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Read book online Ā«The Talleyrand Maxim by J. S. Fletcher (important of reading books TXT) šŸ“•Ā».   Author   -   J. S. Fletcher

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Mrs. Mallathorpe ā€˜ud find ā€˜em,ā€ said Pratt slowly. ā€œI donā€™t

believe thereā€™s the slightest risk. Iā€™ve figured everything out. I donā€™t

believe thereā€™s any danger from Collingwood or from anybodyā€”itā€™s

impossible! And if we take cash nowā€”weā€™re selling for a penny what we

ought to get pounds for.ā€


ā€œThe present is much more important than the future, my friend,ā€

answered Parrawhite. ā€œTo me, at any rate. Now, then, this is my

proposal. Iā€™ll be with you when this lady calls at your place tomorrow

evening. Weā€™ll offer her the will, to do what she likes with, for ten

thousand pounds. She can find thatā€”quickly. When she paysā€”as she

will!ā€”we share, equally, and thenā€”well, you can go to the devil! I

shall goā€”somewhere else. So thatā€™s settled.ā€


ā€œNo!ā€ said Pratt.


Parrawhite turned sharply, and Pratt saw a sinister gleam in his eyes.


ā€œDid you say no?ā€ he asked.


ā€œI saidā€”no!ā€ replied Pratt. ā€œIā€™m not going to take five thousand pounds

for a chance thatā€™s worth fifty thousand. Hang you!ā€”if you hadnā€™t been

a black sneak-thief, as you are, Iā€™d have had the whole thing to myself!

And I donā€™t know that I will give way to you. If it comes to it, my

wordā€™s as good as yoursā€”and I donā€™t believe Eldrick would believe you

before me. Pascoe wouldnā€™t anyway. Youā€™ve got a past!ā€”in quod, I should

thinkā€”my pastā€™s all right. Iā€™ve a jolly good mind to let you do your

worstā€”after all, Iā€™ve got the will. And by george! now I come to think

of it, you can do your worst! Tell what you like tomorrow morning. I

shall tell ā€˜em what you areā€”a scoundrel.ā€


He turned away at thatā€”and as he turned, Parrawhite, with a queer cry

of rage that might have come from some animal which saw its prey

escaping, struck out at him with the heavy stick. The blow missed

Prattā€™s head, but it grazed the tip of his ear, and fell slantingly on

his left shoulder. And then the anger that had been boiling in Pratt

ever since the touch on his arm in the dark lane, burst out in activity,

and he turned on his assailant, gripped him by the throat before

Parrawhite could move, and after choking and shaking him until his teeth

rattled and his breath came in jerking sobs, flung him violently against

the masses of stone by which they had been standing.


Pratt was of considerable physical strength. He played cricket and

football; he visited a gymnasium thrice a week. His hands had the grip

of a blacksmith; his muscles were those of a prize-fighter. He had put

more strength than he was aware of into his fierce grip on Parrawhiteā€™s

throat; he had exerted far more force than he knew he was exerting, when

he flung him away. He heard a queer cracking sound as the man struck

something, and for the moment he took no notice of itā€”the pain of that

glancing blow on his shoulder was growing acute, and he began to rub it

with his free hand and to curse its giver.


ā€œGet up, you fool, and Iā€™ll give you some more!ā€ he growled. ā€œIā€™ll teach

you toā€“-ā€


He suddenly noticed the curiously still fashion in which Parrawhite was

lying where he had flung himā€”noticed, too, as a cloud passed the moon

and left it unveiled, how strangely white the manā€™s face was. And just

as suddenly Pratt forgot his own injury, and dropped on his knees beside

his assailant. An instant later, and he knew that he was once more

confronting death. For Parrawhite was as dead as Antony Bartleā€”violent

contact of his head with a rock had finished what Pratt had nearly

completed with that vicious grip. There was no questioning it, no

denying itā€”Pratt was there in that lonely place, staring half

consciously, half in terror, at a dead man.


He stood up at last, cursing Parrawhite with the anger of despair. He

had not one scrap of pity for him. All his pity was for himself. That he

should have been brought into this!ā€”that this vile little beast,

perfect scum that he was, should have led him to what might be the utter

ruin of his career!ā€”it was shameful, it was abominable, it was cruel!

He felt as if he could cheerfully tear Parrawhiteā€™s dead body to pieces.

But even as these thoughts came, others of a more important nature

crowded on them. Forā€”there lay a dead man, who was not to be put in

oneā€™s pocket, like a will. It was necessary to hide that thing from the

lightā€”ever that light. Within a few hours, morning would break, and

lonely and deserted as that place was nowadays, some one might pass that

way. Out of sight with him, then!ā€”and quickly.


Pratt was very well acquainted with the spot at which he stood. Those

old quarries had a certain picturesqueness. They had become grass-grown;

ivy, shrubs, trees had clustered about themā€”the people who lived in the

few houses half a mile away, sometimes walked around them; the children

made a playground of the place: Pratt himself had often gone into some

quiet corner to read and smoke. And now his quick mind immediately

suggested a safe hiding place for this thing that he could not carry

away with him, and dare not leave to the morning sunā€”close by was a

pit, formerly used for some quarrying purpose, which was filled, always

filled, with water. It was evidently of considerable depth; the water

was black in it; the mouth was partly obscured by a maze of shrub and

bramble. It had been like that ever since Pratt came to lodge in that

part of the districtā€”ten or twelve years before; it would probably

remain like that for many a long year to come. That bit of land was

absolutely useless and therefore neglected, and as long as rain fell and

water drained, that pit would always be filled to its brim.


He remembered something else: also close by where he stoodā€”a heap of

old iron thingsā€”broken and disused picks, smashed rails, fragments

thrown aside when the last of the limestone had been torn out of the

quarries. Once more luck was playing into his handsā€”those odds and ends

might have been put there for the very purpose to which he now meant to

turn them. And being certain that he was alone, and secure, Pratt

proceeded to go about his unpleasant task skilfully and methodically. He

fetched a quantity of the iron, fastened it to the dead manā€™s clothing,

drew the body, thus weighted, to the edge of the pit, and prepared to

slide it into the black water. But there an idea struck him. While he

made these preparations he had had hosts of ideas as to his operations

next morningā€”this idea was supplementary to them. Quickly and

methodically he removed the contents of Parrawhiteā€™s pockets to his

ownā€”everything: money, watch and chain, even a ring which the dead man

had been evidently vain of. Then he let Parrawhite glide into the

waterā€”and after him he sent the heavy stick, carefully fastened to a

bar of iron.


Five minutes later, the surface of the water in that pit was as calm and

unruffled as everā€”not a ripple showed that it had been disturbed. And

Pratt made his way out of the wilderness, swearing that he would never

enter it again.




Pratt was in Eldrick & Pascoeā€™s office soon after half-past eight next

morning, and for nearly forty minutes he had the place entirely to

himself. But it took only a few of those minutes for him to do what he

had carefully planned before he went to bed the previous night. Shutting

himself into Eldrickā€™s private room, and making sure that he was alone

that time, he immediately opened the drawer in the senior partnerā€™s

desk, wherein Eldrick, culpably enough, as Parrawhite had sneeringly

remarked, was accustomed to put loose money. Eldrick was strangely

careless in that way: he would throw money into that drawer in presence

of his clerksā€”notes, gold, silver. If it happened to occur to him, he

would take the money out at the end of the afternoon and hand it to

Pratt to lock up in the safe; but as often as not, it did not occur.

Pratt had more than once ventured on a hint which was almost a

remonstrance, and Eldrick had paid no attention to him. He was a

careless, easy-going man in many respects, Eldrick, and liked to do

things in his own way. And after all, as Pratt had decided, when he

found that his hints were not listened to, it was Eldrickā€™s own affair

if he liked to leave the money lying about.


There was money lying about in that drawer when Pratt drew it open; it

was never locked, day or night, or, if it was, the key was left in it.

As soon as he opened it, he saw goldā€”two or three sovereignsā€”and

silverā€”a little pile of it. And, under a letter weight, four banknotes

of ten pounds each. But this was precisely what Pratt had expected to

see; he himself had handed banknotes, gold, and silver to Eldrick the

previous evening, just after receiving them from a client who had called

to pay his bill. And he had seen Eldrick place them in the drawer, as

usual, and soon afterwards Eldrick had walked out, saying he was going

to the club, and he had never returned.


What Pratt now did was done as the result of careful thought and

deliberation. There was a chequebook lying on top of some papers in the

drawer; he took it up and tore three cheques out of it. Then he picked

up the banknotes, tore them and the abstracted blank cheques into

pieces, and dropped the pieces in the fire recently lighted by the

caretaker. He watched these fragments burn, and then he put the gold and

silver in his hip-pocket, where he already carried a good deal of his

own, and walked out.


Nine oā€™clock brought the office-boy; a quarter-past nine brought the

clerks; at ten oā€™clock Eldrick walked in. According to custom, Pratt

went into Eldrickā€™s room with the letters, and went through them with

him. One of them contained a legal document over which the solicitor

frowned a little.


ā€œAsk Parrawhiteā€™s opinion about that,ā€ he said presently, indicating a

marked paragraph.


ā€œParrawhite has not come in this morning, sir,ā€ observed Pratt,

gathering up letters and papers. ā€œIā€™ll draw his attention to it when he



He went into the outer office, only to be summoned back to Eldrick a few

minutes later. The senior partner was standing by his desk, looking a

little concerned, and, thought Pratt, decidedly uncomfortable. He

motioned the clerk to close the door.


ā€œHas Parrawhite come?ā€ he asked.


ā€œNo,ā€ replied Pratt, ā€œNot yet, Mr. Eldrick.ā€


ā€œIsā€”is he usually late?ā€ inquired Eldrick.


ā€œUsually quite punctualā€”half-past nine,ā€ said Pratt.


Eldrick glanced at his watch; then at his clerk.


ā€œDidnā€™t you give me some cash last night?ā€ he asked.


ā€œForty-three pounds nine,ā€ answered Pratt. ā€œThompsonā€™s bill of costsā€”he

paid it yesterday afternoon.ā€


Eldrick looked more uncomfortable than ever.


ā€œWellā€”the fact is,ā€ he said, ā€œIā€”I meant to hand it to you to put in

the safe, Pratt, but I didnā€™t come back from the club. Andā€”itā€™s gone!ā€


Pratt simulated concernā€”but not astonishment. And Eldrick pulled open

the drawer, and waved a hand over it.


ā€œI put it down there,ā€ he said. ā€œVery careless of me, no doubtā€”but

nothing of this sort has ever happened before, andā€”however, thereā€™s the

unpleasant fact, Pratt. The moneyā€™s gone!ā€


Pratt, who had hastily turned over the papers and other contents of the

drawer, shook his head

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