American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Romance of the Forest by Ann Radcliffe (free biff chip and kipper ebooks TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

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had heard the late calamitous intelligence; he uttered no complaint; but it was too obvious that his disorder had made a rapid progress. Louis, who, during the journey, proved the goodness of his disposition by the delicate attentions he paid this unhappy party, concealed his observation of the decline of La Luc, and, to support Adelineโ€™s spirits, endeavoured to convince her that her apprehensions on this subject were groundless. Her spirits did indeed require support, for she was now within a few miles of the town that contained Theodore; and while her increasing perturbation almost overcome her, she yet tried to appear composed. When the carriage entered the town, she cast a timid and anxious glance from the window in search of the prison; but having passed through several streets without perceiving any building which corresponded with her idea of that she looked for, the coach stopped at the inn. The frequent changes in La Lucโ€™s countenance betrayed the violent agitation of his mind, and when he attempted to alight, feeble and exhausted, he was compelled to accept the support of Louis, to whom he faintly said, as he passed to the parlour, โ€œI am indeed sick at heart, but I trust the pain will not be long.โ€ Louis pressed his hand without speaking, and hastened back for Adeline and Clara, who were already in the passage. La Luc wiped the tears from his eyes, (they were the first he had shed) as they entered the room. โ€œI would go immediately to my poor boy,โ€ said he to Louis; โ€œyours, Sir, is a mournful office ร‘ be so good as to conduct me to him.โ€ He rose to go, but, feeble and overcome with grief, again sat down. Adeline and Clara united in entreating that he would compose himself, and take some refreshment, and Louis urging the necessity of preparing Theodore for the interview, prevailed with him to delay it till his son should be informed of his arrival, and immediately quitted the inn for the prison of his friend. When he was gone, La Luc, as a duty he owed those he loved, tried to take some support, but the convulsions of his throat would not suffer him to swallow the wine he held to his parched lips, and he was now so much disordered, that he desired to retire to his chamber, where alone, and in prayer, he passed the dreadful interval of Louisโ€™s absence.

Clara on the bosom of Adeline, who set in calm but deep distress, yielded to the violence of her grief. โ€œI shall lose my dear father too,โ€ said she; โ€œI see it; I shall lose my father and my brother together.โ€ Adeline wept with her friend for some time in silence; and then attempted to persuade her that La Luc was not so ill as she apprehended.

โ€œDo not mislead me with hope,โ€ โ€œshe replied, he will not survive the shock of this calamity ร‘ I saw it from the first.โ€ Adeline knowing that La Lucโ€™s distress would be heightened by the observance of his daughterโ€™s, and that indulgence would only encrease its poignancy, endeavoured to rouse her to an exertion of fortitude by urging the necessity of commanding her emotion in the presence of her father. โ€œThis is possible,โ€ added she, โ€œhowever painful may be the effort. You must know, my dear, that my grief is not inferior to your own, yet I have hitherto been enabled to support my sufferings in silence, for M. La Luc I do, indeed, love and reverence as a parent.โ€

Louis meanwhile reached the prison of Theodore, who received him with an air of mingled surprize and impatience. โ€œWhat brings you back so soon,โ€ said he, โ€œhave you heard news of my father?โ€ Louis now gradually unfolded the circumstances of their meeting, and La Lucโ€™s arrival at Vaceau. A various emotion agitated the countenance of Theodore on receiving this intelligence. โ€œMy poor father!โ€ said he, โ€œhe has then followed his son to this ignominious place! Little did I think when last we parted he would meet me in a prison, under condemnation!โ€ This reflection roused an impetuosity of grief which deprived him for some time of speech. โ€œBut where is he?โ€ said Theodore, recovering himself; โ€œnow he is come, I shrink from the interview I have so much wished for. The sight of his distress will be dreadful to me. Louis! when I am gone ร‘ comfort my poor father.โ€ His voice was again interrupted by sobs; and Louis, who had been fearful of acquainting him at the same time of the arrival of La Luc, and the discovery of Adeline, now judged it proper to administer the cordial of this latter intelligence.

The glooms of a prison, and of calamity, vanished for a transient moment; those who had seen Theodore would have believed this to be the instant which gave him life and liberty. When his first emotions subsided, โ€œI will not repine,โ€ said he; โ€œsince I know that Adeline is preserved, and that I shall once more see my father, I will endeavour to die with resignation.โ€ He enquired if La Luc was there in the prison; and was told he was at the inn with Clara and Adeline. โ€œAdeline! Is Adeline there too! ร‘ This is beyond my hopes. Yet why do I rejoice? I must never see her more: this is no place for Adeline.โ€ Again he relapsed into an agony of distress ร‘ and again repeated a thousand questions concerning Adeline, till he was reminded by Louis that his father was impatient to see him ร‘ when, shocked that he had so long detained his friend, he entreated him to conduct La Luc to the prison, and endeavoured to recollect fortitude for the approaching interview.

When Louis returned to the inn La Luc was still in his chamber, and Clara quitting the room to call him, Adeline seized with trembling impatience the opportunity to enquire more particularly concerning Theodore, than the chose to do in the presence of his unhappy sister. Lewis represented him to be much more tranquil than he really was: Adeline was somewhat soothed by the account; and her tears, hitherto restrained, flowed silently and fast, till La Luc appeared. His countenance had recovered its serenity, but was impressed with a deep and steady sorrow, which excited in the beholder a mingled emotion of pity and reverence. โ€œHow is my son? sir,โ€ said he as he entered the room. โ€œWe will go to him immediately.โ€

Clara renewed the entreaties that had been already rejected, to accompany her father, who persisted in a refusal. โ€œTomorrow you shall see him, added he;โ€ โ€œbut our first meeting must be alone. Stay with your friend, my dear; she has need of consolation.โ€ When La Luc was gone, Adeline, unable longer to struggle against the force of grief, retired to her chamber and her bed.

La Luc walked silently towards the prison, resting on the arm of Lewis. It was now night: a dim lamp that hung above shewed them the gates, and Louis rung a bell; La Luc, almost overcome with agitation, leaned against the postern till the porter appeared. He enquired for Theodore, and followed the man; but when he reached the second court yard he seemed ready to faint, and again stopped. Louis desired the porter would fetch some water; but La Luc, recovering his voice, said he should soon be better, and would not suffer him to go. In a few minutes he was able to follow Louis, who led him through several dark passages, and up a flight of steps to a door, which being unbarred, disclosed to him the prison of his son. He was seated at a small table, on which stood a lamp that threw a feeble light across the place sufficient only to shew its desolation and wretchedness. When he perceived La Luc he sprung from his chair, and in the next moment was in his arms. โ€œMy father!โ€ said he in a tremulous voice. โ€œMy son!โ€ exclaimed La Luc; and they were for some time silent, and locked in each otherโ€™s embrace. At length Theodore led him to the only chair the room afforded, and seating himself with Louis at the foot of the bed, had leisure to observe the ravages which illness and calamity had made on the features of his parent. La Luc made several efforts to speak, but unable to articulate, laid his hand upon his breast and sighed deeply. Fearful of the consequence of so affecting a scene on his shattered frame, Lewis endeavoured to call off his attention from the immediate object of his distress, and interrupted the silence; but La Luc shuddering, and complaining he was very cold, sunk back in his chair. His condition roused Theodore from the stupor of despair; and while he flew to support his father, Louis ran out for other assistance. ร‘ โ€œI shall soon be better, Theodore,โ€ said La Luc, unclosing his eye, โ€œthe faintness is already going off. I have not been well of late; and this sad meeting!โ€ Unable any longer to command himself, Theodore wrung his hand, and the distress which had long struggled for utterance burst in convulsive sobs from his breast. La Luc gradually revived, and exerted himself to calm the transports of his son; but the fortitude of the latter had now entirely forsaken him, and he could only utter exclamation and complaint. โ€œAh! little did I think we should ever meet under circumstances so dreadful as the present! But I have not deserved them, my father! the motives of my conduct have still been just.โ€

โ€œThat is my supreme consolation,โ€ said La Luc, โ€œand ought to support you in this hour of trial. The Almighty God, who is the judge of hearts, will reward you hereafter. Trust in him, my son; I look to him with no feeble hope, but with a firm reliance on his justice!โ€ La Lucโ€™s voice faultered; he raised his eyes to heaven with an expression of meek devotion, while the tears of humanity fell slowly on his cheek.

Still more affected by his last words, Theodore turned from him, and paced the room with quick steps: the entrance of Louis was a very seasonable relief to La Luc, who, taking a cordial he had brought, was soon sufficiently restored to discourse on the subject most interesting to him. Theodore tried to attain a command of his feelings, and succeeded. He conversed with tolerable composure for above an hour, during which La Luc endeavoured to elevate, by religious hope, the mind of his son, and to enable him to meet with fortitude the aweful hour that approached. But the appearance of resignation which Theodore attained always vanished when he reflected that he was going to leave his father a prey to grief, and his beloved Adeline for ever. When La Luc was about to depart he again mentioned her. โ€œAfflicting as an interview must be in our present circumstances,โ€ said he, I cannot bear the thought of quitting the world without seeing her once again; yet I know not how to ask her to encounter, for my sake, the misery of a parting scene. Tell her that my thoughts never, for a moment, leave her; thatโ€ ร‘ La Luc interrupted, and assured him, that since he so much wished it, he should see her, though a meeting could serve only to heighten the mutual anguish of a final separation.

โ€œI know it ร‘ I know it too well,โ€ said Theodore; โ€œyet I cannot resolve to see her no more, and thus spare her the pain this interview must inflict. O my father! when I think of those whom I must soon leave for ever, my heart breaks. But I will indeed try to profit by your precept and example, and shew that your paternal care has not been in vain. My good Louis, go with my father ร‘ he has

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