Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) đź“•

Excerpt from the book:
Jacob and Kayla were best friends growing up, there was a connection, but circumstances sent her to the other side of the world. 7 years later Kayla's back, have situations changes, is the connection still there? Will there be a new love triangle between Kayla, Jacob and...?
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the front door. “Coming honey” she answered coming down the stairs. Two weeks had crept on everyone and we were now on our way to the wedding. My Nana and I drove from the house and as we turned onto the highway, Jacob’s face stared at us. Bella’s father had pinned photos on every available post on the highway. What seemed strange was that no one in La Push seemed to be looking for Jake.
When I questioned my Nana, Billy and the others, it all ended in the same way. “He will come home when he’s ready, he’s a big boy now” they all said. I was worried about Jake, even though I have never seen him in the two months I was back. I arrived to pick Billy up and continued to drive to the Cullen’s place, not sure if we were on the right road I spotted some lanterns on the trees almost like a path way to the Cullen’s place, so we followed it and turned down a driveway and found some parking. I helped Nana out the car, then pulled Billy’s wheelchair from the boot and helped him in.
“Thank you for coming Billy, Mrs Hawkes” said this young blonde man. “I’m sorry I don’t know your name” he said greeting me. “This is Kayla Hawkes, Nana’s granddaughter” introduced Billy. “Nice to meet you Kayla, I am Carlisle Cullen, welcome to my home and to Bella and Edward's wedding” he said showing us in. “Thank you” I responded as we were escorted to our seats. Seth arrived with his mom, they came to join us.
The wedding was lovely, both bride and groom were beautiful. Bella looked stunning in her Victorian style dress; it felt like we went back in time to the 1700’s. The wedding then flowed into the reception as the evening dawned on.
While I was sipping on a bit of champagne while standing near the patio doors, I heard some slightly raised voices from outside on the patio. I peered past the chiffon droppings and saw Jacob, Edward and Bella talking, it looked slightly heated. Jacob was angry at something Bella had said, that Bella moved away from Jake into Edwards arms. Jacob was shaking, Seth moved past me stood in front of him trying to calm him down and push him away from Bella who was standing in front of Edward stopping him as well.
Sam, Jared, Embry who appeared out of nowhere all of sudden pulled Jake away and pulled him into the woods and out of sight. Bella wiped her tears and turned to Edward and they walked towards the door, I stepped away. Bella and Edward entered the party once more. I moved towards the doors and looked out, it was quiet except for some howling of wolves, and it’s sounded like it was in pain. “Kayla, Kayla” came a voice behind me that it startled me. “What’s wrong?” Nana’s voice again. “Jacob, he was out there, but, now he’s gone” I said going back into my trance. “We are ready to go if you are?” she asked changing the subject.
“Sure Nana” I answered and walked away from the patio doors. I wished both Bella and Edward congratulations once more before leaving and helped Billy into the car, Nana got in and we were off. “Uncle Billy, did you know Jake’s back?” I queried looking at him in the review mirror. “Really, how do you know?” he asked not looking at me. “I saw him out on the patio talking to Bella and Edward, he seemed upset” I responded. “Oh, then he might be at home by the time we get there” he replied as it was nothing.
Chapter 17
Nana was tired so I dropped her off at home first and then took Billy home, in hopes I might get to see my old friend. But when dropping Billy off there was no sign of life at Billy’s place, no Jacob. I wasn’t in the mood to go back home right now and the evening air was warm and humid. I decided to make a turn at the rock pools, just looking at the waters was tempting so I got undressed into my undies and went into the water, and the water was cool and soothing.
I was swimming around when I heard a roar and a tree fall over, I got such a fright, and I kept still turning slightly around to listen where the sound came from. Then all went quiet, not long I heard sobbing, hard sobbing then a cry out. "NOOOO!" it said. I got out of the water and followed the sobbing. There on the far side beside the fallen tree was a semi naked man curled up crying, he was sobbing so hard his body shook. He had a pair of cut off denim shorts on.
I walked over to him and touched his arm; his body was on fire it was so hot. “Are you okay?” I asked, but he didn’t respond. I sat down next to him, and I tried to see his face as he lifted his head slightly, it was Jacob, and he was a wreck. “Jacob” I said softly as I moved closer to him and held him. He cried and cried. “Come Jake, let’s get you home” I said as I managed to get him up and walked him to my car and got him inside. I quickly ran back to collect my clothes and got dressed as I ran back to the car.
Jake looked so out of it, almost like he was on drugs, I drove to Billy’s place, his lights were still on as I pulled up outside. I got out and went to the passenger side door and opened it, Billy’s front door opened. “Kayla?” called Billy. “Come Jake you’re home, you’re safe” I said straining under his weight and height. “Jacob!” called Billy, Jacob must have recognised his father’s voice and helped himself a little by taking most of his weight off of me and helped with getting up the stairs. I entered and looked on at Billy, “first door to the right Kayla” he said as I took Jake into his room and managed to get him onto his bed as he fell, I fell on top of him.
“Sorry” I said getting up quickly but he just laid there and fell fast asleep. I looked around his tiny room; there above his bed was our group photo and a photo of him and me.
I backed out of the room closing the door behind me. “Where did you find him?” asked Billy as I walked towards him. “At the rock pool” I answered going past him. “Thank you Kayla, thank you for brining Jake home” he said has he taken hold of my arm stopping me. “Sure” I replied and left.
Jacob’s POV:
After Sam and the guys forced me from the Cullen’s house, I pulled away from them. I needed to get away, my heart was ripping in two, I ran and found myself at the rock pools. There I felt myself burst with anger; I cried and cried as the anger poured out of me. I punched a nearby tree and it cracked and fell over. I just fell down to the ground and sobbed.
I heard a soft voice, but I was so angry, I thought it was in my head, I just didn’t care anymore, and I wanted to die. The soft voice spoke again; she smelt like vanilla, I lifted my head slightly at the scent. She said my name this time. She helped me get up, I felt so weak, I was being put in a car, and then I blanked out. I was being pulled somewhere; I heard my father’s voice which helped me. I tried to take some of my weight and help myself, my bed, I fell on my bed, I fell asleep immediately, but the smell of vanilla consumed my thoughts as I drifted into an exhausted sleep. That scent made the heartache feel less painful, but the scent was familiar to me.
Chapter 18
I dreamt of this girl with long dark hair and striking green eyes. She looked familiar but I was sure I didn’t know her. She was standing on the other side of the school parking area, the wind blew her hair and the smell of vanilla overwhelmed me, she turned away from me, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest.
I looked at her and…”Jake, Jake, wake up, you okay?” called my dad, as he pulled me out of my dream. “What, I’m fine” I muffled. “Sure, you were screaming” he stated. “I’m sorry” I replied. “What was it about, you were talking about green eyes” he said curiously. “Not sure, I’m going back to sleep” I said and turned my back on him and tried to get back to sleep, to that dream, but it was no good, I couldn’t. That smell stayed around me all the time and the green eyes; it was like it was burned into my memory.
Finally after giving in I got up and decided to go for a shower, clean myself up. No one was ever going to see me shed a tear over Bella anymore; she made her choice and married Edward.
I was no sooner done in the bathroom, when I heard voices of the pack inside. I listened to what they were saying. “Kayla brought him home last night” my dad said. “Kayla?” questioned Quil. “Where did she find him?” asked Embry. “She said she found him at the rock pools” he replied. “How is he?” asked Sam. “He was in pretty bad shape when she brought him in, he could barely walk himself, but he’s in the shower now” he stated. “Can you imagine our petite Kayla trying to carry that big lump ?” suggested Seth. I opened the door only to be greeted by shocked faces, they knew I would have heard them. “Hi guys” I said.
Kayla’s POV:
After dropping Jacob off at Billy’s place, I drove home, still fairly wet and with a lot of questions in my head. I arrived at home and went inside, Nana was on the phone. “Yes, she’s just got in; yes I will make sure she is okay. I am glad he’s back at home where he belongs. I will thank her for you again Billy, goodnight” she ended the call.
I entered the kitchen where Nana was sitting. “Hello baby, that was Billy on the phone, he wanted to make sure you got home fine and said that Jacob is home thanks to you, he asked me to thank you again” she said eyeing me curiously, I just nodded. “Is everything okay Kayla?” asked Nana. “Yeah, just Jake looked like a wreck” I replied. Nana eyed me out again, “I’m tired, I am going to bed now, goodnight Nana” I said kissing her and going straight to my room without giving her a chance to reply.
I got into a shower and washed my hair, it bothered me to see Jacob so torn up like that; he must have really and truly loved Bella for it to affect him that way. I dried my hair and got into bed. I couldn’t sleep Jacob’s tear stained face had me worried, I thought I would go and see him in the morning to see how he was doing. I eventually fell into an uneasy sleep, with the photos on my mind.
Chapter 19
Jacob’s POV:
“Hi guys” I said. “Hi Jake” replied Seth while the others eyed me out. “Are
When I questioned my Nana, Billy and the others, it all ended in the same way. “He will come home when he’s ready, he’s a big boy now” they all said. I was worried about Jake, even though I have never seen him in the two months I was back. I arrived to pick Billy up and continued to drive to the Cullen’s place, not sure if we were on the right road I spotted some lanterns on the trees almost like a path way to the Cullen’s place, so we followed it and turned down a driveway and found some parking. I helped Nana out the car, then pulled Billy’s wheelchair from the boot and helped him in.
“Thank you for coming Billy, Mrs Hawkes” said this young blonde man. “I’m sorry I don’t know your name” he said greeting me. “This is Kayla Hawkes, Nana’s granddaughter” introduced Billy. “Nice to meet you Kayla, I am Carlisle Cullen, welcome to my home and to Bella and Edward's wedding” he said showing us in. “Thank you” I responded as we were escorted to our seats. Seth arrived with his mom, they came to join us.
The wedding was lovely, both bride and groom were beautiful. Bella looked stunning in her Victorian style dress; it felt like we went back in time to the 1700’s. The wedding then flowed into the reception as the evening dawned on.
While I was sipping on a bit of champagne while standing near the patio doors, I heard some slightly raised voices from outside on the patio. I peered past the chiffon droppings and saw Jacob, Edward and Bella talking, it looked slightly heated. Jacob was angry at something Bella had said, that Bella moved away from Jake into Edwards arms. Jacob was shaking, Seth moved past me stood in front of him trying to calm him down and push him away from Bella who was standing in front of Edward stopping him as well.
Sam, Jared, Embry who appeared out of nowhere all of sudden pulled Jake away and pulled him into the woods and out of sight. Bella wiped her tears and turned to Edward and they walked towards the door, I stepped away. Bella and Edward entered the party once more. I moved towards the doors and looked out, it was quiet except for some howling of wolves, and it’s sounded like it was in pain. “Kayla, Kayla” came a voice behind me that it startled me. “What’s wrong?” Nana’s voice again. “Jacob, he was out there, but, now he’s gone” I said going back into my trance. “We are ready to go if you are?” she asked changing the subject.
“Sure Nana” I answered and walked away from the patio doors. I wished both Bella and Edward congratulations once more before leaving and helped Billy into the car, Nana got in and we were off. “Uncle Billy, did you know Jake’s back?” I queried looking at him in the review mirror. “Really, how do you know?” he asked not looking at me. “I saw him out on the patio talking to Bella and Edward, he seemed upset” I responded. “Oh, then he might be at home by the time we get there” he replied as it was nothing.
Chapter 17
Nana was tired so I dropped her off at home first and then took Billy home, in hopes I might get to see my old friend. But when dropping Billy off there was no sign of life at Billy’s place, no Jacob. I wasn’t in the mood to go back home right now and the evening air was warm and humid. I decided to make a turn at the rock pools, just looking at the waters was tempting so I got undressed into my undies and went into the water, and the water was cool and soothing.
I was swimming around when I heard a roar and a tree fall over, I got such a fright, and I kept still turning slightly around to listen where the sound came from. Then all went quiet, not long I heard sobbing, hard sobbing then a cry out. "NOOOO!" it said. I got out of the water and followed the sobbing. There on the far side beside the fallen tree was a semi naked man curled up crying, he was sobbing so hard his body shook. He had a pair of cut off denim shorts on.
I walked over to him and touched his arm; his body was on fire it was so hot. “Are you okay?” I asked, but he didn’t respond. I sat down next to him, and I tried to see his face as he lifted his head slightly, it was Jacob, and he was a wreck. “Jacob” I said softly as I moved closer to him and held him. He cried and cried. “Come Jake, let’s get you home” I said as I managed to get him up and walked him to my car and got him inside. I quickly ran back to collect my clothes and got dressed as I ran back to the car.
Jake looked so out of it, almost like he was on drugs, I drove to Billy’s place, his lights were still on as I pulled up outside. I got out and went to the passenger side door and opened it, Billy’s front door opened. “Kayla?” called Billy. “Come Jake you’re home, you’re safe” I said straining under his weight and height. “Jacob!” called Billy, Jacob must have recognised his father’s voice and helped himself a little by taking most of his weight off of me and helped with getting up the stairs. I entered and looked on at Billy, “first door to the right Kayla” he said as I took Jake into his room and managed to get him onto his bed as he fell, I fell on top of him.
“Sorry” I said getting up quickly but he just laid there and fell fast asleep. I looked around his tiny room; there above his bed was our group photo and a photo of him and me.
I backed out of the room closing the door behind me. “Where did you find him?” asked Billy as I walked towards him. “At the rock pool” I answered going past him. “Thank you Kayla, thank you for brining Jake home” he said has he taken hold of my arm stopping me. “Sure” I replied and left.
Jacob’s POV:
After Sam and the guys forced me from the Cullen’s house, I pulled away from them. I needed to get away, my heart was ripping in two, I ran and found myself at the rock pools. There I felt myself burst with anger; I cried and cried as the anger poured out of me. I punched a nearby tree and it cracked and fell over. I just fell down to the ground and sobbed.
I heard a soft voice, but I was so angry, I thought it was in my head, I just didn’t care anymore, and I wanted to die. The soft voice spoke again; she smelt like vanilla, I lifted my head slightly at the scent. She said my name this time. She helped me get up, I felt so weak, I was being put in a car, and then I blanked out. I was being pulled somewhere; I heard my father’s voice which helped me. I tried to take some of my weight and help myself, my bed, I fell on my bed, I fell asleep immediately, but the smell of vanilla consumed my thoughts as I drifted into an exhausted sleep. That scent made the heartache feel less painful, but the scent was familiar to me.
Chapter 18
I dreamt of this girl with long dark hair and striking green eyes. She looked familiar but I was sure I didn’t know her. She was standing on the other side of the school parking area, the wind blew her hair and the smell of vanilla overwhelmed me, she turned away from me, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest.
I looked at her and…”Jake, Jake, wake up, you okay?” called my dad, as he pulled me out of my dream. “What, I’m fine” I muffled. “Sure, you were screaming” he stated. “I’m sorry” I replied. “What was it about, you were talking about green eyes” he said curiously. “Not sure, I’m going back to sleep” I said and turned my back on him and tried to get back to sleep, to that dream, but it was no good, I couldn’t. That smell stayed around me all the time and the green eyes; it was like it was burned into my memory.
Finally after giving in I got up and decided to go for a shower, clean myself up. No one was ever going to see me shed a tear over Bella anymore; she made her choice and married Edward.
I was no sooner done in the bathroom, when I heard voices of the pack inside. I listened to what they were saying. “Kayla brought him home last night” my dad said. “Kayla?” questioned Quil. “Where did she find him?” asked Embry. “She said she found him at the rock pools” he replied. “How is he?” asked Sam. “He was in pretty bad shape when she brought him in, he could barely walk himself, but he’s in the shower now” he stated. “Can you imagine our petite Kayla trying to carry that big lump ?” suggested Seth. I opened the door only to be greeted by shocked faces, they knew I would have heard them. “Hi guys” I said.
Kayla’s POV:
After dropping Jacob off at Billy’s place, I drove home, still fairly wet and with a lot of questions in my head. I arrived at home and went inside, Nana was on the phone. “Yes, she’s just got in; yes I will make sure she is okay. I am glad he’s back at home where he belongs. I will thank her for you again Billy, goodnight” she ended the call.
I entered the kitchen where Nana was sitting. “Hello baby, that was Billy on the phone, he wanted to make sure you got home fine and said that Jacob is home thanks to you, he asked me to thank you again” she said eyeing me curiously, I just nodded. “Is everything okay Kayla?” asked Nana. “Yeah, just Jake looked like a wreck” I replied. Nana eyed me out again, “I’m tired, I am going to bed now, goodnight Nana” I said kissing her and going straight to my room without giving her a chance to reply.
I got into a shower and washed my hair, it bothered me to see Jacob so torn up like that; he must have really and truly loved Bella for it to affect him that way. I dried my hair and got into bed. I couldn’t sleep Jacob’s tear stained face had me worried, I thought I would go and see him in the morning to see how he was doing. I eventually fell into an uneasy sleep, with the photos on my mind.
Chapter 19
Jacob’s POV:
“Hi guys” I said. “Hi Jake” replied Seth while the others eyed me out. “Are
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