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lips against her temple. โ€œAnd I shall enjoy riding out with you. The season for hawking has just begun, and though we are but a farmer and his wife, we shall make as good a showing as any noble.โ€

Cecilyโ€™s cheeks colored. โ€œWe may not be doing so much riding as hitherto.โ€

His hands, which had begun rhythmically stroking her back, stilled.

โ€œWhy not? Have you tired of Freya already? Shall I find you another mount?โ€

She hid her face against his neck. โ€œNayโ€”โ€™tis not that. It is rather that I find myself to be in what I believe is called a delicate condition.โ€

He held her away from him and stared at her, his jaw dropping.

She nodded in response to his questioning look, and the beam that spread across his face was like the midsummer sun emerging from behind a cloudโ€”glorious and golden.

โ€œYou are with child? Oh, my love, you shall want for nothing. You must rest. Weโ€™ll get the finest physicians, the best midwives. No expense shall be spared.โ€

She chuckled. Sheโ€™d never seen him in such confusion beforeโ€”thrilled, elated, and terrified.

Recalling what had happened to his first wife, she was quick to soothe him. โ€œHave no fear. As you know, I have helped deliver children. I shall make certain no harm comes to the babe, and will do naught to risk my own health.โ€

He kissed her gently, reverently. โ€œCongratulations. The first lady of the manor of Temple Roding is to produce an heir. And a fine heir it will be, whether the babe be a girl or a boyโ€”they shall have everything when we are gone. I shall make certain it is so.โ€

โ€œMake sure there is room in your planning for siblings. Having been deprived of blood kin of my own, I have every intention of creating a sizeable family with you.โ€

โ€œI have no objection to assisting you with that.โ€ Allan gave her a look that melted her insides and made her want to throw him on the dusty floor and make love with him right there and then.

โ€œI know that look.โ€ He winked at her. โ€œPatience, Madam. First, we must fly our birds together and ensure they are happy to become mates, and donโ€™t just end up fighting all the time, as we were originally wont to do.โ€

She couldnโ€™t imagine fighting with Allan now. He was perfect for herโ€”theirs was a match made in heaven. There was nothing more she could ask for. He had made her Lady of the Manor.

And in return, she had made him Lord of Her Heart.

About the Author

Elizabeth Keysian is an international bestselling author of heart-pounding Regency romances, set mostly in the West of England. She is working on a fresh series for Dragonblade Publishing called Trysts and Treachery, which is set in the Tudor era. Though primarily a writer of romance, she loves to put a bit of mystery, adventure, and suspense into her stories, and refuses to let her characters take themselves too seriously.

Elizabeth likes to write from experience, not easy when her works range from the medieval to the Victorian eras. However, her passion for re-enactment has helped, as have the many years she spent working in museums and British archaeology. If you find some detail in her work youโ€™ve never come across before, you can bet she either dug it up, quite literally, or found it on a museum shelf.

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