Read free book Β«Familiar Quotations by - (most read books in the world of all time .txt) πΒ» - read online or download for free at
forms of hairs or, 327.
doubtless God could have made a better berry, 208.
what Dr. Boteler said of, 208.
Strawberry wives, like the, 171.
Streakings of the morning light, 574.
as the leaf upon the, 491.
at eve, by living, 357.
in smoother numbers flows, 324.
left to the mercy of a rude, 99.
let us glide adown thy, 538.
of time, 455.
runneth smoothest, where the, 33.
runs fast, the, 518.
summer eves by haunted, 249.
thy, my great example, 257.
which overflowed the soul, 481.
from little fountains, large, 459.
liquid lapse of murmuring, 237.
meander, as, 610.
more pellucid, 482.
no resemblance with those, 257.
of dotage flow, 365.
of revenue gushed forth, 531.
our gratulations flow in, 285.
passions are likened to floods and, 25.
run dimpling all the way, 328.
snow-hid in Jenooary, 660.
their gravel gold, 257.
Streamed like a meteor, 383.
Streamers waving, 242.
eyes and breaking hearts, 625.
splendour, 496.
to the wind, like a meteor, 224.
Street, uttereth her voice in the, 824.
a lion is in the, 828.
dogs fighting in the, 363.
gibber in the Roman, 126.
mourners go about the, 831.
of Askelon, 814.
rattling o'er the stony, 542.
when night darkens the, 224.
all below is, 270.
be, as thy days so shall thy, 814.
excellent to have a giant's, 48.
giant's unchained, 572.
if by reason of, 822.
is felt from hope, 340.
is to sit still, their, 834.
king's name a tower of, 97.
knowledge increaseth, 828.
labour and sorrow is their, 822.
lovely in your, 544.
not, but art, 341.
of mind is exercise, 317.
of nerve or sinew, 482.
of twenty men, 108.
our castle's, will laugh a siege, 125.
our refuge and, 820.
perfect in weakness, 846.
PhΕbus in his, 77.
profaned the God-given, 489.
slight not, 172.
to strength, they go from, 821.
to the thought, adds, 312.
tower of, 628.
wears away, as my, 670.
wisdom overmatch for, 715.
our nerves, 411.
with his strength, 317.
every nerve, 359.
out to the crack of doom, 123.
metre of an antique song, 161.
on the rack, 332.
upon the plain, 539.
Stretched-forth necks, 833.
Strewed thy grave, 144.
deer go weep, let the, 138.
in age, well, 813.
Stride, comes the dark at one, 498.
Striding the blast, 118.
clubs typical of, 420.
dare the elements to, 550.
[1106]full of pleasure, void of, 209.
let there be no, 812.
madding crowd's ignoble, 385.
man of, 835.
none was worth my, 512.
of tongues, 819.
of truth with falsehood, 657.
to heal, no, 482.
afraid to, 327.
but hear, 723.
for your altars, 561.
home in the ambush, 47.
mine eyes but not my heart, 178.
shook but delayed to, 240.
the blow, themselves must, 541.
then no planets, 127.
when the iron is hot, 10.
whilst the iron is hot, 10.
Striking the electric chain, 545.
attuned to mirth, 584.
few can touch the magic, 636.
hempen, under a gallows-tree, 184.
moderation is the silken, 182.
warbled to the, 250.
harp of thousand, 303.
many, to your bow, 15.
of steel, heart with, 139.
remember what pulls the, 756.
two, to his bow, 15.
Stripes, forty, save one, 846.
here for mastery, 229.
mightily, 72.
Strives to touch a star, 29.
Striving to better oft we mar, 146.
a nettle, 313.
feel the friendly, 295.
kept, to the tune of flutes, 157.
no second, intend, 229.
some distressful, 150.
calumnious, 129.
fell great oaks, little, 360.
many, with a little axe, 941.
overthrow tallest oaks, many, 32.
art subdues the, 344.
as death, love is, 832.
as flesh and blood, 477.
as proofs of holy writ, 154.
battle is not to the, 831.
drink is raging, 827.
for service still, 419.
in death, ruling passion, 321.
in honesty, I am armed so, 114.
men, not two, 337.
nor'wester's blowing, 510.
numbers pure and sweetly, 389.
only to destroy, 421.
suffer and be, 613.
things bad begun make, themselves by ill, 121.
to run the race, 531.
upon the stronger side, 79.
weak against the, 653.
weak overcome the, 696.
wise man is, 828.
without rage, 257.
ye are wondrous, 544.
by weakness, 221.
than my sex, 112.
opinion of the, 797.
works in weakest bodies, 141.
it bears us along, 503.
loves, suspects yet, 153.
Struck eagle, so the, 539.
Strucken blind, he that 's, 104.
for existence, 622.
for room and food, 622.
in a contemptible, 408.
manhood is a, 608.
of discordant powers, 409.
for life, man, 370.
in the storms of fate, 336.
wind, beggared by the, 62.
wind, embraced by the, 62.
pearls at random, 437.
with his hair, Apollo's lute, 56.
Strut before a wanton nymph, 95.
Struts and frets his hour, 125.
built on, 245.
land at harvest home, 83.
gift, 486.
knees, bow, 139.
patience, 228.
things, facts are, 392, 800.
unlaid ghost, 244.
Studded with stars, 568.
Student pale, turns no, 331.
Studie was but litel on the bible, 2.
in his death, 117.
never to be fairer, 35.
children to be won to, 729.
still air of delightful, 253.
let me sit, 356.
of change, desultory man, 417.
of ease, 671.
to please, 366.
brings man to religion, 222.
in law's grave, 24.
is a weariness of flesh, 832.
labour and intent, 253.
of a prince, war the only, 407.
of imagination, creep into his, 53.
of learning, enflamed with the, 254.
of mankind is man, 317.
of revenge immortal hate, 223.
slow of, 57.
some brown, 32.
to be quiet, 847.
what you most affect, 72.
as dreams are made on, 43.
disposer of other men's, 175.
everything made of one hidden, 601.
life is made of, 360.
made of penetrable, 140.
perilous, which weighs upon the heart, 125.
should be made of sterner, 113.
skimble-skamble, 85.
the head with reading, 332.
to try the soul's strength, 649.
Stuffs out his vacant garments, 79.
Stumbles at a straw, 29.
Stumbling on abuse, 106.
Stuns, Niagara, 395.
manner, awfully, 673.
whole, one, 316.
eyes, stood with, 273.
[1107]starers, 319.
an access of, 371.
be not guilty of, 779.
the gods contend against, 804.
Sty, fattest hog in Epicurus', 393.
bewrays us, our, 186.
is the dress of thoughts, 353.
is the man himself, 811.
of man, highest, 308.
refines, how the, 324.
to attain an English, 369.
disease that must, 317.
what will not time, 671.
Subdues mankind, surpasses or, 543.
by time, 671.
to what it works in, 163.
Subduing tongue, tip of his, 163.
not a slave, 485.
of all verse, 179.
of my story, honour is the, 110.
such duty as the, owes, 73.
unlike my, shall be my song, 353.
we know a, 372.
Subjects wise, were their, 421.
duty is the king's, 92.
soul is his own, 92.
Subjection, implied, 232.
a thing to suffer, 613.
and the ridiculous, 431.
dashed to pieces, the, 505.
fair large front and eye, 232.
in his simplicity, 627.
make our lives, 612.
Schiller has the material, 505.
tobacco, 555.
Sublimely bad, fustian is, 327.
Submission, yielded with coy, 232.
might be called, 228.
of his greatness, 198.
of ten thousand soldiers, 97.
of things hoped for, 848.
true, proves the, 324.
honours, in more, 406.
smile, one vast, 652.
world, books are a, 477.
Suburb of the life elysian, 615.
Succeeding, no son of mine, 121.
heaven is to give, 338.
in smallest matter, 756.
is man's god, 695.
men judged by their, 795.
not in mortals to command, 297.
nothing succeeds like, 858.
secret of, is constancy, 608.
seemed born for, 600.
things ill got had ever bad, 95.
which includes all others, 609.
with his surcease, 118.
experiment, full tide of, 435.
soldier, 494.
rise and fall, 338.
title long and dark, 268.
Successors gone before him, 44.
dawns from heaven, 492.
us that succour want, 28.
a questionable shape, 130.
and so various, 391.
apt and gracious words, 55.
as sleep o' nights, 111.
master such man, 20.
mistress such Nan, 21.
things to be, 633.
forth my soul, 41.
my last breath, 333.
Sucks, where the bee, 43.
Sucking dove, gently as any, 57.
Suckle fools and chronicle small beer, 151.
Suckled in a creed outworn, 476.
Sucklings, babes and, 818.
a thought came, 575.
and quick
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