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deadly enmity of ours is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognize any ideas that may be contrary to ours. But this hostility is based on a natural feeling of revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and Germany”.

You see Hitler just didn’t dislike Jews for no reason, there was a very good and legitimate reason why he wanted Jews removed from Germany. Because if the Jews had their way they would have done to Germany what they did to the Russian Christians but Hitler stopped them at least for 10 years until the Jews found another way which we will look at later. Also students do not get taught this information in the curriculum.

The Armenian Genocide

These Jewish Bolsheviks from Russia were then let loose on the Germans after WW2 in 1945 were they continued their mass rape and murdering but this time against the German people. Before then they took part in the slaughtering of the Armenians in Turkey between the years 1915-25. These KhazarianJewish Bolsheviks were behind the Armenian Genocide which has been suppressed from the history books.

The Committee of Union and Progress, later known as Young Turk movement which was responsible for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, was created and controlled by Jews. They belonged to a group called Donmeh, crypto-Jews who converted to Islam in order to hide their Jewish identity.

Gavrilo Princip was a member of this Jewish led Young Turk movement (Jewish Freemasons) and he was the one who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 which started World War 1 which was part of the plan for the Rothschild Zionists to steal Palestine.

Most of the key persons of the Young Turk movement were Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Jewish author and Rabbi Joachim Prinz confirmed in his book “The secret Jews” that Ataturk was a Donmeh crypto-Jew.

In conformity with the Jewish plans revealed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in 1905, Jewish leaders met in Masonic lodges in Salonika, Italy, Paris and Vienna, and plotted a coup d’état against the Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II. Jews and crypto-Jewish of the Committee for Union and Progress took control of the Turkish Empire in 1909. They had several goals. Their primary objective was to establish a segregated “Jewish State” in Palestine. They also sought to instigate World War I which would then then break up the Ottoman Empire which at the time controlled Palestine.

Zionist Jewish bankers had long sought to destroy the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine. These racist Jews sought to take Palestine from its indigenous population and turn it into a segregated “Jewish State” by expelling, or killing off, the native Palestinian population, and supplanting it with colonies of Eastern European Jews. These European Jews were largely of Khazarian, and not Judean, descent. Sir Gerard Lowther, who was Ambassador from the United Kingdom to the Ottoman Empire from 1908-1913, exposed this Judeo-Masonic takeover of the Ottoman Empire. He sent numerous letters to the British Foreign Office revealing the fact that the “Young Turk Revolution” was in fact a Jewish takeover led by old Jews and crypto-Jews from Salonika, most all of whom were Freemasons.

So there was a secret Jewish leadership known as the Dönmeh which ruled Turkey before and after the Armenian Genocide.

Ambassador Lowther sent a detailed letter to the head of the British Foreign Office, Sir Charles Hardinge, on 29 May 1910, which stated, among many other revealing things,

“This new Freemasonry in Turkey, unlike that of England and America, is in great part secret and political, Salonica has a population of about 140,000, of whom 80,000 are Spanish Jews, and 20,000 are Crypto-Jews, many of the former have in the past acquired Italian nationality and are Freemasons affiliated to Italian lodges. Nathan, the Jewish Lord Mayor of Rome, is high up in Masonry, and the Jewish Premiers Luzzati and Sonnino, and other Jewish senators and deputies, are also. At the same time Javid Bey, Deputy for Salonica, an exceedingly clever and gifted Crypto-Jew and Freemason, was made Minister of Finance, while Talaat Bey, also a Freemason, became Minister of the Interior.

“It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form. Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews, like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe, Vienna Correspondent for The London Times, “Jews and the Situation in Albania”, The London Times, (11 July 1911).

The Salonikan Jews took advantage of their control of the Turkish Empire as an opportunity to mass murder (up to 2 million) their Armenian Christian neighbours. The atrocities these Jews perpetrated against Christians were at that time the worst genocide human beings had ever committed.

The Salonikan Jews began by disarming the entire Armenian population under the pretext that the people were naturally sympathetic toward Christian Russia who Turkey was at war with. First the Armenians were asked to turn in hunting weapons for the war effort. Every last rifle and pistol was forcibly seized, with severe penalties for anyone who failed to turn in a weapon. This is what Zionist puppet Obama was trying to do to the Americans and that is disarm them under the pretext of staged mass shootings.

Over a million Armenians including small children and old people were marched over mountains through the Syrian Desert and round in circles, without food and water, literally until they died. Young Christian girls were defiled by the Turkish soldiers. There are reports that many killed themselves after being raped. The barbaric treatment of the Armenian women went even further.

Young Armenian (Christian) teenage girls were brutally raped and crucified by these evil KhazarianJewish Bolsheviks. Railroad spikes were driven through these young girls’ wrists and feet into wooden beams. They were told “if you want to believe in Jesus Christ then you can die like he did.”

“Few people understand the true reason the Armenian Genocide happened. The most common (and mistaken) belief is that the motivation was Turkish nationalism. The promulgation of that incorrect view is largely the work of the Jews, upon whose ethnic relations most of the blame really does fall. Because the Armenian Genocide was prompted, not by Turkish nationalism, but by the financial interests of a Jewish banking family, the Rothschild’s. Although Turkish nationalism made it easier for the Rothschild’s to manipulate the situation, and whereas a certain amount of ethnic strife preceded 1915, it was the meddling of these Jewish bankers that caused the genocide itself. The Rothschild’s owned (since 1884) the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it over the Caucasus by rail to Batumi in FSR Georgia, thence by sea via the Dardanelles to their refinery in Fiume (a port city now called Rijeka, in Croatia) on the Adriatic. The products, including kerosene, were then sold throughout central Europe in competition with similar products sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company. The Rothschild’s wanted to eliminate ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschild’s to get what they wanted was to eliminate the Armenians”, - What’s the Real Story About the Armenian Genocide? - by author David Sims

World War 1

World War I was by no means an accident of history, ignited by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. It is a lie that Germany was responsible for starting the War as we are all told and taught in our controlled educational establishments and mainstream media. In fact WWI along with WWII was in the planning at least twenty years previously and possibly sooner. The same secret cabal or international bankers that were responsible for forcing the Boer War on South Africa were also responsible for igniting WW1. The main protagonists in this cabal were Lord Esher, Sir Edward Grey, Alfred Milner and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild as well as Cecil Rhodes but he died in 1902.

By the time the year 1900 came around the British Empire had been the number one power in the world when it came to commerce, trade and economically it was unchallenged for 200 years that was until Germany started to bite away at the profits this brought to the secret cabalbankers in London. By the early 1900’s Germany had strong trade links worldwide and was even matching or surpassing economically the British Empire. The British Elite would not tolerate the success of Germany therefore a plot was hatched to smash Germany and break up the country so that it could never regain its economic power. This plot was well researched and covered by American scholar Professor Carroll Quigley in the books Tragedy & Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment. Quigley lectured at the top universities in America and was an advisor to the American Department of Defence. Part of this plot was also to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire in the Middle East which included its control of Palestine and Iraq.

Secret Agreements

To make the war possible first pacts and agreements between countries had to be put in place. So the secret elite set up the Triple Entente agreement between Britain, France and Russia in 1907. Meaning if one of them went to war the other two countries would come to their aid. These three countries have nothing in common, they don’t even speak the same language and they have constantly been at war with each other over the past few hundred years. So there is no valid reason why they should join together in an agreement unless this agreement is used to make the three countries fight a war. That is exactly what this agreement was used for. Russia had another agreement were it was allied to Serbia. Germany had an alliance with Austria-Hungary. But this was natural as Germany and Austria had the same culture and language.

All that was needed next was an event to spark a confrontation between two countries in opposite agreements. The plan was to get Austria involved in a conflict which would then draw in Germany on Austria’s side. This nearly happened in 1913 when Serbia took territory from Bulgaria and then moved into Albania. Austria-Hungary then came to Albania’s aid and a war looked likely but Germany insisted with Austria-Hungary that negotiations must take place and Russia insisted Serbia withdraw its troops. War was averted this time but not the next time.

The Assassination

The Serbian Black Hand was a secret military society that was created in 1911 and carried out atrocities against the Bulgarians in the Balkan conflict of 1913. The leader of this Black Hand was Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic and he recruited a revolutionary group known as the Young Turks to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria when he visited Sarajevo in June 1914. The assassins were waiting along the route that the Archduke would travel and a bomb was thrown but it hit the carriage behind the Archduke. The Archdukes carriage then ran off to the town hall but the Archduke insisted that he should go to the hospital to see the

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