American library books ยป Poetry ยป A Long Walk With God by Paul Curtis (8 ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซA Long Walk With God by Paul Curtis (8 ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Paul Curtis

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As he turned to look behind him
He saw God sitting in the stern
And on the shore stood two Seraphim

God sat with smiling countenance
His hair white as artic snow
His soft eyes just radiated love
And he emitted a warming glow

John stood silent before his god
As the boat drifted towards the shore
And the black despair which gripped him
Left his body through every pore

Then Gods eyes looked toward the land
To where his brace of angels stood
And John was moved to do the same
And in that instant he understood

For stood between the angels
Was his sweet yellow haired girl
Her broken body once more whole
And a hallow sat above her curls

Though the heavenly father never spoke
John understood the meaning clear
His darling child made Cherubim was safe
And his time was not yet near

Then singing the songs of paradise
The Seraphim both ascended high
While his darling girl waved to him
And ascended herself into the sky

John turned towards the stern
As the boat bobbed on the lake again
But saw only an empty space
The king had returned to his domain

John, in his boat that grey autumn day
Bobbing on the lakes black water
Now felt at peace with himself
Though he still grieved for his darling daughter

The waters were not so black any more
And love displaced despair in his heart
Though he would always miss his angel
He knew they would not always be apart


Do not grieve for me
Do not mourn my passing
Remember me with a smile
Donโ€™t think of me as gone
Remember what we had
Think of our life like a favourite book
Do not close it and put it on the shelf
Never to be read again
Just because you hate the ending
Start to write the next chapter
Enjoy it like all the others
And donโ€™t be sad
I will be there with you always

I will be there when the wild flowers
Dance in the spring meadow
When the summer breeze moves through
A field of ripening wheat
When the morning mist of autumn
Softens the landscape
And when the winter sun
Sparkles and glints on the snow
And I will be by your side
Through your loneliest hours

I will be there in the dawn
Rising with the sun
You will see me again
When the sun sets at the days end
And in the twilight hours
I will be that gentle breeze
That caressโ€™s your cheek
On a warm summer evening
And I will be that tingle on your skin
As you lie in the quiet hours

I will be there when you retrace our steps
And when you stand on the lake shore
My reflection will not be on the water
By I am still with you
When you walk in the autumn
Through the golden carpet
I will be in the dancing leaves
And when the snow lays
Though I will leave no foot prints
I am there for these moments that were ours

I will be there in the quietness of winter
Among the falling snowflakes
I will be in the dew drops
On the grassy meadow
I will be there in the warm sunlight
Of a summerโ€™s day
I will be with you when the storm
Quickens your heartbeat
And you will feel me on your skin
And in the April showers


He lived his life in the shadows
Hiding from Gods light
Not acknowledging his existence
Thinking he was out of sight
He thought he walked the road alone
Without the Lord by his side
But at the hour of his death
His faith could no longer be denied
On the darkness of this death
God lights a light to show his way
Shining his light of love
To comfort those left in disarray
As he walks in Gods light
Within the sound of Heavens bells
God illuminating his path
Now he walks with the angels


The Saints and the Angels
Watch over us all the year round
You never know they are there
For they never make a sound

But they are there nonetheless
Watching over us everyday
And they are there to listen
When you have a need to pray

And should some weary soul
Let slip their earthly bonds
They have angelic company
On their way to the great beyond


On a hill in Calvary
In a savage unenlightened time
Nailed upon a rugged cross
By brutal hand
They thought to kill a man
To snuff out his light
That light of purest love
Unquenchable, indestructible

On that hill in Calvary
He died for us
The shadow of that cross
Cast upon the bloody land
Was an illuminating shadow
That spread light and love
Shining across millennia
Unquenchable, indestructible

On that hill in Calvary
He died for us
In that savage unenlightened time
Murdered by brutal hand
Humiliated, dehumanised
But through his love for us
And his sacrifice for us
He redeemed us


Oh guardian angel
Please watch over me
It would be a comfort
To feel the guarantee
That should I go astray
Watching over me
You would be there
To guide me back to safety


When you look out
Across the cityscape
The first impression is one of planning
With order and method
A systematic landscape
Above a thriving community
Running as a well oiled machine
Every element doing its part
A symbiotic relationship
Every person a cog in the machine
A perpetual entity
Evolving and changing
Redesigning itself
Outside the conurbation
As if in stark contrast
The country side and nature
Appear chaotic and haphazard
Without order or method
Simple and ordinary
Lacking the sophistication of civilization
But in reality the urbanites live in chaos
Dysfunctional and self-destructive
While in nature there is structure and order
And the closer you observe it
The more of its complexities
And intricate structures are revealed
Everything precision engineered
With order and purpose
Every organism contains natureโ€™s code
The building blocks of our world
And of our universe
True sophistication exists at every level
Complex and extraordinary
So let man builds his cities
While God builds everything else


Faith is like electricity
You canโ€™t see its traits
But you can see the light
That it generates


Oh God to you we pray
To let peace on earth come our way
Oh God to you we pray
Would that we could have our way
Oh God grant this day
That peace on earth will come our way
Oh God we hear you say
That peace on earth will come our way
If we could from this day
Just live Christmas every day

Inspired by Helen Steiner Rice (1900-1981)


Faith is like electricity
You canโ€™t see it
But you can see the light
That emanates from it


When Haiti shook
And the old colonial
Structures fell
Who was to blame?

When the rains fell on Madeira
Making rivers of mud
Where once were roads
Who was to blame?

When earthquake and tsunami
Wreaked their havoc
On Chileโ€™s coast
Who was to blame?

The zealots speak of Godโ€™s wrath,
Divine retribution
Against the wicked of the world
Smiting the transgressors
But itโ€™s not the wicked who suffer
Itโ€™s the most humble and devout
The poor and the needy
Who suffer the most
Why would God do such a thing?
What would be gained?
Itโ€™s not a Godly act
But rather that of a tyrant
Thatโ€™s not what my God would do
My God is a loving God
Not a wrathful being

The secular blame God
For not stopping natural disasters
They donโ€™t believe in him
But blame him anyway
Where was God?
What was God doing when he was needed?
When something wonderful happens
They praise natureโ€™s ingenuity
Yet when tragedy strikes
Itโ€™s โ€œwhere was God?โ€
God is not to blame
It is not within his power to prevent disasters
So he does what he can
He comforts and supports
Eases suffering and ends pain
But my God is not to blame

Mother Nature is the culprit
The planet is angry with mankind
And unleashes these acts of spite
To punish us for our indifference
Mother Nature roars
And defines our insignificance
When the earth moves
And mountains split
When winds tear up all before them
And the seas rise up
We are powerless
But we are not alone
When we are at our most vulnerable
Who do we call upon? God
Whoever that God might be
Mine is an understanding God
A compassionate God

The last mythological muse
Urania, muse of astrology
Foreteller of the future
By the stars array
Dressed in a cloak
Embroidered with stars
Holding a globe in her left hand
Always looking to the heavens
a goddess of universal love
And possessed with the holy spirit
The Renaissance Urania
Was muse to the Christian poets
And still gazed to the heavens
But saw God amongst the stars


The love of Christ
Unconditional, pure
Deeply felt love
That doth endure


He travels the four winds
He is everywhere.
He is an ever present force
He is the one who cares

He is our strength
He is with us from the start
He gives us joy
He lives in our hearts

He is our hope
His heart is full of love
He repairs us
He is love

Jesus is the King of Kings
Who died for us
On that cross of pain
To cleanse us


Just standing in a palace doesnโ€™t make you a Tsar
Any more than standing in a garage makes you a car
It doesnโ€™t make you a cook if you stand in a kitchen
So just going to church doesn't make you a Christian


Thank you Lord for being there
And bathing us in your blessed care
Thank you for all your blessings
And understanding my transgressing
Thank you for being the one
Who watches over my three sons
And my most wonderful wife
Thank you for being in my life


Yeshua, you are
Our hope of salvation
Dying for us
Our hope of glory
Living in us

Yeshua, you are
Our hope for the future
Living for you
Our hope for redemption
Alive in you


At the end I am serenely at peace
In the moments of my final hour
I feel the presence of the Lord
Who gently plucks me like a flower


Master of the universe
Great architect of nature
Builder of the galaxies
Every facet and feature
Donโ€™t listen to our silence
Most benevolent creator
And think us unworthy
Donโ€™t condemn us like a traitor
We are misguided only
That is just our nature
We will turn to you again
For man is a fickle creature


I find it hard to forgive
But we are taught we must
To be a good Christian
We must first forgive others
Before God can forgive us
But I find it hard to forgive
I cannot let go the bitterness
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