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Is that clear, or do you have other duties?” I asked.
Tobashi bowed. “Yes, ma’am,” he said.
Yoko bowed. I was hoping to spend some time with Tobashi
but I guess if it’s for Milady, I will do it. She thought.
I felt sorry. “Never mind, I’ll go get him. You two can spend some time together,” I said patting Yoko on the shoulder.
She smiled. “Thank you, milady,” she said bowing.
I looked up at the sky before I changed to my human form; it had just turned dusk.
I walked to Aaron’s castle.
I walked into the throne room to see Kein laughing with Aaron and Zelia.
Zelia saw me and stood up to bow.
I smiled.
Aaron and Kein didn’t notice me.
Zelia looked at them then walked over to me. “I’m sorry Milady. They’ve been like this since Kein got here,” she said bowing. “They get along well,” she said looking at them.
I smiled. “They do
,” I started. “Hey, Zelia?”
“Yes, milady?”
I sighed. “Ugh, I’m tired
,” I muttered. “Oh, sorry!” I said snapping back into it.
Zelia chuckled. “I don’t mind,” she said smiling.
“I can tell we’ll be getting along,” I said smiling back.
“You were saying something?” she asked.
“Oh, yes. I want to explain more to you, you may explain it to Aaron later.”
She nodded and listened.
“As you know, I am a Master Spirit, the leader of this Galaxy
but there are others. Every two thousand years, I go to fight and protect this Galaxy from other Master Spirits. Here recently, one of them have come to the Galaxy,” I started explain.
Zelia looked worried.
“Don’t worry; he’s a friend
so far. He just came to visit, or so he says. I still can’t trust him, just for the fact that other Master Spirits can put a barrier around their thoughts and make me hear different thoughts. So if you are in any danger, I will warn you beforehand.”
Zelia was trying to figure out whether to be worried or to be happy. “Does he have a name?” she asked.
I nodded. “His name is Shing.”
Kein’s laughter faded.
I looked at him to get a disappointed look back.
Zelia walked back to Aaron as Kein walked to me.
Kein was about to start talking, but before he did I raised my hand for him to be silent. “Not until we get back on our territory,” I said under my breath.
He nodded irritably.
“We will be leaving now,” I said to Aaron and Zelia.
They smiled. “Thank you for the visit.”
Kein and I walked to our territory.
Kein watched his feet as he walked. He had a thoughtful look on his face. So many things have been going on
 he thought looking up. I don’t know whether to be happy or irritated.
I sighed then leaned up against a tree. “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. It was my fault that this happened,” I said admitting my fault.
Kein didn’t look me in the eyes; instead, he leaned against a tree with his head facing to his left. Now I really don’t know what to say
she said sorry, but I still feel-
“Jealous?” I asked casually.
He didn’t say anything. He finally looked at me. “In a way.”
As I got closer to him, I looked and saw that he was about four or five inches taller than me, the height of a sixteen-year-old boy. His blue human eyes and blonde hair were more than normal. He looked like an idol
no, a god.
He looked confused. “What?” he asked.
“Sit down
please,” I said sitting down on the damp ground. I was still in my human form, as was he.
He sat down beside me not saying anything.
I put my head on his leg. “I’m tired, be my pillow,” I said closing my eyes.
He smiled.
“Remember, you’re the only one I’ll use as my pillow,” I reminded him.
I know,” he said calmly. His smile remained as he put his hand on my blonde—human—hair.
“Sleep well, Mikazuki.”
I let myself fall asleep with my head in his lap.
When I woke up, it was morning.
Kein had fallen asleep leaned up against the tree.
I sat up and took a quick look around. I then looked back to Kein who was still sleeping. I moved his hair out of his eyes then watched him.
If only
if only I knew my first kiss wouldn’t grant him the power. I think more of him than just a brother
. If he knew the truth
 I started. I leaned on his shoulder. I don’t know what would happen
I guess I could look
. I thought looking through time.
If I gave him my first kiss, it would turn out like my mother and father did. Our child would have the same sickness I did, but we wouldn’t be able to give them our powers to save her. She would die suffering.
But I wanted so badly for my first kiss to go to him. I loved him so much. I didn’t know why though
it may have been because he was my first friend. The first Great Spirit that came to my side.
By now I was holding back tears from what I saw if I did give him my first kiss. I had already seen that it would be fine if I didn’t give him my first kiss.
I tear strolled down my cheek, then pattered on Kein’s off white shirt.
Kein’s eyes opened. Rain? He thought. He looked at me. No, far worse
. “What’s wrong?”
I clenched a little of his long sleeved shirt. “N-nothing,” I said burying my face in his arm.
He put his hand on my head. “How can you try to lie when something is clearly bothering you?” he asked worried. Is this something that I’ve done? He thought.
I tried to stop crying. “I-it’s –hic—nothing you’ve done—hic, hic—” I said.
“Then what?” he asked.
“It’s something I want—hic—but can’t have,” I said looking into his eyes.
He was stunned. “I don’t understand,” he said clueless of what I was telling him.
I wiped my eyes and got closer to him. I put my face level with his.
He still didn’t get it. What’s she doing? He asked.
“You idiot! Why can’t you understand?!” I exclaimed dropping my head to his chest.
By now I was in his lap like a child on a parent’s lap, sobbing.
It finally clicked. He didn’t know what to say. Me? She wants me, but can have me? Why? I don’t understand!
“Since when?” he finally asked.
“Always,” I said stopping myself from crying anymore. I stayed where I had been and thought about what I was saying, and if I really should have said it.
“Why?” he asked after a long time. “Just why can’t you have me?”
I didn’t want him to hear the strain in my voice, so I spoke softly. “Because
the child would inherit my illness, we wouldn’t be able to heal her—and we wouldn’t be able to pass our powers to her—she would die suffering
,” I explained. “I don’t want to bare that kind of pain
not again.”
I looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave. Please don’t follow,” I said standing up and turning away.
I quickly took my Great Spirit form.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
I looked back at him. “It doesn’t matter, you won’t be able to follow,” I said.
He looked down. “To Shing?” he asked.
I didn’t answer for awhile.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to tell me. I may not know where you’re going, or why you have chosen to go
but know that I’ll wait for your return,” he said looking up.
I turned away. “You’re in charge while I’m gone,” I said before teleporting to a different part of the Solar System.

I put my foot down on the softness of Pluto’s surface. Soon after, I sat down.
I pulled my knees to my chest and looked at the ground beneath me. I put my finger on it then put Kein’s name in it, like putting a name in the sand.
“I’ll leave you here, so my heart doesn’t break every time I see you,” I said putting a circle around it. The closer I get to feeling like he’s a sibling instead of a lover, the circle will slowly start disappearing
then the day I completely think of him as a sibling, it will disappear and his name will vanish
. I thought putting magic into the circle.
I stood up and looked to Earth. “I’ll come back
later,” I said.
I tried to remember the name of Shing’s Galaxy. When I had thought of it, I thought its name in my head then teleported outside its borders.
I looked at the Galaxy. “The ‘Fuyu no Tsuki Galaxy’
so beautiful
,” I said looking at the blue shades it had.
I jumped to the nearest solid, an asteroid. I stopped it for the moment I was on it so that it wouldn’t go out of the borders. Geez
so big. I wonder where Shing is
I don’t really want to search the entire Galaxy
. I thought putting my hair up.
“I’m right here,” I heard Shing’s voice say from behind me.
I turned around.
“Welcome,” he said.
“Heh, you found me before I could even search for you,” I said with a little laugh.
He smiled. “It’s a big Galaxy, I wouldn’t be surprised. Here, follow me, I’ll show you my world,” he said putting his hand out.
I took his hand without a second thought.
We appeared in a snow bound land.
I shivered. “It’s so cold,” I said when I realized I didn’t have anything but a light shirt and cotton pants on.
He smiled. “Just right for me. Here,” he said leading me to a building.
He was still holding my hand when we entered the building. “Almost warm enough for you?” he asked.
I nodded weakly.
“Tell the truth. It won’t kill me to be warmer than usual,” he said making the place warmer.
I noticed something that I didn’t before.
“What is it?” he asked when I didn’t say anything.
“Let’s go to a different part of the Galaxy, I want to see something,” I said.
“Sure thing,” he said teleporting us to a different place. This place was a little bit warmer, but not by much.
“I need you to use fire,” I said.
He let go of my hand and thought about using fire. “Eh
don’t think I’ve really used it that much
,” he admitted.
“Go to your Master Spirit form,” I said starting to take my Master Spirit form.
He started taking is Master Spirit form.
When we were both in our Master Spirit form I stretched my arms.
“Phew! It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this form!” I said.
He studied my Master Spirit form.
My hair was a jet black, and my eyes were ocean blue.
My clothing was like a warrior preparing for battle—strong armor that was as light as feathers; golden bands around my wrists; a black, metal mask that covered the bottom half of my face; black, fighting boots that came to my knees; light, golden chains that attached a knife to my boots; black fighting pants; a golden band around my neck; golden earrings; a golden silk hair-tie; and a black, long-sleeved shirt.
I had two swords attached to my golden silk belt, and a quiver of golden arrows, and a bow. My arrows were ones that I had made myself—they would dissolve three seconds after they hit the target then enter their bloodstream making them die. My swords were made so strong and steady—yet light—that they could withstand almost anything.
I was an invincible weapon of death.
Shing looked at me trying not to let his
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