Underground by Suelette Dreyfus (top rated books of all time txt) đź“•

The critics have been good to `Underground', for which I am verygrateful. But the best praise came from two of the hackers detailed inthe book. Surprising praise, because while the text is free of thenarrative moralising that plague other works, the selection of materialis often very personal and evokes mixed sympathies. One of the hackers,Anthrax dropped by my office to say `Hi'. Out of the blue, he said witha note of amazement, `When I read those chapters, it was so real, as ifyou had been right there inside my head'. Not long after Par, half aworld away, and with a real tone of bewildered incredulity in his voicemade exactly the same observation. For a writer, it just doesn't get anybetter than that.
By releasing this book for free on the Net, I'm hoping more peoplewill not only enjoy the story of how the international computerunderground rose to power, but also make
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Read book online «Underground by Suelette Dreyfus (top rated books of all time txt) 📕». Author - Suelette Dreyfus
10. `Crimes of the Intellect—Computer Hacking’, editorial, The Times, 20 March 1993.
11. `Owners Must Act to Put End to Computer Hacker “Insanity”’, South China Morning Post, 30 March 1993.
12. Nick Nuttall, `Hackers Stay Silent on Court Acquittal’, The Times, 19 March 1993.
13. Melvyn Howe, Press Association Newsfile, Home News section, 21 May
Chapter 8
1. Words And Music by James Moginie/Peter Garrett. (c) Copyright 1982 Sprint Music. Administered for the World—Warner/Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd. Used By Permission.
2. This is an edited version.
Chapter 9
1. Words And Music by Rob Hirst. (c) Copyright 1993 Sprint Music. Administered for the World—Warner/Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd. Used By Permission.
Chapter 10
1. Words And Music by Rob Hirst/James Moginie/Martin Rotsey/Andrew James. (c) Copyright 1978 Sprint Music. Administered for the World—Warner/Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd and Andrew James. Used By Permission.
Chapter 11
1. Words And Music by James Moginie (lyrics adapted from the book The Great Prawn War And Other Stories by Dennis Kevans). (c) Copyright 1984 Sprint Music. Administered for the World—Warner/Chappell Music Australia Pty Ltd. Used By Permission.
1. Victorian Ombudsman, Operation Iceberg; Investigation of Leaked Confidential Police Information and Related Matters.
2. The police report was printed as an appendix in the Ombudsman’s report. See Chapter 5, note 1, above.
3. Australian Federal Police, Annual Report, 1995-1996, p. 7.
Bibliography.Australian Federal Police (AFP), Annual Report 1995-1996, Canberra,
----, Annual Report 1994-1995, Canberra, 1995.
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Clyde, Robert A., `DECnet security’, DEC Professional, vol. 10, April
Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, Interim Report on Computer Crime (The Gibbs Report), Canberra, 1988.
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DDP), Annual Report 1993-1994, Canberra, 1994.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Annual Report 1994-1995, Canberra, 1995.
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Law Commission (UK) Working Paper, no. 110, 1988.
Lloyd, J. Ian & Simpson, Moira, Law on the Electronic Frontier, David Hume Institute, Edinburgh, 1996.
Longstaff, Thomas A., & Schultz, E. Eugene, `Beyond preliminary analysis of the WANK and OILZ worms: a case study of malicious code’, Computers & Security, vol. 12, February 1993.
Loundy, David J., `Information Systems Law and Operator Liability Revisited’, Murdoch University E-Law Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, September
McMahon, John, `Practical DECnet security’, Digital Systems Journal, vol. 14, November 1992.
Melford, Robert J., `Network security; computer networks’, Internal Auditor, Institute of Internal Auditors, vol. 50, February 1993.
Natalie, D. & Ball, W, EIS Coordinator, North Carolina Emergency Management, `How North Carolina Managed Hurricane Hugo’, EIS News, vol. 3, no. 11, 1988.
NorTel Australia Pty Ltd, Discovering Tomorrow’s Telecommunications Solutions, Chatswood, NSW (n.d.).
Northern Telecom, Annual Report 1993, Ontario, 1993.
Slatalla, Michelle & Quittner, Joshua, Masters of Deception, HarperCollins, New York, 1995.
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Report of the Inquiry into the Death of the Woman Who Died at Ceduna, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990.
Scottish Law Commission’s Report on Computer Crime, no. 174, 1987.
SPAN Management Office, `Security guidelines to be followed in the latest worm attack’, an Intranetwork Memorandum released by the SPAN Management Office, NASA, 30 October 1989.
Sterling, Bruce, The Hacker Crackdown, Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1994.
Stoll, Clifford, The Cuckoo’s Egg, Pan Books, London, 1991.
Tencati, Ron, `Information regarding the DECNET worm and protection measures’, an Intranetwork Memorandum released by the SPAN Management Office, NASA, 19 October 1989.
----, `Network Security Suplemental Information—Protecting the DECNET Account’, security advisory, released by SPAN, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, 1989.
The Victorian Ombudsman, Operation Iceberg: Investigation of Leaked Confidential Police Information and Related Matters, Report of the Deputy Ombudsman (Police Complaints), L.V. North Government Printer, Melbourne, 1993.
`USA proposes international virus team’, Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin (Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications), August 1991.
Victoria Police, Operation Iceberg—Investigation and Recommendations into Allegations of Leaked Confidential Police Information, 1 June, Memorandum from Victoria Police Commander Bowles to Chief Commissioner Comrie (also available as Appendix 1 in the Victorian Ombudsman’s Operation Iceberg Report, tabled in Victorian Parliament, October
1993), 1993.
Vietor, Richard, Contrived Competition: Regulation and Deregulation in America, BelKnap/Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
Yallop, David, To the Ends of the Earth, Corgi Books (Transworld), Moorebank, NSW, 1994.
Computer Misuse Act 1990 (UK)
Crimes Act 1914 (no. 5) (Cwlth)
Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 1989, no. 108
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 1986 (US), 18 USC 1030
Computer Misuse Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 1989 (AUS), Explanatory Memo Clause 7
Crimes (Computers) Act, no. 36 of 1988 (VIC)
Other publications and databases:
American Bar Association Journal
Associated Press
Attorney General’s Information Service (Australia)
Australian Accountant
Australian Computer Commentary
Aviation Week and Space Technology (USA)
Banking Technology
Business Week
Cable News Network (CNN)
Card News (USA)
CERT Advisories (The Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University)
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
CommunicationsWeek International
Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC)
Computer Law and Practice (Australia)
Computer Law and Security Report (Australia)
Computer Weekly
Corporate EFT Report (USA)
Daily Mail (UK)
Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
Daily Telegraph (UK)
Data Communications
Evening Standard (UK)
Export Control News (USA)
FinTech Electronic Office (The Financial Times)
Gannett News Service
Government Computer News (USA)
Intellectual Property Journal (Australia)
Intelligence Newsletter (Indigo Publications)
Journal of Commerce (The New York Times)
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland
Korea Economic Daily
Law Institute Journal (Melbourne)
Law Society’s Gazette (UK)
Law Society’s Guardian Gazette (UK)
Legal Times (USA)
Lexis-Nexis (Reed Elsevier)
Lloyds List
Mail on Sunday (UK)
Media Week
MIS Week
Mortgage Finance Gazette
Network World
New Law Journal (UK)
New York Law Journal
PC Week (USA)
Press Association Newsfile
Reuter News Service—United Kingdom Science
South China Morning Post
St Louis Post-Dispatch
St Petersburg Times
Sunday Telegraph (Sydney)
Sunday Telegraph (UK)
Sunday Times (UK)
Telecommunications (Horizon House Publications Inc.)
The Age
The Australian
The Australian Financial Review
The Bulletin
The Computer Lawyer (USA)
The Connecticut Law Tribune
The Daily Record (USA)
The Engineer (UK)
The Gazette (Montreal)
The Guardian
The Herald (Glasgow)
The Herald (Melbourne)
The Herald Sun (Melbourne)
The Independent
The Irish Times
The Legal Intelligencer (USA)
The Los Angeles Times
The Nation
The National Law Journal (USA)
The New York Times
The Recorder (USA)
The Reuter European Community Report
The Reuter Library Report
The Scotsman
The Sun (Melbourne)
The Sunday Age
The Sydney Morning Herald
The Times
The Washington Post
The Washington Times
The Weekend Australian
Time Magazine
United Nations Chronicle
United Press International
USA Today
Hearing of the Transportation, Aviation and Materials Subcommittee of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee transcript: witness Clifford Stoll, 10 July 1990
`Larry King Live’ transcript, interview with Clifford Stoll, 23 March
The World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg 1992, witness transcripts
US Government Accounting Office Hearing (computer security) witness transcripts, 1996
Chris Goggans, Robert Cupps and Scott Chasin, Appellants v. Boyd & Fraser Publishing Co., a Division of South-Western Publishing Co., Appellee No. 01-95-00331-Cv 1995 Tex. App.
Gerald Gold v. Australian Federal Police, no. V93/1140
Gerald Gold v. National Crime Authority, no. V93/1141 AAT No. 9940 Freedom of Information (1994) 37 ALD 168
Henry John Tasman Rook v. Lucas Richard Maynard (no. 2) no. LCA 52/1994 ; judgment no. A64/1994
Pedro Juan Cubillo v. Commonwealth Of Australia, no. NG 571 of 1991 FED no. 1006/95 Tort—Negligence
R v. Gold and another, House of Lords (UK), [1988] 1 AC 1063, [1988] 2 All ER 186, [1988] 2 WLR 984, 87 Cr App Rep 257, 152 JP 445, [1988] Crim LR 437
Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, et al., Plaintiffs, v. United States Secret Service, United States Of America, et al., Defendants no. A 91 CA 346 Ss 816 F. Supp. 432; 1993 U.S. Dist.
United States of America v. Julio Fernandez, et al. 92 Cr. 563 (RO)
United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Robert J. Riggs, also known as Robert Johnson, also known as Prophet, and Craig Neidorf, also known as Knight Lightning, Defendants No. 90 CR 0070 743 F. Supp. 556; 1990 U.S. Dist.
United States of America, Appellee, v. Robert Tappan Morris, Defendant-Appellant No. 90-1336 928 F.2d 504; 1991 U.S. App.
Wesley Thomas Dingwall v. Commonwealth of Australia no. NG575 of 1991 Fed no. 296/94 Torts
William Thomas Bartlett v. Claire Patricia Weir, Henry J T Rook, Noel E. Aikman, Philip Edwards and Michael B McKay no. TG7 of 1992; FED no.
Additional court records:
(Court documents of most cases described in this book)
Memos and reports to/from:
Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, Victoria Police
Internal Security Unit, Victoria Police
The NASA SPAN office relating to the WANK worm
Office of the District Attorney, Monterey, California
Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia)
Police Department, City of Del Rey Oaks, California
Police Department, City of Salinas, California
Stuart Gill
The United States Secret Service
US Attorney’s Office, New York
Numerous Internet sites, including those of NASA, Sydney University, Greenpeace, the Australian Legal Information Institute, and the Legal Aspects of Computer Crime Archives.
End of book.
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