American library books Β» Fiction Β» There is nothing to fear but fear itself by Becca A (lightest ebook reader .txt) πŸ“•

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started yelling, and her blaming me sent wild thoughts through my head. Could I have saved her? Maybe if I.... "I hate you!" Bri suddenly was running at full speed away from me. I was too stuned to go after her. Maybe I could have saved mom, maybe this was all my fault.

I must have stood there for a couple hours before I did anything. When I was able to understand everything, Iran in the direction I thought Bri went. I kept calling out her name, repeadly. I couldn't find her, and I was freaking out. I couldn't loose Mom and Bri, I refused to. I slowed down, catching my breath. I needed to figure this out, not get more lost.

I walked slower, calling out her name, saying I was sorry. I looked for signs that would tell me she had ran through there. I couldn't find any. I had lost her, and I lost Mom, and now I was finally loosing myself. Maybe she was torn apart by animals, caught in a tree root and broke her leg.

No. I wasn't going to think like that. But I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilties. They all ran through my head, and I finally just stopped running and fell to the ground. Hot tears ran down my cheeks,then going down on the leaves that littered the ground. My vision blurred as more tears came. I didn't even know I could cry anymore, when we ran from home, I was suprised too them. I never cired.

Im not going to start now. I stood up detirmened, and whipped off my face. "Bri, if you can hear me, get over here. Im sorry, but we cant change the past" I shouted out, incase she was in hearing distance. I started walking, and walked all night, and the next day, calling for Bri. Maybe somthing had eaten her, or someone found her. Eaither way, it was my fault.
I defiently dont know you

I never stopped, I kept walking, never stopping. I did it for three days. I didn't run into anyone or anything. I only stopped to catch my breath. So I hadn't eaten, drank, or slept in 3 days stright. I didn't notice it much, after the first day, my hunger disippered.

It was night now, and I was debating on weather or not to sleep. I should, but I couldn't knowing Bri could be hurt. My desicion was made for me when a tree root caught my foot, twisting it as I went down. I ghasped at the sudden pain, and tried to pull it out. It only made me sceam out.

I clenched my teeth as I sat back. I closed my eyes for a moment, and was over come with excuastion. I layed back, trying to ignore the pain in my foot. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I then sat up abrubtly when I heard a stick snap.

A guy, maybe 17, dark brown hair, maybe 6 "2, and fairly muscled stood about 3 yards away from me. My heart beat quickened slightly when he stepped twords me. My vision was blurry from exaustion and the pain in my ancle. I couldn't stay awake much longer. Why couldn't I stay damn awake? I leaned aginst the tree that was next to me, fighting to stay awake. "Who the hell are you?" I managed to get out before falling asleep.

When I woke up, I instantly relized I was on a bed. I sat up instantly, alarmed. I survayed the room. It was a cream white, there was a small dresser, and a side table with a lamp on it. It looked like a guest room. I looked at my ancle. It had a cast on it. Maybe I broke it. But more major questions were going through my head, Where the hell was I, how did I get here, and where is Bri?

The door opened, and the guy I saw eairler came it. He seemed slightly wairie, like I would punch him in the face in a second. Maybe I would. "Okay, Im sure you have a question-"

"Yeah, tons. Like where the hell am I?" I grumbled, trying to stand up. He caught my arm as I stumbled. "Just sit" He said, pushing my down. I sat on the edge of the bed. Man I really hated that damn cast. "Okay, first off, Im Sean. And your in Texas, Dallas to be exact" he said, pulling a chair up and sitting in it.

I already knew we were in Texas, but I didn't know Dallas. "How the hell-" I started to ask how I got there. "Will you stop saying that? The word dosn't fit you. Anyway, how? Ill tell you later. Whats your name?" he asked. I already wanted to slap him. Dont know why, but he was annoying the hell out of me. I was tempted to say it again to annoy him.

"Becca....did you see a little girl, 13, maybe 4"9, blond?" I asked, almost a whisper. I was afraid what the answer would be, eaither would be bad. He was silent a moment. "No....why?" he asked. "Just wondering...I couldn't find her for days" I muttered.

"Speaking of days, how long were you out there? No offance, but you look like crap, and starved about" he said. Well, I did take offance. I honestly didnt know how long we were out there. A little under a week maybe? "I think a little under a week..." I said, trying to remember. I noticed I was starving, I could have eaten anything.

"Well, you can take a shower if you want" he pointed to one of the two doors, "Ill get you some food, and I tought you might want that, considering your clothes are in it" he nodded to my bag that I hadn't noticed until now. "What about the damned cast?" I asked, lifting up my leg that had the cast. "Its waterproof" he shrugged, and left.

I had no clue how it was water proof, but that, I didn't care about. I instantly grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom. The walls were white, mostly a normal bathroom. I quickly took a shower, enjoying the water as it washed all the dirt off me. When I was done and dressed in an areo t-shirt and jeans, I looked in the mirror. I looked skinner, and my dirtyblond hair hung wet around my shoulders.

I went back into the room. I had dried my hair the best I could with the towal, but I felt cold still. Sean was in the room, a plate with a sandwhich and apple were on the end table. I sat on the bed, and took the plate. I watched Sean warrily as he bit into his own apple and watched me back. I ate my sandwhich, then my apple.

He handed me a coke. I smiled slightly at my old firend. I was a coke addict. "Why are you smiling?" he asked. "No reason" I said as I sipped it. "So well...I kinda can't stay here if my sister isn't here. I need to find her" I practily blurted out. Sean looked slightly taken aback. "I dont think you can leave right now, but I think I can get a couple people to look for her" he said quickly. He was hiding somthing.

"Well, why wouldn't I be able to leave?" I challanged him. He glanced around warrily. " susposed to tell you might not belive it.." he mumbled. "Try me" I said. " belive in werewolves?" he asked. Did I? Yes. Always did, and always will. "Yeah" I said. He looked suprised at my answer. "Yeah well, you are one. So is most of the people hear, and proubly your sister. And I know your cousion Elizabeth is" he said all in a rush.

"What the Hell are you talking about?" I asked. No matter how much I belived in them, I couldn't belive I, or anyone in my family is a werewolf."Stop saying that" he grumbled
"Will you-"
"Now your being-"
"Hell, shit, ass"
He sighed and shook his head, but I see a smile. "Well, its true. Theres more too the whole thing, but Im not going to tell you that" he said. Back to serious. "Dont want to or cant? And I still cant belive that" I said, sipping my coke. "Dont want to. I would like none of my bones broken" he said, standing up, smirking.
"Whats that susposed to mean?" I call as he shuts the door. Ug! Werewolf? No, I am not one. Im ordinary, plane me. And Brianna is to small and cute to be one...I got up and went to the door. I pulled it, and it didn't open. Locked. Well that was just great. I turned and threw my hands up in exaheration. They better be looking for Bri...If not, I sware I was going to kill someone if she wasn't safe. The door opened again.
I quickly turned around, it was Liz.
"Okay, so your going to tell me your a.." I started
"Werewolf." Liz finished for me.
"Im really sorry, I know you don't belive this, but its true. Now, Im going to tell you whats happening, sit down" she said, sitting in a chair. I sat in the other.
"Im a werewolf, yes. But its not just fairytale, silver dosn't affect up, neither does full moon, we change when we want. There is three chosen of all the werewolves to lead the war between vampires and werewolves. I am one of them. I control earth and rain. We all belive you and Brianna are the other two. It says that there will be 3, one earth and rain, one spirt and soal, another ice and wind. You are soal and spirt" she says.
Thats alot to take in, but I was already beging to notice this all might be true.
"No. Thats not possible, Im plain me, and Brianna..." I trail off, not sure.
"Brianna is fine, I brought her here a little while ago, she wants to see you.It is true, and you will find that out" Liz douses my worries. I look at her eyes. i can always tell if shes lieing by her eyes, she has a tell. When shes lieing, she dosn't look you in the eyes. Shes telling the truth. And her eyes are fimiler...the wolf.

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