Genre - Nature. You are on the page - 5
, if not before. It is said thatDeucalion and Pyrrha created men by throwing stones over their headsbehind them:--Inde genus durum sumus, experiensque laborum, Et documenta damus qua simus origine nati. Or, as Raleigh rhymes it in his sonorous way,-- "From thence our kind hard-hearted is, enduring pain and care,Approving that our bodies of a stony nature are." So much for a blind obedience to a blundering oracle, throwing thestones over their heads behind them, and not seeing where
An experienced gardener and specialist for lawns wrote the following, which should be of special interest to people who love gardening: lt is my daily job to deal with owners of houses and gardens. Weeds and moss are a big problem to those who have a lawn. Due to my training to become a gardening specialist and attending various seminars where I learned about garden products, I am convinced that I am able to help people that have any problem related to weeds and moss. From my point of view, the