Genre - Political Science. You are on the page - 2
In 100 pages, Jane Q Public presents the results of years of watching C-span, listening to political talk radio, being subjected to the sound-bite addicted politicos from both sides of the aisle and those running to get into office, those who seem to be on every broadcast station in or near the nation's capitol. All the answers are right here, in this little book. Between the covers of this timely tome, readers will find 100 blank pages, the collective knowledge of politicians and pundits who
American Renaissance is the first foundation of an evolving, Bible faithful, new view from Israel. A spiritual earthquake, its under-the-surface action is the cause of America's deepest transformation since the nation's founding. This is it! The USA's current, but still elusive root problem and solution direction- not yet on many radar screens. Hidden, but in process, is a morphed America with a fresh, revived vision along with an actionable political formula. It is life beyond the last