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Read book online ยซTen Days in a Mad-House by Nellie Bly (book series for 12 year olds TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Nellie Bly

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>โ€œI shall not take off my hat,โ€ I answered. โ€œI am waiting for the boat, and I shall not remove it.โ€

โ€œWell, you are not going on any boat. You might as well know it now as later. You are in an asylum for the insane.โ€

Although fully aware of that fact, her unvarnished words gave me a shock. โ€œI did not want to come here; I am not sick or insane, and I will not stay,โ€ I said.

โ€œIt will be a long time before you get out if you donโ€™t do as you are told,โ€ answered Miss Scott. โ€œYou might as well take off your hat, or I shall use force, and if I am not able to do it, I have but to touch a bell and I shall get assistance. Will you take it off?โ€

โ€œNo, I will not. I am cold, and I want my hat on, and you canโ€™t make me take it off.โ€

โ€œI shall give you a few more minutes, and if you donโ€™t take it off then I shall use force, and I warn you it will not be very gentle.โ€

โ€œIf you take my hat off I shall take your cap off; so now.โ€

Miss Scott was called to the door then, and as I feared that an exhibition of temper might show too much sanity I took off my hat and gloves and was sitting quietly looking into space when she returned. I was hungry, and was quite pleased to see Mary make preparations for dinner. The preparations were simple. She merely pulled a straight bench up along the side of a bare table and ordered the patients to gather โ€˜round the feast; then she brought out a small tin plate on which was a piece of boiled meat and a potato. It could not have been colder had it been cooked the week before, and it had no chance to make acquaintance with salt or pepper. I would not go up to the table, so Mary came to where I sat in a corner, and while handing out the tin plate, asked:

โ€œHave ye any pennies about ye, dearie?โ€

โ€œWhat?โ€ I said, in my surprise.

โ€œHave ye any pennies, dearie, that ye could give me. Theyโ€™ll take them all from ye any way, dearie, so I might as well have them.โ€

I understood it fully now, but I had no intention of feeing Mary so early in the game, fearing it would have an influence on her treatment of me, so I said I had lost my purse, which was quite true. But though I did not give Mary any money, she was none the less kind to me. When I objected to the tin plate in which she had brought my food she fetched a china one for me, and when I found it impossible to eat the food she presented she gave me a glass of milk and a soda cracker.

All the windows in the hall were open and the cold air began to tell on my Southern blood. It grew so cold indeed as to be almost unbearable, and I complained of it to Miss Scott and Miss Ball. But they answered curtly that as I was in a charity place I could not expect much else. All the other women were suffering from the cold, and the nurses themselves had to wear heavy garments to keep themselves warm. I asked if I could go to bed. They said โ€œNo!โ€ At last Miss Scott got an old gray shawl, and shaking some of the moths out of it, told me to put it on.

โ€œItโ€™s rather a bad-looking shawl,โ€ I said.

โ€œWell, some people would get along better if they were not so proud,โ€ said Miss Scott. โ€œPeople on charity should not expect anything and should not complain.โ€

So I put the moth-eaten shawl, with all its musty smell, around me, and sat down on a wicker chair, wondering what would come next, whether I should freeze to death or survive. My nose was very cold, so I covered up my head and was in a half doze, when the shawl was suddenly jerked from my face and a strange man and Miss Scott stood before me. The man proved to be a doctor, and his first greetings were:

โ€œIโ€™ve seen that face before.โ€

โ€œThen you know me?โ€ I asked, with a great show of eagerness that I did not feel.

โ€œI think I do. Where did you come from?โ€

โ€œFrom home.โ€

โ€œWhere is home?โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t you know? Cuba.โ€

He then sat down beside me, felt my pulse, and examined my tongue, and at last said:

โ€œTell Miss Scott all about yourself.โ€

โ€œNo, I will not. I will not talk with women.โ€

โ€œWhat do you do in New York?โ€


โ€œCan you work?โ€

โ€œNo, senor.โ€

โ€œTell me, are you a woman of the town?โ€

โ€œI do not understand you,โ€ I replied, heartily disgusted with him.

โ€œI mean have you allowed the men to provide for you and keep you?โ€

I felt like slapping him in the face, but I had to maintain my composure, so I simply said:

โ€œI do not know what you are talking about. I always lived at home.โ€

After many more questions, fully as useless and senseless, he left me and began to talk with the nurse. โ€œPositively demented,โ€ he said. โ€œI consider it a hopeless case. She needs to be put where some one will take care of her.โ€

And so I passed my second medical expert.

After this, I began to have a smaller regard for the ability of doctors than I ever had before, and a greater one for myself. I felt sure now that no doctor could tell whether people were insane or not, so long as the case was not violent.

Later in the afternoon a boy and a woman came. The woman sat down on a bench, while the boy went in and talked with Miss Scott. In a short time he came out, and, just nodding good-bye to the woman, who was his mother, went away. She did not look insane, but as she was German I could not learn her story. Her name, however, was Mrs. Louise Schanz. She seemed quite lost, but when the nurses put her at some sewing she did her work well and quickly. At three in the afternoon all the patients were given a gruel broth, and at five a cup of tea and a piece of bread. I was favored; for when they saw that it was impossible for me to eat the bread or drink the stuff honored by the name of tea, they gave me a cup of milk and a cracker, the same as I had had at noon.

Just as the gas was being lighted another patient was added. She was a young girl, twenty-five years old. She told me that she had just gotten up from a sick bed. Her appearance confirmed her story. She looked like one who had had a severe attack of fever. โ€œI am now suffering from nervous debility,โ€ she said, โ€œand my friends have sent me here to be treated for it.โ€ I did not tell her where she was, and she seemed quite satisfied. At 6.15 Miss Ball said that she wanted to go away, and so we would all have to go to bed. Then each of usโ€”we now numbered sixโ€”were assigned a room and told to undress. I did so, and was given a short, cotton-flannel gown to wear during the night. Then she took every particle of the clothing I had worn during the day, and, making it up in a bundle, labeled it โ€œBrown,โ€ and took it away. The iron-barred window was locked, and Miss Ball, after giving me an extra blanket, which, she said, was a favor rarely granted, went out and left me alone. The bed was not a comfortable one. It was so hard, indeed, that I could not make a dent in it; and the pillow was stuffed with straw. Under the sheet was an oilcloth spread. As the night grew colder I tried to warm that oilcloth. I kept on trying, but when morning dawned and it was still as cold as when I went to bed, and had reduced me too, to the temperature of an iceberg, I gave it up as an impossible task.

I had hoped to get some rest on this my first night in an insane asylum. But I was doomed to disappointment. When the night nurses came in they were curious to see me and to find out what I was like. No sooner had they left than I heard some one at my door inquiring for Nellie Brown, and I began to tremble, fearing always that my sanity would be discovered. By listening to the conversation I found it was a reporter in search of me, and I heard him ask for my clothing so that he might examine it. I listened quite anxiously to the talk about me, and was relieved to learn that I was considered hopelessly insane. That was encouraging. After the reporter left I heard new arrivals, and I learned that a doctor was there and intended to see me. For what purpose I knew not, and I imagined all sorts of horrible things, such as examinations and the rest of it, and when they got to my room I was shaking with more than fear.

โ€œNellie Brown, here is the doctor; he wishes to speak with you,โ€ said the nurse. If thatโ€™s all he wanted I thought I could endure it. I removed the blanket which I had put over my head in my sudden fright and looked up. The sight was reassuring.

He was a handsome young man. He had the air and address of a gentleman. Some people have since censured this action; but I feel sure, even if it was a little indiscreet, that they young doctor only meant kindness to me. He came forward, seated himself on the side of my bed, and put his arm soothingly around my shoulders. It was a terrible task to play insane before this young man, and only a girl can sympathize with me in my position.

โ€œHow do you feel to-night, Nellie?โ€ he asked, easily.

โ€œOh, I feel all right.โ€

โ€œBut you are sick, you know,โ€ he said.

โ€œOh, am I?โ€ I replied, and I turned by head on the pillow and smiled.

โ€œWhen did you leave Cuba, Nellie?โ€

โ€œOh, you know my home?โ€ I asked.

โ€œYes, very well. Donโ€™t you remember me? I remember you.โ€

โ€œDo you?โ€ and I mentally said I should not forget him. He was accompanied by a friend who never ventured a remark, but stood staring at me as I lay in bed. After a great many questions, to which I answered truthfully, he left me. Then came other troubles. All night long the nurses read one to the other aloud, and I know that the other patients, as well as myself, were unable to sleep. Every half-hour or hour they would walk heavily down the halls, their boot-heels resounding like the march of a private of dragoons, and take a look at every patient. Of course this helped to keep us awake. Then as it came toward morning, they began to beat eggs for breakfast, and the sound made me realize how horribly hungry I was. Occasional yells and cries came from the male department, and that did not aid in making the night pass more cheerfully. Then the ambulance-gong, as it brought in more unfortunates, sounded as a knell to life and liberty. Thus I passed my first night as an insane girl at Bellevue.



AT 6 oโ€™clock on Sunday morning, Sept. 25, the nurses pulled the covering from my bed. โ€œCome, itโ€™s time for you to

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