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judge to let him remove my tracer, with a few rules. I had to be home for supper, and in bed by 11:30, unless I call and tell them i'm not going to be there. And he has to be allowed to do random drug testing on me. That was fine by me.

So I got to go out with friends. I got to do what I wanted. It was great.

I hung out wiht Ullissen, the kid with red and black hair from my first hour, Sarah, a purple headed girl from my history class, and Ullissens older brother, Hunter, who had blue streaks in his blonde hair. He was 23, but liked hanging out with us kids. I refused to drink, mainly because of the random drug tests, but also because I didn't really want to get drug into that black pit again.

I had permission to stay at sarahs, so I was at her house when Thor came looking for me.

I was sitting at her her kitchen table, painting my toenails black, my fingernails white, and tipping them grey, when her doorbell rang. She went to answer it, and I cranked the stereo that she had in there, bobbing my head with the music and mouthing along with Skillet, when she came around the corner, fallowed by Thor.I raised an eyebrow, then concentraited on finishing my nails.

" Shanel, Thor said he wanted to talk to you." I glanced at her, suprised. 'Sorry!' she mouthed, then ducked into her living room. He straddled the chair across from me. finally I looked up, turning the music down.

" Can I help you?" I asked faltly. He sighed, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out two lip rings.

" Still want one?" I felt my eyes widen.

" Uh, yeah, but I told you, I'd probably get in trouble for putting one in." he shrugged, smiling slightly.

" That's alright, Angel. nothing you haven't done before, right? pick one." I studied the ones he had in his hand.

" Why did you get two?" I asked suddenly. He shrugged.

" I was going to put one in too. I'd been thinking about it for a while." he shrugged again. I wearily picked out the red one, so he had the black one.

" Thanks." I said, studying it. It was steel, and it curled so it fit around the lip, and had a red stud on one end, with a black symbol on it.

" I was hoping you'd pick that one." he said, studying his. I frowned.

" What does this sign mean?" his lips quirked up at the edges.

" It means Angel, Angel." I rolled my eyes, sighing, and turned around in the chair, facing the medicine cabinet that had a mirror on it. I had the ring lined up with the faint scar I had before he realized what was happening.

" Your doing that now!?" he asked, bewildered. I frowned, pulling back.

" Why not?" I asked, confused.

" Doesn't it hurt like a bitch?" I grinned, turned, and pierced it, a single line of blood falling.

" Yup." he shook his head.

" Whatever. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to a party Ullissen's throwing." I sighed.

" Is Sarah going?" he shrugged.

" I don't know, I didn't ask her. I'm asking you." I studied him a moment.

" Why are you suddenly talking to me again?" I finally asked. he shrugged.

" Didn't want to not talk to you anymore. Your fun to talk to." I sighed.

" I don't want to, Thor." I lied. the truth was, I wanted to, just not with him. he was so annoying, I could only imagine what he was like at a party. He shook his head.

" Why not?" I shrugged.

" Just don't." Sarah appeared in the doorway.

" Ullissen wants us to come to his party tonight. Are we going?" Thor grinned triumphantly, and I groaned.

" yeah, I guess." I sighed, leaning against the sink. She gave me a funny look, then her eyes widened.

" Oh my God, does that hurt?" she asked, leaning closer to me and studying my lip. I nodded.

" Yeah, It does. Mind?" she leaned back, blushing slightly.

" Sorry." she turned to Thor.

" You going to the party too?" he nodded.

" Mind giving us a ride?" He smiled, winking at me.

" Not at all."

chapter eight

" Girl, How many outfits do you have?" I exclaimed, studying Sarah's closet. She shrugged, grinning at me through the mirror as she did her make-up.

" I know which one you should wear." I raised an eyebrow.She'd already changed, and I was still getting over the size of her closet.

" alright, what?" she squealed, running into the forest of hangers and clothes.

" This!" she said, grinning. she came out with a midnight blue, sparkling halter mini dress, and a pair of matching spandex leggings. I shook me head.

" Nuh-Uh. I am not wearing that." she pouted.

" Please?" I shook my head again.

" Please, Shanel? You'll look Soooooooo cute! Please!?" she whined. I groaned, then took the outfit and went to her bathroom. she smirked behind me.

" thanks for the ride, Thor." Sarah said, sliding into the back of the car. when I tried to slide in with her, thor's hand shot out to block me.

" sit up front with me, Angel." I growled, while sarah watched, confused. finally, she sighed.

" get up front, Shanel." I felt my eyes widen.

" Now, Shannelly!" she snapped. I shook my head, but relunctantly got in the familiar front seat. Thor's eyes widened.

" your wearing that. to Ullissens party." I nodded, grinning at his wide eyes. I then made a show of streatching, making my dress rise, exposing more of the spandex leggings. I heard sarah laugh quietly as he shook his head and growled something low under his breath as he drove off.

" Shannel! Sarah! thor. ass. how are you guys?" Ullissen greeted us, hugging me and Sarah, but frowning at Thor. Thor studied the crowd, then nodded in Ullissens general direction.

" Ullissen. good to see you. Angel, wanna dance?" even as he asked, his hand became a vise grip on my arm and started pulling me towards the floor. I struggled against him, but his grip got impossibly tighter.

" stop fighting me, Angel. do you see how many eyes are on you?" I glanced around and grimaced, trying to release his grip again.

" stop! I'm trying to help you, Girl. people know not to touch anything i claim." he stop suddenly and spun me around so that i was facing him.

" so If I claim you, they'll leave you alone."he hissed. I growled back.

" what if I don't want you to claim me?" he shrugged.

" get raped, than. theres a bunch of guys in here that would jump someone like you, dressed like you, in a second." I studied his impassive face, then growled.

" fine." I spat. he grinned. I realized we were standing still in the middle of a moving dancefloor.

" Wh-"

" just do what I say. come here." he pulled me closer and we started dancing in time to the music, flowing with everyone else. he knew exactly what I was going to do, before I did it. we danced for a few minutes, then I felt his breath hit my cheek.

" slowly tilt your head toward me." I obediently turned slowly to him, till I met his Hazel eyes. they were lit with some emotion, but I couldn't tell what.

chapter nine flashback

it was at the last foster home i was at. there was this guy, that i liked. alot. he had blonde hair, and was tall. his nickname was skinny, and not many others knew his real name, exept me. his name was gavin.

I dated him for a week, and then he started beating me. and I couldnt leave him, every time i did he beat me worse till i promised i wouldn't. oen time was worse than the others, though.

"Gavin! Stop, please!" I sobbed, sucking in a sharp breath as his foot sunk into my stomach again. I heard and felt something snap, and white lines blurred my vision.

" Gav-"

" Promise me!" he suddenly yelled, yanking me up off the ground of his bedroom in his apartment.

" what!? promise you what, Gavin!?" I gasped, crying. he twisted my head to hiss in my ear.

" promise me I'll be the only one. I'm the only one you'll ever love. promise me." I nodded, but that wasnt good anough, apparently. he lieterally threw me across the room, making me connect with the wall. then he was on top of me.

" who is he!? what's his name! tell me, Shay!" his hands gripped my throat so I couldn't answer. he'd tightened it further when I didn't.

IF his older brother hadn't have came in with the cops, I dont know if I would be her today. all I know is he is now in an asslyum, and isn't getting out anytime soon. his brother, George, told me that the nurses there say he still calls for me when he's delusioned, determined to kill whoever 'took me from him'.

chapter ten
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