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tanned complexion. She waited as the counselor printed out her schedule and saw her old enemy walk into the office in a cheerleading uniform but the girl didn’t notice her.
“Rayne Conner” the counselor said out loud.
She got up to get her schedule
“You” said the uniformed enemy.
Rayne just grinned and took the schedule. More stares as she walked to her first class upstairs and even more stares as she walked into the classroom. The teacher gave her a seat in the back which was exactly where she wanted to sit.
She used her bag to block the teachers view as she texted her brother “man these folks a bunch of lames”.
During the class period the kids would glance at her when the teacher turned around but she just ignored them. She breezed through second period but she saw the boy she thought she knew, Johnny, in her third period with her old enemy. The girl whispered something to him and he looked at Rayne and kept glancing at her during the period which made her think that her enemy, Britney, had told him something bad about her like she used to do.
When the bell rang for lunch Rayne took her time so that she could be the last person out.
The moment she walked out Johnny was in her face, staring at her “is it really you” he asked
“Do I know you” she asked
“So you leave for a couple of years and forget your old best friend Johnny” he said.
Her eyes went wide “don’t blame me, you look different and how can you say that I left when you left before me” she said.
“Okay so we’re both guilty, lets catch up at lunch” he said then wrapped his arm around her neck.
Like old times, she thought. More stares came around but this time it wasn’t with curiosity it was with jealousy. They sat down with a bunch of football players, cheerleaders and Britney outside
“You guys remember jelly bean” Johnny said when everyone was looking at
“Jelly bean!”Screamed Mack, one of her old now football player friend
“Talk about loosing the baby fat, Mack” she said
“Yea, I had to if I wanted to get on the team with Johnny here” Mack said.
She looked at Johnny “what are you the water boy” she teased
“More like quarter back” Johnny replied
“So where’d you go when you left” one girl asked
“Cali” Rayne answered
“So that was your brother with the tattoos” Johnny asked.
Rayne just nodded and then Johnny saw her tattoos and piercings. This wasn’t the girl he had left behind.
“What happened” he asked, almost in a whisper
“What do you mean” she asked back
“I leave for a year, come back to find you missing, never hear from you and then three years later you appear out of nowhere looking different” he replied.
The others were looking at them but couldn’t hear their conversation.
“Like you sent me any messages or whatever when you left” Rayne said
“What do you mean I sent you letters and everything I could” he said confused
“Are you sure ‘because I got zip from you and I have my reasons for not sending anything” Rayne said back.
The others were now really looking at them. Johnny grabbed her hand and led her away from the table and off to the parking lot where he stopped at his car and sat on the hood.
“I promise you that I sent things to you almost every week and why couldn’t you send me things?” he asked
“I don’t want to talk about this here or right now” she said avoiding his question
“Okay then answer this, what’s with the new look?” he asked,
“When in Rome do as the Romans do” she answered and started walking away.
He stood there for a minute thinking about what she had said then started after her. He had to admit that the new look made him happy in places that he didn’t want to be at a time of such. It was hard not to look at her as she walked away; he noticed curves that weren’t there three years ago.
“I didn’t know that you had a belly button piercing” said one of the cheerleaders
“Oh yea I got it a couple years back” she answered
“Can I see it, I wanted mines pierced but I don’t know” the girl said.
Rayne shrugged and lifted up her tank top to show the girl. Johnny read the tattoo that was on the side of Rayne’s hip as he got closer. ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ it said. The rest didn’t notice it because it was near her back
“It’s so cute, now I have to get mines pierced” shrieked the girl.
“No public nudity” Johnny said as he took his seat
“Hater” Rayne replied
“So are all the people in California all pierced up or is it just you?” asked Britney in a voice that was far from nice
“What are you trying to say that I’m a freak or something ‘cause of the piercing and if you are then I wonder what I’d be if you knew of the other piercings that you cant see” Rayne replied with a grin which meant that the game was on.
“I wouldn’t use the word freak more like whore, skank, slut and those other words” Britney replied
“It’s not my fault if your fake tan, cheap extensions and flat chest can’t get you any man” Rayne replied still grinning.
“This is not called for, both of you guys are acting immature right now” Johnny said
“Yea, who cares if she has not titties as long as she can give some good-” one boy was saying when Britney screamed and ran from the table.
“It’s good to be back” Rayne said and gave that boy a high five.
“I can’t believe that after all these years you two can’t bury the hatchet and stop the war between you two” Johnny said.
“I tried to not start anything but she started it” Rayne said.
Some of the other cheerleaders went to look for Britney and so did Johnny, leaving Rayne with the football players.
“So you coming to the game after school” Mack asked.
“I haven’t heard nothing bout no football game” she answered.
“Well it’s after school and its here so you can come and cheer us on” he replied.
“She doesn’t even have that southern accent anymore” said a tall boy coming up from behind Rayne.
She turned to face the stranger.
“Speak of the devil” said one boy.
“Don’t I get a ‘hey tony, how’s it been’” said tony.
“Why would I do that, the last time I checked you didn’t even know that I existed” Rayne said.
“Off course I knew that you existed it’s just that we never had time to hang out or nothing” tony said.
chapter 3

The bell rang and people started getting up. Rayne grabbed her bag and walked past tony who grabbed her wrist “don’t be like that, how bout we start out fresh you know turn the page or whatever” he said looking down at her. Tony was a senior and also Britney’s older brother. Before she left he had never even said a word to her, as if she was invisible.
“So all of a sudden you want to hang out with me?” she asked.
“Why wouldn’t I, you seem like a cool person without that boy Johnny always around like a watch dog or something” tony replied.
Tony and Johnny were never on good terms since they were younger for some reason that Rayne didn’t know. She knew why he all of sudden wanted to hang around her and she wasn’t having it.
“Yea whatever, I’ll see around” she said and pulled her hand which he was now holding away.
She ran into Johnny on the way to class but just walked past him, he looked mad and from experience it was never a good idea to talk to him when he was mad. Johnny watched Rayne walk past him, he didn’t blame her but then saw tony walk past him and he got a bad feeling in his gut. Truth be told Johnny was like a brother to Rayne but when the hit middle school feelings that weren’t there years before started emerging and he then wanted to have more than a brother-sister like relationship and now her coming back looking like that wasn’t helping the situation.
He didn’t want her to be involved with tony in any ways, tony was trouble but now that he thought about it so was Rayne. Rayne walked into her sixth period, American history, but in her words ‘the lamest subject ever created in the history of man kind’. She took the text book that the teacher gave to her and had a seat in the back of the class room. After five minutes of trying to pay attention she gave up and tuned him out. Twenty five minutes later the bell rang and an announcement told the students to head to the gym for a pep-rally.
She grabbed her messenger bag and text book and headed out to the gym.
She met tony and a group of boys hanging out some lockers near the gym. Tony approached her and she tried to join in with the crowd but it was too late.
“So you said that we can hang out or whatever so how bout you sit with me during this pep-rally” he said as he backed her up against a wall with one hand by her head.
“I’m supposed to meet some people” she lied
“They’ll be okay with you sitting with me” he said then grabbed her hand, leading her towards the gym. He sat her down in the middle section of bleachers. She had to admit that it was a good view but knew that if Johnny saw them he’d kill her later. Students piled in and she was sure that Johnny wouldn’t notice her so she relaxed. The cheerleader started with a boring routine then the football players tore through a banner and onto the gym floor. Music blared, students screamed, and the cheerleader flipped and danced. The football players were introduced then they told the crowd to come out for the game after school. They sat on the first row of bleachers of the middle section of the opposite end of the gym. Johnny searched around the gym with his eyes for Rayne and saw her sitting with tony. He was playing with one of her blonde strands and whispering something in her ear making her giggle. If it wasn’t in public in front of teacher and what not Johnny would have marched to tony and broken the fingers that he used to touch her. For a sixteen year old Johnny was much bigger than normal. He was about six feet and ripped with muscles. His dark hair that at first covered his eyes was now cut short. Mack noticed Johnny and looked in the direction of his gaze,

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