Genre - Mystery & Crime. You are on the page - 45
A boy is missing, and Megan Laiken, the assistant to the D.A., is interested in Samuel Craxton, the boy's father. But he's married to his son's stepmother. As secrets unravel, Megan discovers that Sam is not who he says he is, and he may not even be the boy's father. The stepmother, Anne, is a news reporter more interested in unraveling murder and fraud cases than finding her stepson. Probably because she was involved in fraud herself. As more mysteries are discovered, and Megan's heart is
Hey, there! This is the story of Deleted User in his/her/its own words, formerly known as Susan, Sheila...take your pick. He/she/it is the one who's been flooding your inbox with promotions to a bad-news website that's gonna let you download your own book if you spend hundreds of dollars on crap you probably don't need! So, as always stated at the end of DU's posts, enjoy!