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man and second is this a normal or abnormal act?”

“When you say normal let me point out that normal is what the subject wishes to be. A man or woman who in their mind desires to be a gender other than the one they were born as sees that living normal can only be accomplished by changing their life style and most important they're appearance. Now, some do this by cross dressing. Others do it by surgery but I would say that most hopeful transsexuals use hormones”.

“ And just how would that work?”, asked Kevin.

“Well, since I assume you're interested in a female changing into a male the easiest and best choice is taking the hormone, testosterone”.

“Why? What happens?”

“When a female takes or uses testosterone it lowers or changes the voice. Hair begins to grow on the thighs, abdomen, chest, back and arms. Facial hair begins to grow, how much depends on the body and inherited traits. There can also be hair loss, sometimes complete baldness. The Adam's Apple and bones in the face thicken creating a masculine appearance. The female clitoris enlarges and the skin becomes coarser.”

“Really. Anything else?”

“ There is a decrease of fat in the breasts, buttocks and thighs but an increase of fat in the abdomen. In addition more red blood cells are created in the blood. By utilizing exercise, muscle mass increases and there is an increased sex drive. There is a weight gain and the menstrual periods end. It doesn’t work over night”.

“How long does it take for what would be a complete change?”

“Probably several months to become noticeable and up to five years to be complete”.

“And then the female becomes a male?”

“Hormones only change the appearance of the man or woman or a real transsexual. Actually it's what's inside the mind that has the most effect. From what little you have told me, your subject, if is indeed a female who used hormones, and let me say I strongly believe that she did and became male, her mental condition had much to do with her successful change”.

“When you say mental condition what about lesbian traits?”

“Well, I would say that those thoughts and ideas probably had much to do with the desire to change from female to male. I've seen the same thing happen with males taking estrogen”.

“My suspect also has a wife”.

“I see. I would say that the union between them probably happened when they met or soon after."

"They've been together for a long time".

"That's not surprising. These type of spousal relationships are as normal as any heterosexual marriage. do you have any other questions Sergeant?"

"No, I think that just about does it. I want to thank you again for seeing me on a short notice".

"No problem. Now, I'll first finish my drink and then head for the tables. I'll try my luck at baccarat. Good day Sergeant".

"Good by Doctor".


At eleven thirty the following Monday morning Cynthia Adams drove the Benson Florist truck into the driveway of the Dolphin Motel. Edward Dawson stood behind the desk reading the morning newspaper. He looked up, surprised to see the attractive young woman entering carrying a white basket containing an assortment of different kinds and colors of flowers. “What's this?”, asked Dawson.

“I have a bouquet to be given to a Mrs. Dawson. Is she here?”

“No, but I'll take them”, said Dawson.

“I'm sorry, but Mrs. Dawson has to sign for them before they can be officially delivered to the right person. I hope you understand”, said Adams.

“Oh, very well. Delores? Delores? Come here”, Dawson yelled.

Cynthia Adams watched as an overweight, olive skin woman about seventy years old entered the office from a side door. “What do you want? I'm getting ready to change the linen in room five”, said the woman.

“Someone sent you flowers”, said Dawson.


“How the hell do I know. Read the card”, Dawson said.

Delores removed the card from the flowers that Adams still held in her hands and read it. “It says, From a very satisfied customer”, she said.

“Damn nice to know someone was satisfied with their stay here with us. No name huh?” asked Dawson.


“Excuse me, but I have other deliveries to make. I need you to sign this slip proving that delivery was made and to you”, said Adams handing the smooth, shiny, stainless steel pad holder to the woman. Delores Dawson took the open pad holder in her left hand and held it as she wrote her name with the right hand. “There you are. Aren't these just beautiful”, said Delores.

“Yes they are. Have a nice day”, said Cynthia as she left the office.

“It went fine Uncle Bob. We got Delores Damson’s prints from her left hand all except the thumb but enough for a match, providing the F.B.I doesn’t tell me that the prints we have belong to an alien from Mars”, said Kevin.

“How did your meeting go with Doctor Lippmann?”, asked Wallace.

“Fine. He explained everything to me, but at the same time I don't see Ed Dawson as a transsexual male. But, I won't make waves. Right now I'm more interested in seeing if Delores Rodriquez is real or imaginary, alive or a walking dead and if so did she come back that way from Puerto Rico”.












































Chapter Eight



At home Kevin McKenna placed the clean clothes that had been left on the bed in the chest of drawers. His wash was done by his housekeeper, Cordelia Jenkins, as was most of the cleaning in the condominium. He was just about finished when the telephone rang. “Hello”, he said when he answered the ring.

“Would you tell me just what the hell is going on?”, asked Wallace.

“What are you talking about?”, asked Kevin.

“Someone burned Cool Loo's ass. They put the word out that he is and has been a snitch for the police. Now, it seems some of the brothers in the hood are after him. Right now he's probably half way to Philadelphia. He has a sister who lives there”.

“What's that got to do with me?

“It seems that some old broad named Twana Davis exposed him and not accidentally either. She did it on purpose. So my question to you is, does she work for you?”

“Yes. She's the one who told me about Teeny using the rooming house and easily rolling guys by using scopolamine”.

“That's all well and good, but at the same time she exposed Cool Loo in order to take over as the number one informant in town. Let me give you some advice. Never let an informant control you. You control the informant. Do you understand?”

“No one is controlling me”.

“Yeah? What has she given you lately?”


“Exactly, probably because she was too busy burning Cool Loo”.

“Who told you that she exposed Cool Loo?”

“Cool Loo! How's that for an answer”.

“Regardless, right now Twana is all I've got out there”.

“Well, whatever she gives you in the future better be damn good”.

“I agree. When I have something worthwhile from her I'll let you know”.

After Wallace hung up McKenna looked at the clock seeing that it was twelve forty five in the afternoon he dialed Twana Davis telephone. It rang three times and then he heard a faint, “Hello?”

Recognizing her voice, Kevin said, “Hey! It's past noon so you should be up and out of bed. Either you're still half asleep or still high on the shit. Which is it?”

“I ain't no junkie. I was up late, that's all. Now that you got me up, what's on your mind?”

“I just got word that you burned Cool Loo. Tell me that I'm wrong”.

“Whoever told you be right. Let's just say I got even. I recently found out that he was the one that gave me up to the vice squad back in the seventies. Now he know what it feels like to be unwrapped. Besides Cool Loo, what else you got on your mind?”

“You tell me. You're the one that contacted me. At that time you came on as knowing everything going down in the town. You also let on that you knew what happened in the past. So, what have you got besides what I already know?”

“Take it easy baby. Take it easy. Let me say this. I got me a girl workin for me. Come to find out her Mama use to be the cleanin woman at the roomin house on Albatross Lane. If that be true then I'll meet with that woman and see what she got to say. You know what I'm sayin?”

“And, just how soon are you going to make this meeting?”,asked McKenna?”

“Just as soon as I can”.

“When you've got something, call me”.

“I will darlin. I will”.

Eight days later Mckenna got a call from Twana. “Just want you to know I got sometin you want. Also want you to know it goin to cost more than a hundred”. She said.

“And I'm going to remind you that I'm the one that decides how much it is worth. But, suppose you give me the price you have in mind”, McKenna replied.

“Five hundred, and that be a bargin”

“When and where?”

“Tomorrow. You know my car. Same dark skin dude be drivin. We'll be parked in the ShopRite parkin lot. Like before. You pull up beside, meet me and we talk in the backseat”.

“Wonderful. What time?”

“What's good for you darlin?”

“Any time, but I know you don't move until afternoon. Let's make it two thirty”.

“Sounds good baby and don't forget the money”, said Twana as she hung up the receiver.

Sergeant McKenna circled the parking lot two times before he saw and recognized the white Cadillac parked in among a row of automobiles far from the store front entrance. He noticed the empty parking place next to Twana's vehicle and he pulled into the spot. As he got out of the unmarked Ford sedan he saw the familiar face of the driver, then unable to see into the rear of the car because of the tinted windows he opened the rear door and slid in next to Twana Davis. “So, we meet again”, he said.

“Good to see you again darlin. Now, I know you be busy and I be busy so let's get down to business and right to the point”, she said.

“Fine with me. Let me hear what you've got”.

“Like I say. I got me a gal who's Mama cleaned the roomin house. She use to start work at seven in the morning. Couple of times she get there in time to see Dawson and some body called Holmes walkin dudes out of the place. They put the man in the back seat of a taxi and the Holmes guy would get in and drive away”.


“Whatcha mean and?

“What else you got?”

“Ain't that enough?”

“Not for the amount of money you want”.

“Now don't go playin games with me Sarge. I come to you in good faith and expectin you to do right by me”.

“I get the feeling that you're holding back. That you have more information that you let on. Suppose you knock off the bullshit. Either you want to do business or you don't. Like I told you before, anything that you have to tell me I'll eventually find out anyway. It will just take a little longer.”

Twana remained silent for a minute as if thinking over the alternative. Things right now were tight. She needed money and she was now too old to turn tricks. “Alright, the cleanin woman came to work one morning and instead of Dawson and this here Holmes a new dude showed up helpin the cab driver to walk a john to the cab”.

“Who was he?”

“Man called Mike somethin”.

“Could it have been a Mike Winters?”

“Could have been”.

“Here we go again. Was it Michael Winters or not?”

“Yeah. I remembers now. That was the name she gave me”.

“That it?”

“For now”.

“O.K. Here's three hundred. Keep digging. Since your contact worked for the Dawson's she probably knows more than she's telling you. I don't know what or if your paying her, but that's your problem. Call me when you have something”.

“Ain't right you be short changin me”.

“You can quit”, said Kevin as

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