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do that. I know it was reckless of me, but I thought at least that I owed it to myself to find out where this might go. Youโ€™re the one who said I needed to look out for myself for a change. And I thought by taking this chance at love, I would be.โ€ This is the most expressive she has seen Will. Though she wants to believe him, she knows that it is all a hoax. He has been playing her for a fool. She must now think with her head, not with her heart.

โ€œI did say that.โ€ Melody leans back, โ€œBut Will, this is all too confusing. I donโ€™t make it a habit to get involved with my employer.โ€

โ€œNeither do I.โ€ He admits. โ€œI make it a point to keep things professional. Max is the one who usually crosses the line, not me. Iโ€™m usually telling him to back off. With the previous teacher, I didnโ€™t have to worry because well... he was a man.โ€

โ€œWho, Mr. Sanders?โ€ Melody finds her opening to find out more.

โ€œYes.โ€ Will answers more cautiously this time. He is a little taken aback by her question. Melody can tell this is a touchy subject for him to discuss, but she canโ€™t skirt around it any longer.

Melody leans in with a confident assertion, โ€œCan you tell me more about him?โ€

โ€œWhat? I donโ€™t understand what you mean.โ€ Willโ€™s voice is nervous now.

โ€œI mean. No one seems to talk about this mystery teacher. As his successor, donโ€™t you think I need to know something about him? I just want to know, Will. What happened?โ€

โ€œWell, itโ€™s like I told you. He left in a hurry and we havenโ€™t heard from him since.โ€ Will clears his throat in an attempt to compose himself. It does not work. He has sweat forming on his brow now.

โ€œBut Will,โ€ Now Melody is leaning in and feeling more like the cat. โ€œIsnโ€™t it strange to you that he left no trace of himself? If everything was fine and he was happy working here, why would he just disappear?โ€

Willโ€™s hands fly in the air as his shoulders rise anxiously, โ€œI donโ€™t know. Melody, people vanish all the time. I just donโ€™t have the time to research every disappearance story.โ€ As though his seat just became hot all of a sudden, he gets up and starts walking back towards the door.

She is still not satisfied with his response. Melody also stands up and inches closer to him, โ€œDid he leave a note, a gift, a keepsake, anything to say thank maybe? People donโ€™t just leave without a trace, Will.โ€ Melodyโ€™s firmness rattles him, but she is just getting warmed up.

In a moment of nervousness, he pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his brow with one hand and her fatherโ€™s pocket watch with the other to check the time, โ€œI think I need to...โ€ He is still stepping back. He backs into something, which abruptly stops him. Itโ€™s the door frame.

Will is standing at the door and Melody is right in front of him. โ€œLike that watch, where did you get that from?โ€ Melody points directly at the pocket watch. Then she glares at him with a cold stare and she does not take her eyes off him.

โ€œThis? Itโ€ฆ it was a gift.โ€ Will gulps. More sweat drips down his face and he is breaking.

โ€œA gift?โ€ Melody knows her father would not part from his pocket watch. It is one of his prized possessions, much like a family heirloom. โ€œFrom who? Tell me about him.โ€

Looking around for a way to exit, Will finally blunders, โ€œI know nothing about that man.โ€ He escapes hastily through the door and leaps down the stairs, skipping steps. Melody stands there rather stunned at his sudden undertaking. When she looks outside the door, she catches a brief glimpse of him as his head disappears under the stairwell, through the back hallway and outside the door.

An echo of the door slamming shut ricochets through the hollow walls of the house.

And Melody is left standing at the doorway of the study. A fearful thought enters her mind, Something has gone terribly wrong with her father and Will knows it.

Chapter 4


One night, after work, Melody goes to see Officer Higgins. He left a note at the inn for her to come see him.

He must have news about the barn. Melody has been anxious to know what exactly is going on in that barn and she is hoping whatever he reveals will give her something useful for her investigation.

She knows she could use a new lead after Will ran off without divulging what he knew about her father. Now, ironically, he is the one avoiding her. What he doesnโ€™t know and just like Morrison said, she is not one to give up easily. One way or another, Melody will get her answers.

When she arrives at the โ€œPolice Station,โ€ Officer Higgins is waiting for her. โ€œMiss Winter. Please, come on in.โ€

Melody walks into the studio apartment, โ€œOfficer Higgins, I got your message. You wanted to see me?โ€

โ€œI did. Itโ€™s regarding the barn.โ€ Officer Higgins has a much more serious tone to his voice than last time. He brushes his satiny smooth dirty blond fringe out of his face and sits at the desk. He still has his dark blue uniform on. Melody cannot tell if he is coming or going. Either way, she imagines that this visit will be much shorter than the first.

โ€œOkay, go ahead. Iโ€™m ready to hear. What is it?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s the thing. Nothing. The barn is completely clear except for a few bottles of whiskey, otherwise itโ€™s clean. The barn is deserted, so either there was nothing going on there or it was abandoned.โ€

Melody ponders the scenario, then she says, โ€œDo you think Tam cleaned it out before you got there?โ€

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