American library books ยป Other ยป Maverick by Ashers, LeAnn (read dune TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซMaverick by Ashers, LeAnn (read dune TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Ashers, LeAnn

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do I want to end every single one of you fuckers.โ€

I close my eyes, enjoying the sound of the knuckles cracking into his jaw. Michaelโ€™s body is shaking.

I grip his face. โ€œLook at me. Never take your eyes off of me. If you do, I will take your eyes, understand?โ€

He nods. โ€œYes, sir.โ€

I laugh. โ€œShit.โ€ Walking around behind him, I look at his back. I lift my arm back and forward as hard as I can, blooding pooling from the marks.

He screams. I do it again and again until he is unconscious

I grab a bucket of water and throw it over him, waking him back up. He looks around the room, completely confused to what is happening.

I get right back to work, until his back resembles something from a horror movie.

I throw the whip to a prospect, who cleans it for me. Iโ€™ll have to start that shit again once he starts to heal.

He sees me come into view, and his eyes go directly to me. โ€œTell me, why did you hurt her? And do not fucking lie to me.โ€

He swallows hard, looking around the room. โ€œI didnโ€™t.โ€

I punch him as hard as I can, glaring at him. โ€œI said donโ€™t,โ€ I growl at him, so fucking pissed off.

His eyes narrow on me. โ€œBecause she is a worthless wife. All she did was cry. All I asked was for her to warm my bed, cook my food. She didnโ€™t do any of that shit. She had to be punished daily to correct her. I had her broken in as the perfect wife until Jessica came and got her. Now look at her, she is fucking the devil. I should have done it harder,โ€ he explodes, spewing every little thing he felt about her.

โ€œShe gave up those fucking brats. I should have gotten paid for them, but no. I paid for her. I was supposed to get paid for them brats. River is still up for grabs, though. Tell me, where is she?โ€ He grins.

โ€œShut up!โ€ the old fucker hisses and my eyes widen in realization. I look at my brothers, and I run out of the room without bothering to look back to see if theyโ€™re following me.

โ€œFuck, track her phone now!โ€ I tell our tech guy. He gets his laptop out and I wait as the seconds go by.

โ€œFuck fuck fuck!โ€ I yell, running my hands through my hair. Iโ€™m pissed the fuck off, but another part of me is scared out of mind.

I love those girls.

โ€œShe is right outside of town, in Randy Texas.โ€

I grin, taking out my phone and calling my brother Gage, the president of the Grim Sinners Rebels who lives there.


I try to shift from my position. They fucking came into my job in the middle of the night where I was working late.

My gun is strapped in the front of my jeans. I heard them come in and I had time to stuff it in there before they broke the door down.

I wiggle my wrist to test the ropes they tied me up with. That was their first mistake.

Iโ€™m lying in the trunk of the car. I strain with all of my might to stretch the rope to get a little extra wiggle room.

It works.

My adopted dad is a fucking doomsday prepper. He prepared me for this shit. I was adopted when I was five years old by a Navy SEAL dad who knew how corrupt shit is.

I still have on my bracelet he gave me, which has a tracker on it. If I hit the button it will send a SOS to him and my location.

Thank goodness I listened to that fucker. Heโ€™s not so crazy after all. I was hacking shit by the time I was ten years old and I was good at it.

I roll over and hear the slight click as the button is pushed in. I know these guys are from the cult. I knew by the haircut and the clothes.

Stupid pilgrim fuckers.

We have been driving for an hour when we pull up onto a gravel road. They never even checked me for my phone. Itโ€™s in my shirt below my boob.

I put my back against the back of the seat. Lifting my foot, I kick out the head light so I can see outside.

All I can see is a shit ton of trees and darkness.

I close my eyes and pray that if Iโ€™m killed, my mother doesnโ€™t blame herself. She is too fucking sweet for this world.

I sure as hell will go down fighting.

I wait until we stop and I loosen my ropes even more. I hold my breath, listening as my captors talk as if nothing is happening.

How many fucking girls have they kidnapped?

The trunk pops open and Iโ€™m faced with the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen.

I look at him in disgust right before I kick him straight in the face, then I climb out of the trunk and kick him as hard as I can in the balls.

โ€œKidnap me again, bitch,โ€ I snarl, ready to finish his reproductive system when Iโ€™m punched on the side of the head.

I stumble to the side and Iโ€™m lifted off of the ground by two of them and carried inside of a house.

They turn on the lights and my eyes have to adjust to the brightness. There is a chair right in the middle of the room.

They sit me down onto the chair hard. I stand back up, kicking out at whoever is in front of me.

He lets me go for a second, but another fucker comes forward, slamming me into the chair, causing the back of my head to hit the chair.

I freeze, the pain overwhelming me for a second. They take that moment to tie another rope around me, securing me to the chair.


I move my feet a certain way my dad taught me so it will be easier to get my feet free if I need to.

They tie me up and step back, grinning to

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