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since it is somewhat related to M-0."

The Professor put away his papers into his drawer and locked it, facing his attention back to Arphredite. "That girl, Kavierra is not like us. She is very much different from everyone, excluding M-0."

"What are you trying to say, Professor?"

"Like M-0, she is one of those- outer world people."

"Outer world?"

"Yes, outer world. A world that we do not know that it exist. Many previous scientist that worked here in thislaboratoryhad found hints that there may be a living planet other than Earth. Sadly, they couldn't provide any evidence that there were such. My father who was desperately tried to find that outer planet was part of that research, he almost gave up until the year 2009. When M-0 appeared."

"How does does girl get involve in M-0 situation? This does not please me at all, Professor. Please tell me something that I don't already know."

"As you should know, M-0 have a special ability that I, including himself, don't even know. Something that we could not perfect in and remains a mystery. He showed a mysterious power that seems to be.... out of this world. Soon, my father passed away, leaving up to me to continue this research along with other deceased scientist. Seven years later, a young teenager name Asagi Xiong appeared. I greedily wanted her, I immediately knew that I would want to experiment on her. Many rumors had spread throughout this city, saying she was some sort of curse. When I first saw her, I felt an aura that amazed me for the first time. It made me shiver, made my skin crawl. For some reason, I immediately knew that she was powerful."

Arphredite tilted her head,"Powerful how?"

"I wouldn't know, it- I could just sense it. I soon brought group 561 along with Decrea 5 and 6 over, one of out ten top strongest members and top ten strongest group. I wanted that girl, but why did I bring such a large, violence group over to her just to force her to come to my laboratory? I wouldn't know, but her presence told me that she was..... powerful. I brought all of them and confronted them to the little girl. Usually, all of my past experiments would shiver in fright, but this girl.... she didn't shiver. Sheβ€”remained calmed. She didn't flinched. She was standing at the same place where I have first and last saw her. Not once have I seen her house, which was rumored to be some sort of haunted underground house with flesh of little children that was used as decorations. She stood there every time I saw her.... Itβ€” it was as if she knew that I was watching her."

"Keep going Professor. Try not to mumble when you talk," said Arphredite in a calm voice.

"I made everyone in group 561 attack her at the same time. But, she brought down everyone last of them to broken pieces of flesh within 7 minutes. For some weird reason, they couldn't regenerate. Decrea 5 and 6 attacked her, but she immediately took them down, it took her a little bit longer, but she didn't bother to killed them. She kept them alive, breathing. She soon attacked me, wanting to kill me, revealing her lust in her eyes. But, something made her stop, I didn't know why she stopped, but she just did. She released me, she told me not to show myself to her face again. I immediately obeyed, left the forest and went to stay and weep in this office. I stayed in this building, until she showed up. Kavierra."

He extended his arm to reach for the drawer, unlocked it with his key, and took out a huge folder that had five different tabs.

"What is this, Professor?" Arphredite asked.

"A folder of experiments I made on five different people. Out of all 10,999 children, teenagers, and adults, these five were different from everyone, way before I started to experiment on them. Look inside of the folder, Arphredite."

Arphredite obeyed, she opened it, flipping pages to see the results. She looked up at him, confused. "Blood samples?"

"Correct, Arphredite. I compared these five blood, including Kavierra and M-0, to all of the others that I have captured. Just these five have different blood types out of all of the others. Their blood types doesn't even match what we- humans have. Their cells exceeds better than ours, meaning higher and faster healing time than us. I tested their abilities, only these five seem to last longer than all of the others."

"What does this mean?"

"I have injected HIV and other diseases that have no cure into these five people along with five other normal people without any treatment and at the same time. My result was that the five normal people died, the other five survived. Including Kavierra and M-0."

Arphredite gave out a worried look, surprised at these news.

"These five had the same reaction. When I injected them, they all immediately started to cough, having the urge to vomit. I stood there, watching them from behind the window. They all started to vomit everywhere, little fluid along with a huge amount of blood. They soon craved for blood, water or some other fluid that they could get their hands on, but they would much rather prefer blood. Not only that they craved for blood, they had the urge to leave the room, they wouldcontinually hit the wall, scratch the wall until their fingernails fall off and bleed. It came to the point that they started to hit the window and escaped.I went to the room, carefully gathering the fluid and blood they they have vomited. It seems that the fluid was the fluid that I have injected them. The huge amount of blood was the cells that have been affected. All of the cells died before I could get to see what was inside of their cells."

"How could the injection you gave them quickly entered their system? That isn't possible!"

"Like I said before, their cells exceeds ours. No human could quickly do this, no human could heal and last longer." He grabbed the folder that Arphredite gave back, shove it in his drawer and locked it. "To answer your questions from before, Arphredite, this is the only proof that we have that they are not one of us. This must mean that they are not one of us."

"It can also mean human evolution, Professor."

"No, not human evolution. It's much greater than that... I can tell, I just have no proof, I lack evidence to show the world of my founding. I just need more....."

****************Yue Thao****************

T'shawn was all she could think about. Kavierra wanted to escape, she wanted to be free. She didn't want T'shawn to get hurt again.


She quickly flinched when her name was called out. Who was calling her name? Her name wasrepeated over and over again. At first, she thought it was just voices in her head, but now as she think about it, she could actually hear her name being called out.

Kavierra slowly opened her eyes, looking up in front of her, without moving her head. She saw a figure of a person, she couldn't tell who it was until she blinked her eyes a few times.

It was that man. That man who promised her that he will save T'shawn.

"Awake now, little girl?" he said in an unhappy voice.

"W-what are you doing here?" Kavierra asked.

"What do you mean?" he said in a half furious voice, "I've been here ever since you called me."

"I can't leave- move......."

"I know little girl, that's why I'm here."

She looked around, wondering where she was. This time she wasn't in that dark place, like always, she was in the room where that bitch, Arphredite, have tortured her. And this time, the man was not in her dreams, he was outside of her mind. "I need to leave," Kavierra commanded it.

"I know that as well. Your brother is practically screaming for you right now."


"He's looking for you, all alone in a dark area."

"Hurry up and r-release me."

The belts around her suddenly all came off without the man touching the belt. Kavierra fell forward, knowing that she would not be able to catch her fall.

The man catch her, sighing. "I didn't expect this to come. It's going to take a while to have my soul."

Kavierra pushed him, walking on her feet. She didn't want rely on anybody, no one. She stumbled toward the door, opening it. She thought that it would be locked, but she guess that they were dumb enough to do that. She looked back at the man who is still standing there. "Don't just stand there, find T'shawn, alive and safe."

The man smirked, licking his lips and bowed his head, tucking his hand under his chest. "What ever you want."

Kavierra gulped, not knowing if she could walk for long. She was thirsty, very thirsty like before when the doctor injected her with something that made her vomited. Mostly blood.


She looked back at the man, closed her eyes and listened. She couldn't hear his heartbeat, but it was very faint. Her throat suddenly became dry, very dry. Something bothered her, she somehow didn't feel satisfied if she drank water. What did she needed?

The man stared at her, knowing that something was wrong. He reached over for his neck and touched it. He licked his lips again, smiling.Omoshiroi ne.....he thought to himself. They both exit the room, the man took the lead and started to walk down the hallway, without speaking to the girl.

**************Yue Thao*************

"So what are we going to do now, Professor?" Arphredite asked.

The Professor sat there, thinking. "Make her obey us. We must make her fear us, like how we did with M-0. I can't afford to let any of the rare outsiders escape!"

Suddenly, Arphredite and the Professor heard running, before they both started to speak, the door swung opened. A boy who was about eleven years entered the room, out of breath. "You dare interrupt us without any permission?!!" Arphredite boomed.

"P-please forgive me for myinexcusableintrusion, but I feared that he escaped."

"Who escaped?!"

The Professor immediately knew who it was,"Hormornez-8......."

Arphredite turned around, "Him again?!"

"Not only that, ma'am, Y-4 have also escaped!" said the little boy, frightened.

"Who's Y-4??" Arphredite asked.

"Kavierra...." answered the Professor.

Arphredite eyes widened. "That bitch...."

The Professor immediately stood up, "N-010!" he screeched. The little boy flinched at the call of his name. "Notify the Iligesium immediately that both Hormornez-8 and Y-4 has escaped!!"

The little boy nodded, he ran out of the room and disappeared into the dark hallway.

"What am we suppose to do now, Professor?" asked Arphredite.

"We'll go down to the prisons and tell all of the members to find them. The one who is able to catch them will win their freedom," he answered.

Arphredite saluted him, "Yes Professor, please come this way."

The Professor immediately got up and they both left the room, heading toward the prisons.

Yue Thao

Β© Copyright 2012 Yue Thao

All rights reserved.
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