American library books ยป Fiction ยป Adam Bede by George Eliot (the little red hen read aloud TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซAdam Bede by George Eliot (the little red hen read aloud TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   George Eliot

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on market-days, but had now a predominant after-supper expression of hearty good-nature. It is well known that great scholars who have shown the most pitiless acerbity in their criticism of other men's scholarship have yet been of a relenting and indulgent temper in private life; and I have heard of a learned man meekly rocking the twins in the cradle with his left hand, while with his right he inflicted the most lacerating sarcasms on an opponent who had betrayed a brutal ignorance of Hebrew. Weaknesses and errors must be forgivenโ€”alas! they are not alien to usโ€”but the man who takes the wrong side on the momentous subject of the Hebrew points must be treated as the enemy of his race. There was the same sort of antithetic mixture in Martin Poyser: he was of so excellent a disposition that he had been kinder and more respectful than ever to his old father since he had made a deed of gift of all his property, and no man judged his neighbours more charitably on all personal matters; but for a farmer, like Luke Britton, for example, whose fallows were not well cleaned, who didn't know the rudiments of hedging and ditching, and showed but a small share of judgment in the purchase of winter stock, Martin Poyser was as hard and implacable as the north-east wind. Luke Britton could not make a remark, even on the weather, but Martin Poyser detected in it a taint of that unsoundness and general ignorance which was palpable in all his farming operations. He hated to see the fellow lift the pewter pint to his mouth in the bar of the Royal George on market-day, and the mere sight of him on the other side of the road brought a severe and critical expression into his black eyes, as different as possible from the fatherly glance he bent on his two nieces as they approached the door. Mr. Poyser had smoked his evening pipe, and now held his hands in his pockets, as the only resource of a man who continues to sit up after the day's business is done.

โ€œWhy, lasses, ye're rather late to-night,โ€ he said, when they reached the little gate leading into the causeway. โ€œThe mother's begun to fidget about you, an' she's got the little un ill. An' how did you leave the old woman Bede, Dinah? Is she much down about the old man? He'd been but a poor bargain to her this five year.โ€

โ€œShe's been greatly distressed for the loss of him,โ€ said Dinah, โ€œbut she's seemed more comforted to-day. Her son Adam's been at home all day, working at his father's coffin, and she loves to have him at home. She's been talking about him to me almost all the day. She has a loving heart, though she's sorely given to fret and be fearful. I wish she had a surer trust to comfort her in her old age.โ€

โ€œAdam's sure enough,โ€ said Mr. Poyser, misunderstanding Dinah's wish. โ€œThere's no fear but he'll yield well i' the threshing. He's not one o' them as is all straw and no grain. I'll be bond for him any day, as he'll be a good son to the last. Did he say he'd be coming to see us soon? But come in, come in,โ€ he added, making way for them; โ€œI hadn't need keep y' out any longer.โ€

The tall buildings round the yard shut out a good deal of the sky, but the large window let in abundant light to show every corner of the house-place.

Mrs. Poyser, seated in the rocking-chair, which had been brought out of the โ€œright-hand parlour,โ€ was trying to soothe Totty to sleep. But Totty was not disposed to sleep; and when her cousins entered, she raised herself up and showed a pair of flushed cheeks, which looked fatter than ever now they were defined by the edge of her linen night-cap.

In the large wicker-bottomed arm-chair in the left-hand chimney-nook sat old Martin Poyser, a hale but shrunken and bleached image of his portly black-haired sonโ€”his head hanging forward a little, and his elbows pushed backwards so as to allow the whole of his forearm to rest on the arm of the chair. His blue handkerchief was spread over his knees, as was usual indoors, when it was not hanging over his head; and he sat watching what went forward with the quiet OUTWARD glance of healthy old age, which, disengaged from any interest in an inward drama, spies out pins upon the floor, follows one's minutest motions with an unexpectant purposeless tenacity, watches the flickering of the flame or the sun-gleams on the wall, counts the quarries on the floor, watches even the hand of the clock, and pleases itself with detecting a rhythm in the tick.

โ€œWhat a time o' night this is to come home, Hetty!โ€ said Mrs. Poyser. โ€œLook at the clock, do; why, it's going on for half-past nine, and I've sent the gells to bed this half-hour, and late enough too; when they've got to get up at half after four, and the mowers' bottles to fill, and the baking; and here's this blessed child wi' the fever for what I know, and as wakeful as if it was dinner-time, and nobody to help me to give her the physic but your uncle, and fine work there's been, and half of it spilt on her night-gownโ€”it's well if she's swallowed more nor 'ull make her worse i'stead o' better. But folks as have no mind to be o' use have allays the luck to be out o' the road when there's anything to be done.โ€

โ€œI did set out before eight, aunt,โ€ said Hetty, in a pettish tone, with a slight toss of her head. โ€œBut this clock's so much before the clock at the Chase, there's no telling what time it'll be when I get here.โ€

โ€œWhat! You'd be wanting the clock set by gentlefolks's time, would you? An' sit up burnin' candle, an' lie a-bed wi' the sun a-bakin' you like a cowcumber i' the frame? The clock hasn't been put forrard for the first time to-day, I reckon.โ€

The fact was, Hetty had really forgotten the difference of the clocks when she told Captain Donnithorne that she set out at eight, and this, with her lingering pace, had made her nearly half an hour later than usual. But here her aunt's attention was diverted from this tender subject by Totty, who, perceiving at length that the arrival of her cousins was not likely to bring anything satisfactory to her in particular, began to cry, โ€œMunny, munny,โ€ in an explosive manner.

โ€œWell, then, my pet, Mother's got her, Mother won't leave her; Totty be a good dilling, and go to sleep now,โ€ said Mrs. Poyser, leaning back and rocking the chair, while she tried to make Totty nestle against her. But Totty only cried louder, and said, โ€œDon't yock!โ€ So the mother, with that wondrous patience which love gives to the quickest temperament, sat up again, and pressed her cheek against the linen night-cap and kissed it, and forgot to scold Hetty any longer.

โ€œCome, Hetty,โ€ said Martin Poyser, in a conciliatory tone, โ€œgo and get your supper i' the pantry, as the things are all put away; an' then you can come and take the little un while your aunt undresses herself, for she won't lie down in bed without her mother. An' I reckon YOU could eat a bit, Dinah, for they don't keep much of a house down there.โ€

โ€œNo, thank you, Uncle,โ€ said Dinah; โ€œI ate a good meal before I came away, for Mrs. Bede would make a kettle-cake for me.โ€

โ€œI don't want any supper,โ€ said Hetty, taking off her hat. โ€œI can hold Totty now, if Aunt wants me.โ€

โ€œWhy, what nonsense that is to talk!โ€ said Mrs. Poyser. โ€œDo you think you can live wi'out eatin', an' nourish your inside wi' stickin' red ribbons on your head? Go an' get your supper this minute, child; there's a nice bit o' cold pudding i' the safeโ€”just what you're fond of.โ€

Hetty complied silently by going towards the pantry, and Mrs. Poyser went on speaking to Dinah.

โ€œSit down, my dear, an' look as if you knowed what it was to make yourself a bit comfortable i' the world. I warrant the old woman was glad to see you, since you stayed so long.โ€

โ€œShe seemed to like having me there at last; but her sons say she doesn't like young women about her commonly; and I thought just at first she was almost angry with me for going.โ€

โ€œEh, it's a poor look-out when th' ould folks doesna like the young uns,โ€ said old Martin, bending his head down lower, and seeming to trace the pattern of the quarries with his eye.

โ€œAye, it's ill livin' in a hen-roost for them as doesn't like fleas,โ€ said Mrs. Poyser. โ€œWe've all had our turn at bein' young, I reckon, be't good luck or ill.โ€

โ€œBut she must learn to 'commodate herself to young women,โ€ said Mr. Poyser, โ€œfor it isn't to be counted on as Adam and Seth 'ull keep bachelors for the next ten year to please their mother. That 'ud be unreasonable. It isn't right for old nor young nayther to make a bargain all o' their own side. What's good for one's good all round i' the long run. I'm no friend to young fellows a-marrying afore they know the difference atween a crab an' a apple; but they may wait o'er long.โ€

โ€œTo be sure,โ€ said Mrs. Poyser; โ€œif you go past your dinner-time, there'll be little relish o' your meat. You turn it o'er an' o'er wi' your fork, an' don't eat it after all. You find faut wi' your meat, an' the faut's all i' your own stomach.โ€

Hetty now came back from the pantry and said, โ€œI can take Totty now, Aunt, if you like.โ€

โ€œCome, Rachel,โ€ said Mr. Poyser, as his wife seemed to hesitate, seeing that Totty was at last nestling quietly, โ€œthee'dst better let Hetty carry her upstairs, while thee tak'st thy things off. Thee't tired. It's time thee wast in bed. Thee't bring on the pain in thy side again.โ€

โ€œWell, she may hold her if the child 'ull go to her,โ€ said Mrs. Poyser.

Hetty went close to the rocking-chair, and stood without her usual smile, and without any attempt to entice Totty, simply waiting for her aunt to give the child into her hands.

โ€œWilt go to Cousin Hetty, my dilling, while mother gets ready to go to bed? Then Totty shall go into Mother's bed, and sleep there all night.โ€

Before her mother had done speaking, Totty had given her answer in an unmistakable manner, by knitting her brow, setting her tiny teeth against her underlip, and leaning forward to slap Hetty on the arm with her utmost force. Then, without speaking, she nestled to her mother again.

โ€œHey, hey,โ€ said Mr. Poyser, while Hetty stood without moving, โ€œnot go to Cousin Hetty? That's like a babby. Totty's a little woman, an' not a babby.โ€

โ€œIt's no use trying to persuade her,โ€ said Mrs. Poyser. โ€œShe allays takes against Hetty when she isn't well. Happen she'll go to Dinah.โ€

Dinah, having taken off her bonnet and shawl, had hitherto kept quietly seated in the background, not liking to thrust herself between Hetty and what was considered Hetty's proper work. But now she came forward, and, putting out her arms, said, โ€œCome Totty, come and let Dinah carry her upstairs along with Mother: poor, poor Mother! she's so tiredโ€”she wants to go to bed.โ€

Totty turned her face towards Dinah, and looked at her an instant, then lifted herself up, put out her little arms, and let Dinah lift her from her mother's lap. Hetty turned away without any sign of ill humour, and, taking her hat from the table, stood waiting with an air of indifference, to see if she should be told to do anything else.

โ€œYou may make the door fast now, Poyser; Alick's

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