The Halt in Progress by Jachin Orallo (best interesting books to read .TXT) đź“•

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- Author: Jachin Orallo
Read book online «The Halt in Progress by Jachin Orallo (best interesting books to read .TXT) 📕». Author - Jachin Orallo
“ You took all the good weapons” whined Patrick
“ What about the hoe you wanted” insisted Jachin
“ I was lying”
“Pass me that” ordered Jachin to Narge. He took the fireman’s axe and walked over to a metal cabinet with two doors and a locked chain around both handles. With all his strength Jachin swung the axe at the metal chain. There was an aggressive rattle followed by sparks. He looked back at the handle just in time to see the chain separated into two fell on the ground. He opened the metal cabinet. A shriek fell in their ears. Inside the cabinet were sharp tools like machetes, shears, sickles and too many more too count. Patrick grabbed the dirt covered machete. Rean scouted the room in search for something. Rean left the group and came back with two long equipment bags. Jachin grabbed a white can of spray paint.
“ Put as much things in here as possible” Ordered Rean
“Why” questioned everyone
“ So if the same thing that happened to CP24 happened here we can at least fight back”
“What happened at CP24” asked Yasr
“We don’t know but Neil thinks the four of them are the only survivors” The seven of them crammed as much tools in the two equipment bags as possible. Jt held one and Nethan held the other.
“ You three find as much people that we know and tell them what’s happening” Jachin ordered Jachin “ Us four will grab Vladimir and we’re gonna use the exit near the weight room to get outside and try to spell out a message on the grass.”
The seven exited the maintenance room. Narge, Jt and Yasr headed towards the closest locker the three of them owned to hide their bags inside. It was Jt’s. Jachin, Patrick, Nethan and Rean headed towards Jachin’s locker to grab Vladimir. They arrived there and Jachin unlocked his locker. There leaned a wooden baseball bat with a screw at the bottom. Jachin grabbed Vladimir and locked his locker. The three students walked over to the staircase the chopper people used to get to the washroom. The four students then headed to the exit near the weightroom.
Officer Neil took the advice the mole-faced kid gave him. He walked down the main stairway and got a few confused looks from the school’s students. He got to the staff room and knocked heavily on the door. “There is a meeting going on” he heard coming from within the room. He took his shotgun and hit the door handle with the shoulder stock. The handle broke and he pushed the door open and came upon a sight of the staff members sitting around a long wooden table.
“Which one of you is the principal” asked Neil. A blonde woman wearing a cardigan sweater got up. She leaned on a wooden cane.
“I’m the principal” she implicated
“I need to talk to you” He looked around the room and added “Alone”
“Ok” she turned to the other staff members and said “You’re dismissed” The staff members got up and left the room. He walked over to the principal and offered a hand.
“Neil McNeil” introduced the cop. The principal shook his hand and introduced herself also
“Amanda Parish”
“Do you know the current situation we are in” asked Neil
“I’m afraid so” answered Parish “ How did you get here”
“I was at Cp24 and those things broke in, four people including myself escaped on a chopper, we landed on the roof when we saw four people on the roof who were students”
“Who were those students”
“That’s not important right now”
“Do you have cameras in the school”
“The inside and the outside, but they’re not on at the moment”
“Are we able to turn them on”
“Yes but we have to go the maintenance room upstairs”
“Can we go right now”
“Yes, follow me” The two of them left the staff room and went up along the stairs, halfway up towards the stairs they heard a scream of distress.
Narge, Jt, and Yasr walked towards the staircase the chopper people used to go to the washroom. They opened a door which lead to the top of the staircase. There they came across two familiar faces two girls sitting against the wall their names were Gillian Leal and Patricia Forbes.
Narge grabbed the equipment bag from Jt’s hand and headed towards them.
“Why do you have those” said the alarmed Gillian
“Are you gonna believe us” whispered Narge
“Well… we’re in a zombie apocalypse”
“How do you know” asked Patricia
“Jachin, Patrick, Nethan, and Rean told us”
“And you believe them. Especially when Jachin’s with them”
“I mean four dudes came out of the maintenance room who had the same point”
Narge put the equipment bag down and opened it.
“Pick your weapon” He suggested
“I’m not touching a single item that is within that bag” said Gillian
“You have to believe us” said narge. He turned to Jt and Yasr “This is hard” and Turned back to Gillian and Patricia. At that same moment the three chopper people came back and started to walk up the stairs with a few weird looks from other students. Narge turned to them and yelled
The chopper people looked at him but the one known as Mike fell on the ground. He started shaking and white foam started to rise from his mouth. The remaining two, Zboralski and Cynthia, ran back to the direction from whence they came. From the direction they came from a teacher appeared. The teacher supplied for Narge, Yasr, and Gillian’s classes her name was Mrs. Lantis. She looked around and saw the distressed look from the students. Help him! I think he’s dying! He’s having a seizure said some students. She ran to the direction the students were pointing at. She came across Mike shaking. She got on her knees and started doing CPR. one, two, three, four... all the way to thirty. She bent over and pressed her lips against his. Mike bit her lips and her muffled scream could barely be heard. She started shaking, trying to get the man of her. Mike bit her lips off and she toppled backwards falling to the ground. Mrs. Lantis started shaking the same way as Mike did. Mike grabbed a nearby student’s legs, causing the student to fall to the ground. Mike bit the flesh of the students bone and the student screamed. Mrs. Lantis’ mouth filled up with white foam. Mike looked around the stairwell dumbfoundedly until he spotted the five students on top of the staircase. He raced for them.
“Come on” Narge ordered. The two girls got up and joined them. Yasr held the door open. Until everyone got through except Narge. He realized they left the equipment bag. He ran back and grabbed it. He ran back towards his group and the door was now closed. Narge pushed down on the handle as Mike raced towards him. He opened the door and Mike was almost upon him. Mike reached for Narge’s shoulder. But Narge turned around and kicked Mike in the torso knocking him back. He reached the other side of the door and closed it. As he did that he got a glimpse of the lipless Mrs. Lantis getting up and starting to chase other students. Narge slammed the door shut just as Mike was about to reach them. They saw the blood covered face against the doors windows.
“ Ok” concluded Gillian “ Now we believe you”
The four students walked towards the exit near the weight room. There sat a security guard on a blue plastic chair. They walked past the weight room and walked to the security guard. The security guard stood up and stopped them.
“What are you holding” asked the guard
“Listen there are zombies outside” explained Rean
“You didn’t answer my question”
“They’re tools”
“Where did you get them”
“Listen sir we don’t have much time”
“Is he holding a machete”
The students did not answer him and just stared at him.
“Ok, that’s enough you’re coming with me” ordered the guard. He walked towards Patrick, he held him on the collar, and he started dragging Patrick. Patrick started loose his breath and started to try and struggle himself free. Rean took his ne hammer and hit the guard on the back of the head with the side of the hammer. The guard fell to the ground face first followed by a loud thud. The guard lay on the ground motionless.
“ Jesus Christ Rean” exclaimed Jachin. Rean walked over to the motionless guard and felt his pulse.
“ It’s fine. He’s still alive” explained Rean
“At least flip him over so he can breath”
“True. Here, come and help me”
“No, no, no. You did this so you’re flipping him over”
“Fine” said Rean as he walked towards the guard and with all his strength he flipped a guard over on his back. The four of them exited using the door the security guard was guarding. They went outside and they each smelt the odour of cut grass and fresh air. But that quickly disappeared as the smell of burning smoke entered their noses into their lungs. The area they were at was a parking lot. Six portables were on their left and beside the first portable was the freshly cut grass. They walked over to it. Jachin took the cap off the white spray paint and started to spell out a message. He spelt a message that can only be seen from above. The message spelt SOS. They walked towards the door and could see the guard’s face against the glass. His teeth clamped ever so often and white foam all over his mouth began to disappear.
“He’s a zombie” said Patrick
“ Can we please not use that word” asked Jachin
“ Yes , that word”
“It sounds ridiculous”
“What do you want to call them then”
“Anything but that”
“What about the dead” suggested Nethan
“Anything but the word zombie”
“But what are we gonna do with him” asked Rean
“We obviously have to kill him” explained Patrick
“Is this like the walking dead where if you die you turn” Wondered Nethan
“I don’t think so” answered Jachin
“ Because a huge chunk of his neck is missing” Jachin explained “ Here’s the plan Patrick is going to open the door and I will bash the guards head”
Everyone agreed and they set the plan in motion. Patrick held the handle waiting for the signal. Jachin nodded and Patrick opened the door and the guard ran to Jachin. He swung the bat and it hit the side of the guards skull. The guard spun and fell to the ground.
“ Walking dead you snake. The skull is hard” Jachin said to himself. The guard got up and started to head towards him again. He put the end of his bat against the guards torso, keeping him in the same spot. Patrick came from behind and swung his machete into the guard's back head. The guard still stood this time trying to reach Patrick but he held on the machete so it’s hard for the guard to turn.
“Swing at him one more time” ordered Rean
“ I can’t it’s stuck” said Patrick. Nethan pulled out the red screwdriver from his pocket and stabbed the guard in the head. The screwdriver penetrated the skull but it was to hard and thick. The guard reached for Nethan and grabbed his shirt. Nethan pulled himself back causing him to fall on the ground backwards. The screwdriver was stuck in place. Rean held his hammer and smashed the end of the screwdriver into the guard's head. The guard then stopped trying to reach them and simply fell dead on the ground.
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