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and oils and they use it as a spice", said Fillmore.

"And, you have no idea where he's getting drugs?"

"No...Not at this time".

" What about Mexico? Where did he get the cash to set up in New Jersey?", asked Wallace..

"We believe it came from the cartel".

"No doubt, but is it a gift, payment or loan?"

“We think it was a payment. We have a watch on their bank account. All transactions appear to be legitimate. Nonetheless, if there was a payment we don't know what it was for?”

“Have either one of the Hamidi's traveled to Mexico since they began doing business in New Jersey?', asked Wallace.


“ If I had to bet, I'd bet that he's getting his supply from the Mexicans. Alright, here's what we have. Two women were murdered. We think they were given the same poison, neriin. Neriin comes from the oleander bush and is deadly poisonous. Right now we know one woman ingested the Neriin by eating a salad. At present we're checking on our belief that the second woman was killed by eating a Moroccan stew after the meat was smoked using oleander wood.

Both women spent time at the Kasbah. One was a professional belly dancer, the other wanted to take lessons. Both victims were heroin users. We do know that drugs are going down at the Kasbah, heroin and we think marijuana.


Personally, I think the young women were being used as delivery girls. In both woman’s cars we found dry flower petals. I had an undercover officer witness restaurant take out being packed with dry flowers. Our information that hash oil has shown and right now that it's used by one user”, said Wallace.

“How close are you to making an arrest?”, asked Fillmore.

“Not as close as I want to be. I have a few loose ends right now”.

“I can't think of anything else to ask you. If you come across anything that we'd be interested in give me a call, here's my card”.

“Thank you. So now I deal with you and the Philadelphia office, right?


After Fillmore left, Wallace sat in silence thinking and re-thinking what he knew about the homicides and what he still didn't know. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing telephone. He answered with, “Major Crime Squad, Captain Wallace”.

“Hello, my name is Jane Chambers. I'm afraid that you have forgot all about me since I haven't heard from you in two days”.

“No one in his right mind would deliberately forget someone as lovely as you. How are you?”

“Busy, lonely, maybe a little sad since you haven't called.”

“Sorry. This case is moving along at a fast pace”.

“And. Let me guess, you didn't have time to pick up a telephone and call”.

“That's right, I'm sorry”.

“When will I see you?”

“What day is it?”, asked Wally.


“How about dinner tomorrow night?”

“Where? The Glass Menagerie?”

“No. someplace else”.

“Too expensive?”

“No, I just don't want to ware out my welcome. I'll explain it to you later'.

“Then where?”

“Do you like Mediterranean?”

“I've never had it”.

“Neither have I, but I want to try it”.

“I don't know of any Mid-east restaurants around here”, said Jane.

86. “There aren't any. We'll drive up to the Cherry Hill area”.

“Fine, but I want the same deal as the last dinner”.

“And what was that?”

“No mention of your investigation or any police work”.

“Pick you up after six”.

“I'll be ready.”

After hanging up the telephone, Wallace leaned back in the high back leather chair. Closed his eyes and allowed his mind go over and over the case. To him, it seemed that if he knew where or who was supplying marijuana and heroin

to the Hamidi's there would be a connection to the murder's. Mexico and Mexicans appeared to be the source, but right now he had met a stone wall.



Jane took a long look at Robert as she sat across from him at a table in the Marrakesh Club as he studied the menu. “See anything you might like?”, she asked.

“Not yet. I'm still looking”.

“I must say, you're awful quiet this evening”.

Wallace looked up from the menu and said, “Really?”

“Is there something on your mind?”, she asked.

“I hope so, other wise I'd be brain dead”.

“You know what I mean.”

“You asked me not to mention my investigation”.

“I thought that was what's bothering you”.

“Actually, it's no bother at all.

“Well, if you want to talk about it, go ahead. I'd rather listen to you talk about the murders then having you sit with a gloomy, long face”.

“Are you ready to order yet?”, asked Wallace, changing the subject.

“I guess so. As a first time patron at a Moroccan restaurant everything on the menu is a challenge. I think I'll have the grilled shrimp salad to start off with then I think I'll try the crab stuffed zucchini blossoms . What are you having?”

“Probably the tabouly and the kafta”.

“Are you having the kafta wrapped in grape leaves or on the skewer”.

“The skewer”.

Jane sipped her cocktail then said, When does the entertainment start?

“Probably after everyone is either finished or nearly finished eating. Entertainers do not like to perform to the sound of clinking dishes”.

“The guitar player is good”.

87. “Yeah, I think when the dancer comes out, there will be a small orchestra”.

“Didn't you say that Gloria Esposito was a belly dancer?”


“Is that why you chose a Moroccan restaurant?”

“To tell you the truth, I’m hoping that something will come to me that will open a door that takes me where I want to go. It might be the food, the music or the dance. I don't know, maybe nothing will hit me. At the same time I get a new dining experience”.

“ I knew it had to be something to do with police work”.

“True, but at the same time I get to be with you. Now, here comes our salads”.

Robert and Jane were just finishing their meal when the musicians took their places on the small stage. The lights in the dining room dimmed and they began to play. With the beat of the darbuka's and the sound of the accordion the headliner belly dancer, “Aisha” came on to the dance floor. She was dressed in a silver dance costume which consisted of a skimpy lace top, skirt and hip scarf. . The young woman was graceful. She moved her hands in a manner similar to that of a hula dancer, but instead of telling a story the hands moved in time to the music.. Occasionally, she moved her hips, but her movements although sensual were not profane. The hip motions were just part of the dance, nothing more. At the end of the set, Aisha, after leaving the dance floor returned three times to the applause of he audience.

Wallace swung onto the Expressway which at close to ten o'clock in the evening had little traffic. He fought the urge to light a cigarette, which were the remains of a habit he had when driving. Looking over at Jane he said, “Now who is the one that is quiet?”

She smiled and answered, “I was just thinking what a lovely evening this has been. We had good entertainment, and a nice meal”.

“Are you sure you enjoyed dinner?”, he asked.

“Oh yes, the crab was wonderful. Can you imagine anyone taking the time to stuff zucchini blossoms?”

“Son of a bitch! That's it! Lady I could kiss you right now, except I'm driving”.

“What are you talking about?'

“I'm talking about how the drugs at the Kasbah are being sent and received. They're using flower blossoms. Do you know how much heroin can be packed inside a squash or pumpkin blossom?'

“No”, she answered.

88. “Enough for any junkie to get a couple of hits”.


“Yep, and I'd bet anything that the Hamidi's are importing the drugs from Mexico the same way.”

“What are you going to do?”

“In order to be sure I first have to contact someone, someone who can tell me if my idea is possible, or far fetched”.

“Stop the car!”, she said.

“Something wrong?”

“Stop the car”.

“Wallace pulled to the shoulder of the road and stopped.”What's wrong?”

“Nothing, you said you could kiss me and I'm taking you up on it”

Wallace smiled and took her in his arms.

He spent the weekend pacing the floor, stopping to write and re-write ideas and theories in reference to the drug smuggling and sales taking place at the Kasbah restaurant. After writing he would stand and pace the floor again only to return to the desk where he would pick up the written notes, tear them up and sit down to write again. He only took a break when Jane arrived and insisted that since he enjoyed walking the beach in the winter he should show her what was so special about doing it,

Together, they walked along the cold wet sand down near the water. A cold breeze blew and the February sky was a slate gray. Although the winter wind caused her eyes to water and from time to time she placed her wool gloved hands to her face in order to warm her cheeks she made herself walk with him, pretending that like he, she was enjoying the walk. She knew that this walk was necessary, needed to take his mind off of the murders if for only an hour or two and to occupy his mind she conversed with him, telling him about her days in college, life in Tom's River, how she almost went into nursing. She spoke about little things, television shows she has watched, t.v. actors, comedians and as she walked she hoped that he would stop, turn around and say, “Let's go back”. Finally, he did, but after stopping he took her in his arms and said, “Miss Chambers, I love you”.

“You'd better Mr. Wallace, I'm freezing”.

Monday finally came and Robert Wallace waited for the elevator doors to open. When they did he walked briskly to his office, carrying the traditional white bag containing coffee and donuts. He removed his winter coat and placed it on the clothes tree. As he walked to his desk he looked at the large clock on the wall and saw that it was only five after eight in the morning. “You can bet that Andy isn't in this early. I'll have to wait until nine”, he thought to himself. He reached for a cup of


coffee in the bag, lifted the lid, mixed in two paper packs of sugar and a creamer, stirred the liquid with a plastic spoon and then lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip. Frank Stiles entered the office and Wallace pointed to the bag. “Thanks Cap”, said the detective as he removed a cup from the bag. Stiles took his coffee black.

Five minutes later Tom McKenna came in, again Wallace pointed to the bag. “No thanks Cap, I had a big breakfast”, said McKenna.

As he chewed a donut Stiles stopped long enough to wipe his mouth with a paper napkin. “Anything new?”, he asked.

“I sure as hell hope so. I have a theory and if I'm right it just might lead us to who kill the Kerr girl and Gloria Esposito”.

“What's your theory?”, asked McKenna.

“ Didn't I give you an assignment on the Prescott girl?”, asked Wallace changing the subject.

“Yes sir”


“I should have an answer sometime this morning”.

“Well with your answer and hopefully my answer we might be on our way to solving this case. Meanwhile both of you hit the street. You know who your informants are. Talk to those who are junkies, see what you can find on Phillip Spencer”.

After the two detectives left Wallace dialed Bill O'Neil's office telephone. When the lieutenant answered, Wallace said, “Bill, I'm going to call a contact of mine in Interpol. The conversation will probably be about narcotics and I'm sure that whatever he tells me will be of interest you as well as me. If you want to sit in and listen come on over”.

“How soon are you making the call?”, asked O'Neil.

Wallace glanced at the clock on the wall.”In abut a half an hour”.

“Then I got time to get a cup of coffee and get back. Do you want one?”

“Yeah, and

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