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to my room!"
I moved past her and stood in the oorway of her room. "Oh my god" i whispered. Hunter and his friends decided to throw all there weed stuff in there. the had endless amount of bongs, and pipes everywhere. Her room reeked of the stuff. They had tobacco stuff all over her floor, and her bed where they were jjust dumping their stuff on. "Oh fuck" i say trying not to laugh. I turned back to her. 
"You think this is funny? Huh? I'm gonna tear his ass in half!" She storms back down the staires and i follow after her. "Jade stop, what did you expect from Hunter?!" i say as she continus to look around the house.
"Where is he? Where is that little fucker! I dont need to come home for this shit!" She yells and shes looking around angrily. I leaned against the door frame. "he sint here. He probably went over to Rory's house, i think"
"Fuckin Rory." She says under her breath. I cross my arm, and make my way to the basment. "Have fun finsinf them I say, Oh, and welcome back, jade" I smile and run back down the stair into my little cave, where I hoped to remain there for the rest of the night. Alone.





Pity party

 "So, Jade...hows school..? We havent heard anything from you in a while" My mom say, while taking a sip of her wine. Jade set dow her fork, and wiped her mouth. "Its gong great mom, my soriety is amazing! I mean, we do these great study group things and focus on house we can make our house better" she says smug. I scoff and roll my eyes. Jade shot me a dirty look. "Do you have something t say?" She asks me.
I smile and look at her sweetly. "Nothing at all."
She went back to bragging about how great college life is. both my parents shook there head inamazment as if they were really lisenting to what she was saying. Hunter was busy eating his steak and potatoes lke a savage. i was just picking at my food, bored.
"You know what Jade, Lets throw a party for you!" My mom says, obvoulsy tipsy. "you can invite anyone,and everyone!"
I look at my dad who was pursing his lips. "you think thats a good idea, jan?"
"Uh yeah! Look we dont have to be here, me and your father can go out. jade deserves this, shes been doing so good in college and stuff. she needs a break!"
I look at jade and her face lit up. "Mom! that is a great idea, im so stressed about everything. that would be lovely, honestly." she smiled at her. I made a grossed out face. Jade was the definition of a compulsive liar. I could right through her face that something was up. I stared at her and took a sip of my water. She glared back at me.
Do you have something to say, Violet? Hmm?" She asks, snobily. I set my glass down with a hard clink and smile fakely."No..Jade, I dont have anything to say to you."
She smiles and goes back to talking about school to our parents. Hunter got up and threw his plate in the sink. He looked back at me and smirked. 
"Well, jade, I have a big day tomorrow at the office, daddy needs sleep" He says to her. "Violet, goodnight" he says with a smile. My mom tapped her french tipped nails agaist her glass and looked down. "Ill be up soon" she says after him. He nods and walks off, leaving his plate at the table. The tension in the ar felt thick. jade just stared at her plate and smiled. "So mom, about"


i walked into Lena's Bistro, while tying my apron around my waist. i glanced up at the clock. "Fuck" i said to myself. I made my way behind the counter an clocked myself in. I sihed with relief, and wiped my forehead. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I look at the ceiling and turn around to see gregory tapping his foot at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but he stopped me before I could speak.
"This is your third time being late, Violet." he says. 
"I know..I know..I didnt hear my alarm today, and my sister just came home from college and is driving me freakin crazy." i say, looking up at him. He crossed his arms and sighed. 
"Fine, you're off the hook agian, but Casey is getting angry, dont piss her off today, Or..try not to." he says, smiling warily. I nodded. "Thanks." I turn back around to the counter, and sigh. Lena's bistro was this small little cafe that belonged to greg's sister. She passed a while ago, and she gave this to him as a gift. I never met her, bbut I heard she was really funny. before i starting working here, it was filled all the time with people, but now only college kids, and "bloggers" come in here to eat. they only order a coffee and sit at a little table and work on their computers or something. I loved working here. greg was a sweetheart, and casey was a loveable control freak. we grew close a couple months ago when we bonded over our love of various bands. 
"Hey, you're finally here, Violet." She said, her small footsteps coming from ehind me. She was carrying a bunch of carboard boxes. "Ah, let me help you." I says grabbing half her stack. "thank you hunny, Greg wouldnt help, and he's been bothering me about these damn boxes for the carriers" She chuckles and sets them next to me. "You mind setting them up and getting them ready to go? I would love you forever" 
"Uh yeah, sure. i dont mind." i take one of the boxes and open it. Casey fluttered through the dining room and start setting down the chairs. 'you know," she says to me, bringing one of the chairs down. "greg is thinking about selling the place"
"I look up from stacking the boxes and roll my eyes. "As if he would do that. He loves this place."
Caasey shrugs and holds on to one othe chair legs. "I think he's tired of it honestly. I'm not surprised, we get assholes for customers. and they dont even tip good." 
I look at her and she continues taking the last but of the chairs down. i finish stacking the boxes and place them below me on the shelf. i sigh and walk over to the door and flip the "close" sign to "open". "Looks, Lets ont think about him selling the place." she says and walks over to me. "lets jit be happy that we're here until its over" she  pats my arm and disapeers to the back. I smile to myself and walk back to the counter. 
Throught the day we get several customers, and our normal customers who usually chat with either me or casey and brings us tips. I swiftly bend down, and pick up some more cups and pop ack up to see some one standing in front of the counter. i gasp a bit and drop the cups. A guy who was wearing a black shirt with a blue hoodie over it smiled at me. "Im sorry, i didn't mean to scrae you" he says. I stumble on my words a bit and bend back down to pick up the cups. i set them on the counter and look back up to him, adn smiles. "h, yeah, its okay, im just a clutz sometimes." i push back a piece of hair and tuck it behind my ear. He smiles yet again. "So, what would you like today, sir." i say, smiling ack. He looked up at the menu and then back to me. His light brown eyes strared deep into mines as if he was trying to tell me something. I bot my bottom lip and waited for his answer.
"Um, i'll just take a coffee, with a hole lot ofmilk. Hold the coffee" he says. i laugh a bit. "so basically just milk? i ask him and he laughs at the ground. "Uh yeah. I guess so. Or..what would you reccomend?"
I looked behind me, and shrugged. "Um we have some great cinnamon rolls. there freshly aked every morning"
He nodded his head. "I'll take one of those then, uh, Violet"
I smile and ring him up for a milk and a cinnamon roll. "I'll be 5.17" I say. H reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. he hand me a ten. "Keep the change" He says smiling back at me.
"I put the ten in my drawer and close it. "thank you." i say, grabbing a plate from behind me, and reaching under our glass case and pulling out a cinnamon rol, and set it on the plate. I hand it to him along with a small cup of milk. he takes it, and raises his glass to me and sits at one of the booths. I bite the inside of my cheek and smile to myself.  
"well that was a trainwreck to watch" Casey sad from next to me. she twisted her long blonde ponytail from between her fingers. I scoffed. "Fuck off" 
She laughs and walks away, dealing with one of her own customers. I grabed a towel from behind me and start wiping down my counter top and wait effortly for my shift to be over.
"Hey casey." I ask. she lokos up at me. "You mind watching my register? I have to pee so badly" 
"Oh yeah, sure go." She smiles at me sweetly. I look at the booths and notice that guy is still there. He was typing away at his computer and concetrating hard. I smiled and stalked off to the bathroom. We only had one unisex bathroom, which was kinda sad to me. 



Publication Date: 02-04-2016

All Rights Reserved

To anyone who cares. meh. Especially cats. all the cats everywhere.

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