American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Adventures of Gerard by Arthur Conan Doyle (most read books .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Adventures of Gerard by Arthur Conan Doyle (most read books .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Arthur Conan Doyle

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at my request.

I could not but admire him, for it was the very smile which I should have myself smiled had I been in his position.

โ€œAt least,โ€ said I, โ€œtell us the name of this village.โ€

โ€œIt is Dobrova.โ€

โ€œAnd that is Minsk over yonder, I suppose.โ€

โ€œYes, that is Minsk.โ€

โ€œThen we shall go to the village and we shall very soon find some one who will translate this despatch.โ€

So we rode onward together, a trooper with his carbine unslung on either side of our prisoner. The village was but a little place, and I set a guard at the ends of the single street, so that no one could escape from it. It was necessary to call a halt and to find some food for the men and horses, since they had travelled all night and had a long journey still before them.

There was one large stone house in the centre of the village, and to this I rode. It was the house of the priestโ€”a snuffy and ill-favoured old man who had not a civil answer to any of our questions. An uglier fellow I never met, but, my faith, it was very different with his only daughter, who kept house for him. She was a brunette, a rare thing in Russia, with creamy skin, raven hair, and a pair of the most glorious dark eyes that ever kindled at the sight of a Hussar. From the first glance I saw that she was mine. It was no time for love-making when a soldier's duty had to be done, but still, as I took the simple meal which they laid before me, I chatted lightly with the lady, and we were the best of friends before an hour had passed. Sophie was her first name, her second I never knew. I taught her to call me Etienne, and I tried to cheer her up, for her sweet face was sad and there were tears in her beautiful dark eyes. I pressed her to tell me what it was which was grieving her.

โ€œHow can I be otherwise,โ€ said she, speaking French with a most adorable lisp, โ€œwhen one of my poor countrymen is a prisoner in your hands? I saw him between two of your Hussars as you rode into the village.โ€

โ€œIt is the fortune of war,โ€ said I. โ€œHis turn to-day; mine, perhaps, to-morrow.โ€

โ€œBut consider, Monsieurโ€”โ€ said she.

โ€œEtienne,โ€ said I.

โ€œOh, Monsieurโ€”โ€”โ€

โ€œEtienne,โ€ said I.

โ€œWell, then,โ€ she cried, beautifully flushed and desperate, โ€œconsider, Etienne, that this young officer will be taken back to your army and will be starved or frozen, for if, as I hear, your own soldiers have a hard march, what will be the lot of a prisoner?โ€

I shrugged my shoulders.

โ€œYou have a kind face, Etienne,โ€ said she; โ€œyou would not condemn this poor man to certain death. I entreat you to let him go.โ€

Her delicate hand rested upon my sleeve, her dark eyes looked imploringly into mine.

A sudden thought passed through my mind. I would grant her request, but I would demand a favour in return.

At my order the prisoner was brought up into the room.

โ€œCaptain Barakoff,โ€ said I, โ€œthis young lady has begged me to release you, and I am inclined to do so. I would ask you to give your parole that you will remain in this dwelling for twenty-four hours, and take no steps to inform anyone of our movements.โ€

โ€œI will do so,โ€ said he.

โ€œThen I trust in your honour. One man more or less can make no difference in a struggle between great armies, and to take you back as a prisoner would be to condemn you to death. Depart, sir, and show your gratitude not to me, but to the first French officer who falls into your hands.โ€

When he was gone I drew my paper from my pocket.

โ€œNow, Sophie,โ€ said I, โ€œI have done what you asked me, and all that I ask in return is that you will give me a lesson in Russian.โ€

โ€œWith all my heart,โ€ said she.

โ€œLet us begin on this,โ€ said I, spreading out the paper before her. โ€œLet us take it word for word and see what it means.โ€

She looked at the writing with some surprise. โ€œIt means,โ€ said she, โ€œif the French come to Minsk all is lost.โ€ Suddenly a look of consternation passed over her beautiful face. โ€œGreat Heavens!โ€ she cried, โ€œwhat is it that I have done? I have betrayed my country! Oh, Etienne, your eyes are the last for whom this message is meant. How could you be so cunning as to make a poor, simple-minded, and unsuspecting girl betray the cause of her country?โ€

I consoled my poor Sophie as best I might, and I assured her that it was no reproach to her that she should be outwitted by so old a campaigner and so shrewd a man as myself. But it was no time now for talk. This message made it clear that the corn was indeed at Minsk, and that there were no troops there to defend it. I gave a hurried order from the window, the trumpeter blew the assembly, and in ten minutes we had left the village behind us and were riding hard for the city, the gilded domes and minarets of which glimmered above the snow of the horizon. Higher they rose and higher, until at last, as the sun sank toward the west, we were in the broad main street, and galloped up it amid the shouts of the moujiks and the cries of frightened women until we found ourselves in front of the great town-hall. My cavalry I drew up in the square, and I, with my two sergeants, Oudin and Papilette, rushed into the building.

Heavens! shall I ever forget the sight which greeted us? Right in front of us was drawn up a triple line of Russian Grenadiers. Their muskets rose as we entered, and a crashing volley burst into our very faces. Oudin and Papilette dropped upon the floor, riddled with bullets.

For myself, my busby was shot away and I had two holes through my dolman. The Grenadiers ran at me with their bayonets. โ€œTreason!โ€ I cried. โ€œWe are betrayed! Stand to your horses!โ€ I rushed out of the hall, but the whole square was swarming with troops.

From every side street Dragoons and Cossacks were riding down upon us, and such a rolling fire had burst from the surrounding houses that half my men and horses were on the ground. โ€œFollow me!โ€ I yelled, and sprang upon Violette, but a giant of a Russian Dragoon officer threw his arms round me and we rolled on the ground together.

He shortened his sword to kill me, but, changing his mind, he seized me by the throat and banged my head against the stones until I was unconscious. So it was that I became the prisoner of the Russians.

When I came to myself my only regret was that my captor had not beaten out my brains. There in the grand square of Minsk lay half my

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