a voice behind:


“Oh, well, how can you be so stupid?”


Angelica looked around and saw... Swein. He was on his horse holding a drawn sword in his hand.


“What are you doing here?” cried the girl.


“That’s what I would like to ask you first!” retorted the Goblins’ King.


He began to approach Lica slowly. At this point, one of the reptiles flicked his tail and tried to knock the girl out of the saddle. Angelica managed to react in time and dodged her horse from a terrible hit. This infuriated the predators and they almost at once rushed to Lica and Swein. The girl screamed but began to reflect the monsters’ blows. A little further, the Goblins’ King was fighting with the monsters. Three of the six creatures were already dead and then something distracted the predators. They looked up and then ran away from Angelica and Swein.


“Hurry up!” cried the Goblins’ King. “Otherwise, we will die!”


He hit Lica’s horse with whip and spurred his horse. A min-ute later, two riders were galloping to the cave. The girl did not have time to realize what had happened but now the more important thing was to find the sorcerers.


A few minutes later, our heroes jumped down from their horses at the entrance to the cave. Swein almost pulled Angelica out of the saddle and towed her into a dark embrasure.

“Hurry up!” he whispered. “We have to find Huron and Margo!”

“What? What happened there?” Lica murmured.


“Run, I’ll tell you later!”


The Goblins’ King was dragging the girl through the dark corridors. Angelica could see absolutely nothing, but Swein was navigating in the dark like a cat.

“Why is it so quiet?” he said. “There should be spiders! Why is it so quiet?!”

Our heroes ran through several corridors, and finally went into a wide one leading to the abyss. At the end of it they could see the light.


“What is there?” the girl pointed forward.


“Hush!” whispered the Goblins’ King.


Lica and Swein carefully made their way forward. The light was getting brighter. But the picture they saw there, threw them into the horror...

At the end of the corridor near the wall, Margo was laying motionlessly. They couldn’t understand whether she was alive or not. At the edge of the abyss, there were the remains of the tentacles and bodies of chopped monsters. There was terrible stench everywhere. Huron wasn’t anywhere.


Lica knelt down and crawled to the witch. She grabbed Margo’s hands trying to drag her down the corridor. A minute later, Swein came to help her and together they brought the witch into the darkness. Suddenly Margo moaned.


“Hush, hush!” whispered Lica. “These are we - Angelica and Swein! What happened to you? Where is your brother? Why didn’t you complete the ritual?”


“Angelica,” whispered the witch, “listen to me! We have finished the second stage, and now the gates into the abyss are open. But the monsters escaped from there, dragged Huron down! We have to finish the ritual! But without my brother it is impossible! Only his soul can seal the gates. Find him, or it will be too late!”


With these words, Margo fainted.


“Oh God!” the girl wailed. “We are both mortal and to go into the abyss is the same as to commit the suicide!”


Swein was sitting silent. Then he looked at her and said firmly:


“We have to finish the ritual! The life of the people depends on us! I’m going!”


“Me too!” they heard a voice from the darkness of the corridor. After a few seconds, Prince Edward came to our heroes. “Prince!” cried the girl. “How did you get here?!”


“How can I trust you such a serious matter?” the prince smiled. “Besides, unlike you, I picked up something with me.”


Edward showed them the rope that was wrapped around his waist. “And you, Angelica, stay here and keep an eye on Margo,” ordered the Prince Night. “Otherwise, spiders will eat her. Swein,  do you agree?!”


The Goblins’ King nodded and said:


“We have to hurry! The Prince of Vampires won’t be able to withstand the onslaught of monsters too long.”


And the men headed towards the abyss.


“Wait!” exclaimed Lica.


She rushed to the Prince and the King and hugged them both.


“Be careful!” she whispered through tears.


Edward ran his hand through her hair and smiled. Swein kissed her hand. After that, the prince and the king left. Lica went back to Margo.


“Water...” whispered the witch.


“Damn!” cursed the girl. “I have nothing with me in what I could get water!”


Then she remembered that the people in the desert used their clothes to collect rainwater. They just spread it during the rain and then twisted into the vessel and get water.


“Margo, dear, wait a little!” Angelica muttered. “I’ll bring the water!”


The girl dragged her closer to the wall and put quite weigh stones around.


“If a spider wanted to walk down the corridor, he would hardly notice her,” Lica was talking to herself.


Then she took the sword in her right hand and went back down the corridor by feel. She remembered that somewhere near must be a room with a creek ... There she first met the bride of Prince Edward, when she and Henry were running from the vile web. Indeed, shortly ahead she heard the sound of bubbling water. Angelica could see absolutely nothing, but she felt as if the walls of the corridor widened and it became easier to breathe.”


“I am in the room with a creek!” she guessed.


She got on her knees crawling forward and feeling everything with her hands. Suddenly her hand became wet.


“Hooray! Water!” whispered Lica in delight.


She pulled the sleeves of her shirt and ripped them. Then she soaked them in water and crawled back.


“Why is it so quiet?” she was thinking on the way. “This silence scares me!”


Lica got to Margo and twisted water into her mouth. “Thank you,” said the witch quietly, coming to life. “Angelica, listen to me! Only you will be able to finish the ritual!” “Margo, you are crazy, I’m not Huron!”


“Angelica, without your help Swein and Edward will die in the abyss. They’re energetically powerless against the monsters of the other world!”


“And me? What can I do?”


“You must hold a ceremony and open the third stage!”


“To call the elements?” horrified Lica. “But I’m not a witch, I cannot...”


“Don’t interrupt me! It’s hard to speak!”


Margo took a few deep breaths and continued:


“We had prepared everything for the ritual. At the edge of the abyss there is a pentagram, the spell is written there. You have to get closer to it and insert the crystal ball, which my brother and I had brought, in the center of it. The bag with the crystal must be somewhere there - among the rocks! Then you have to stand up in the center of the pentagram, and read the spell then put some of your blood on the crystal. Thus, you will call the element of air, fire and water.”


“What to do then? I do not know how to control them,” she murmured.


“It does not matter. You should call them or we all will die!” Angelica nodded. She tried to pull herself together and headed for the abyss. A strange glow was coming from the abyss and illuminating everything around.


“At least I can see everything!” the girl calmed herself down. She walked to the end of the corridor and began to look for the pentagram on the floor. On the left – in the wall where was the laboratory of the old sorcerer, on the floor she saw a big picture. It was a circle with an inverted star inside. In the center of the star was deepening, probably for the crystal. There was a long Latin inscription on the rim of the circle.


“God!” Angelica gasped. “I do not know Latin! And where the bag with the crystal is?!”


She began walking among the rocks, trying to find the sor-cerers’ things. At this time, the light coming out of the abyss began to pulse. She suddenly felt terribly cold, and heard a terrible

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