American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign by Altsheler (reading eggs books .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign by Altsheler (reading eggs books .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Altsheler

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for us. We'll have Ewell's corps soon, and General Jackson himself is worth ten thousand men.โ€

โ€œThat's so, Harry, but ten thousand men are far too few. McDowell's whole corps is available, and with it the Yankees can now turn more than seventy thousand men into the valley.โ€

โ€œAnd they can fight, too, as we saw at Kernstown,โ€ said St. Clair.

โ€œThat's so, and I'm thinking they'll get their stomachs full of it pretty soon,โ€ said Langdon. โ€œYesterday about dusk I went out in some bushes after firewood, and I saw a man kneeling. It struck me as curious, and I went up closer. What do you think? It was Old Jack praying. Not any mock prayer, but praying to his Lord with all his heart and soul. I'm not much on praying myself, but I felt pretty solemn then, and I slid away from there as quick and quiet as you please. And I tell you, fellows, that when Stonewall Jackson prays it's time for the Yankees to weep.โ€

โ€œYou're probably right, Langdon,โ€ said Captain Sherburne, โ€œbut it's time for us to be going back, and we'll tell what we've seen to General Jackson.โ€

As they turned away a crunching in the snow on the other slope caused them to stop. The faces of men and then their figures appeared through the bushes. They were eight or ten in number and all wore blue uniforms. Harry saw the leader, and instantly he recognized Shepard. It came to him, too, in a flash of prescience, that Shepard was just the man whom he would meet there.

Sherburne, who had seen the blue uniforms, raised a pistol and fired. Two shots were fired by the Union men at the same instant, and then both parties dropped back from the crest, each on its own side.

Sherburne's men were untouched and Harry was confident that Shepard's had been equally luckyโ€”the shots had been too hastyโ€”but it was nervous and uncomfortable work, lying there in the snow, and waiting for the head of an enemy to appear over the crest.

Harry was near Captain Sherburne, and he whispered to him:

โ€œI know the man whose face appeared first through the bushes.โ€

โ€œWho is he?โ€

โ€œHis name is Shepard. He's a spy and scout for the North, and he is brave and dangerous. He was in Montgomery when President Davis was inaugurated. I saw him in Washington when I was there as a spy myself. I saw him again in Winchester just before the battle of Kernstown, and now here he is once more.โ€

โ€œMust be a Wandering Jew sort of a fellow.โ€

โ€œHe wanders with purpose. He has certainly come up here to spy us out.โ€

โ€œIn which he is no more guilty than we are.โ€

โ€œThat's true, but what are we going to do about it, captain?โ€

โ€œBlessed if I know. Wait till I take a look.โ€

Captain Sherburne raised himself a little, in order to peep over the crest of the ridge. A rifle cracked on the other side, a bullet clipped the top of his cap, and he dropped back in the snow, unhurt but startled.

โ€œThis man, Shepard, is fully as dangerous as you claim him to be,โ€ he said to Harry.

โ€œCan you see anything of them?โ€ asked St. Clair.

โ€œNot a thing,โ€ said Harry.

โ€œIf we show they shoot, and if they show we shoot,โ€ said Langdon. โ€œSeems to me it's about the most beautiful case of checkmate that I've known.โ€

โ€œPerhaps we can stalk them,โ€ said St. Clair.

โ€œAnd perhaps they can stalk us,โ€ said Langdon. โ€œBut I think both sides are afraid to try it.โ€

โ€œYou're right, Langdon,โ€ said Captain Sherburne, โ€œIt's a case of checkmate. I confess that I don't know what to do.โ€

โ€œWe could wait here while they waited too, and if we waited long enough it would get so dark we couldn't see each other. But captain, you are a kind-hearted and sympathetic man, do you see any fun in sitting in the snow on top of a mountain, waiting to kill men whom you don't want to kill or to be killed by men who don't want to kill you?โ€

โ€œNo, Tom, I don't,โ€ replied Captain Sherburne with a laugh, โ€œand you're talking mighty sound sense. This is not like a regular battle. We've nothing to gain by shooting those men, and they've nothing to gain by shooting us. The Massanuttons extend a long distance and there's nothing to keep scouts and spies from climbing them at other places. We'll go away from here.โ€

He gave the order. They rose and crept as softly as they could through the snow and bushes down the side of the mountain. Harry looked back occasionally, but he saw no faces appear on the crest. Soon he heard Langdon who was beside him laughing softly to himself.

โ€œWhat's the matter, Tom?โ€ he asked.

โ€œHarry, if I could take my pistol and shoot straight through this mountain the bullet when it came out on the other side would hit a soldier in blue clothes, going at the same rate of speed down the mountain.โ€

โ€œMore than likely you're right, Tom, if they're sensible, and that man Shepard certainly is.โ€

Further down they met some of their own men climbing up. The troop had heard the shots and was on the way to rescue, if rescue were needed. Captain Sherburne explained briefly and they continued the descent, leading their horses all the way, and breathing deep relief, when they stood at last in the plain.

โ€œI'll remember that climb,โ€ said Langdon to Harry as he sprang into the saddle, โ€œand I won't do it again when there's snow up there, unless General Jackson himself forces me up with the point of a bayonet.โ€

โ€œThe view was fine.โ€

โ€œSo it was, but the shooting was bad. Not a Yank, not a Reb fell, and I'm not unhappy over it. A curious thing has happened to me, Harry. While I'm ready to fight the Yankee at the drop of the hat I don't seem to hate 'em as much as I did when the war began.โ€

โ€œSame here. The war ought not to have happened, but we're in it, and to my way of thinking we're going to be in it mighty deep and long.โ€

Langdon was silent for a little while, but nothing could depress him long. He was soon chattering away as merrily as ever while the troop rode back to General Jackson. Harry regarded him with some envy. A temperament that could rejoice under any circumstances was truly worth having.

Sherburne reported to Ashby who in return sent him to the commander, Harry going with him to resume his place on the staff. Jackson heard the report without comment and his face expressed nothing. Harry could not see that he had changed much since he had come to join him. A little thinner, a little more worn, perhaps, but he was the same quiet, self-contained man,

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