American library books Β» Psychology Β» Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (motivational novels for students txt) πŸ“•

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have no livelihood security. They are forced to survive on whatever livelihood means they get and stick to it by all means. They do not have enough moneys, savings and even skills to have stability and security of life-living. Out of 7.5 billion people; probably over 2 billion people do not get enough daily food-water nourishment to even think of any other purpose and idealism in life-living. It can be said that mass majority of humanity still have no material wellness, let alone mental sufficiency, to escape from the slavery and drudgery of life-living. The equitability of resources has not been achieved in human world, despite over 5000 years of civilization and organized cultures. Still, humans are hypocritical enough; by the virtue of their scammed consciousness, to profess that they are superior beings, created specially by God! However, what is far more important is that they have not been trained since childhood to have a look and perception of their life-living reality from a novel and alternative perspective. The slavery is no doubt accentuated by lack of livelihood wellness. The politics and commerce system of the human world worsens it. But; there is always a way out of slavery. It is more a cognitive poverty than material or physical poverty. There is no inevitable and indispensable connect between poverty and wellness or opulence and wellness. Many poor people can be and are happier than stinking rich. What is important is that people must have this consciousness to understand and be confident that this world is too big and avenues of wellness are far many; if looked from a different perspective and ways are worked out diligently; innovatively. Many people have done it in the long history and are also doing it now. We can understand it through an example. Global research says that gross domestic products as well as per capita incomes in majority of countries have risen many times since 1945 but, no major changes have been registered in level of wellness. There are many reasons for that. The major reason is all livelihoods converging only in few urban centers and most rural spaces are being made uneconomic and unviable for dignified and sustainable living. We have detailed how over 50 percent people now live in urban spaces, which constitute only one percent of land of the earth. Urban living of a huge population has aggravated the cost of living of average people. Rents are high, food is costly and everything has to be bought with money. Conveyance adds loads of cost to living. In contrast, earlier, when rural landscape was productive and self-sufficient, every family had its own small house; even though a cottage. Even today, many tribal populations, living in rural stretches on the margins of jungles, have better nutritional and food-platter wellness, compared to millions of urban poor as well as many badly nourished rich. There are reasons for that. I can tell you the reality of my own village. Till few decades back; when the rural economy was not devastated by urban madness, every household in my village had small plot of land where most families had banana, guava, mango, papaya, coconut and jackfruit trees. They raised seasonal vegetables in the small patch of land of their household. Most people had their thatched roof laden with pumpkins and gourds, which lasted for months. Relatively well off households had at least a cow or buffalo; poor ones had few goats. Villages had large and all season ponds. My village, with around 700 households, had eight all season ponds, covering around 30 percent of all household space. They were year round source of fish. Most pond owners seldom sold fishes. They were freely distributed among relatives and needy. Some families had poultry. There were big orchards of mangoes and litchi; all privately owned. The owners would distribute their fruits to their poor relatives. All families had this habit of drying and processing extra vegetables, fruits and food items during summers as there would be floods in rainy days. Many rich farmers and households would organize feats for villagers and relatives on some pretext. The village faced troubles only when there were no rains and no floods, as it would fail the primary crop of paddy. During such hardships, villagers would help each other by lending whatever food was available. Money was not in vogue as very few things like salt and spices were bought and that too through barter system of exchange with grains. My village of around 700 households had only five or six rich households but it never faced starvation or malnourishment. The village was self-sufficient, peaceful and happy space. It however lacked educational and medical facilities. The idea behind narrating this example is to tell you that villages were the cradle of all civilizations and as cultures evolved and developed in advancement of resources and technologies; the villages all over the globe should have grown and developed in all aspects. However, the reverse happened; villages all over the globe; especially in Asia and Africa have been destroyed, made economically unviable and now dependent on remittances, sent by village people, working as cheap laborers and service providers in big urban places. What many people are now doing is that they are accepting a new and scammed reality that wellness and quality of life is not synonymous to urban crowding. The world is big enough and avenues for livelihood and wellness are far many than what most people accept. This madness is only few decades old. Many have already freed themselves from the slavery of consciousness and have moved away from urban madness.

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When you understand what the purpose of your brain was and what led to its growth in the millions of years of evolution; you can very well accept, what stupidities you are made to live out, by the contemporary hypocritical and depraved cultures. As you understand the processes of your billions of neurons and their neural networks, you can very well accept that the life-living purposes of attainments, possessions and pop cultural successes and worth are only making you live majorly below your true potential as a human being. You are being made to live out the slavery of animalism and borrowed Will. You can understand this gap between what your potential is and what you actually feel happy to attain, by understanding the populist perception about the universe. When we talk of universe, most of us essentially visualize the stars, the planets, the galaxies, etc. The fact however is, around 68 percent of the universe is dark energy and 27 percent is dark matter. Only less than 5 percent is normal matter, which we know as our earth, stars, galaxies etc. Humanity till date knows primarily about this 5 percent; that too in peripheral details only. The vast majority of universe consisting of dark matter and energy is still not truly known. This is almost what we have in our lives. We reach out to the potentials and successes only in the domain of the β€˜5%’. The rest of the 95% is our true and real potential, about which we never care and strive for. Most of us are happily chasing the attainments of stars and galaxies and seldom strive to unravel the potentials of the probabilities of blissfulness and successes in the vast domains of dark energy and dark matters. Only the handfuls understand this potential and break free of the slavery. Only an aware few can visualize the true potential of human brain and Consciousness to live out such experiences and cognitions, which alone are truly human. Purely intuitive thinking and obsession with ignorantly aping the established, dominant populist benchmarks of successes and appropriates confines us to a minority of 5% domain of the universe of potential experiences, which can fetch us novel and alternative blissfulness and satisfactions. We need to journey beyond. We need to free our consciousness of the shackles of slavery of restrictive and intuitive perceptions and consciously venture into the vast domain of unknown and unexplored. Those, who can do it and are doing it, alone qualify to be true humans. Rest of humanity are only animals and happy with Crow Intelligence and Pig Satisfaction-Bliss.

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Your success as well as failures; your troubles and debilitations are mostly milieu specific. The external milieus are largely beyond you. Most of your problems emanating because of stupidities and hypocrisies of societies, cultures, politics, religion, economy, et al affect your personal wellness and you cannot do much about it. Since childhood, you have been induced to install and process only those (5%) information into your field or landscape of Consciousness, which are dominant and deemed appropriate in ambient external milieus of society and culture. You seldom had the inclination of a need to look for the holism of novel and alternative information in the vast milieus and universe outside your auto-feed channels of ambient space. Very naturally, your consciousness is innately, only restrictively ambient milieu-specific and broadly contextual to small and singular domain-dimension of localized realities. Therefore, your experiences are also slaved to local space. Naturally, your bliss and pains are all contextual only to this small and restrictive localization of milieu. Sadly, you as an individual are too insignificant and weak to resist or change the external milieus and their ways. The collective spaces in contemporary world of over-population of many times and deep-rooted depravities have their own agenda and they are never keen to accommodate individual issues. Therefore, willingly or unwillingly, you are forced to own the problems and solutions of the collectivity as yours. You can clearly see that most of your personal problems and troubles are largely contextual to societal and cultural appropriates. The collective considerations have been installed and ingrained, since your childhood, into your unaware mind. They dominate your subconscious mind and therefore influence your conscious choices. If you consciously unlearn the β€˜cultural’ elements of your consciousness and individuality; if you could distance yourself away from the slavery of collectivity; you can clearly see, most of your troubles shall look superfluous; either won’t exist anymore or would be solved fruitfully. Usually, average person is trained by family-society-cultures to battle its ways in the troubled ocean of collectivity and attain success, despite all odds. This happens in two ways – most people become shameless and deceitful to create an ingenious bypass to succeed. Many toil hard and earn populist success after investing best of their time, energies and precious wealth of physical-mental health. Both ways, the Grammar of Live is compromised and Poetry of Living is marginalized and vitiated.

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The nature, in its billions of years of evolution, purposed you for some role, for which humans originally had a lifespan of 35-40 years. If you successfully raised your grandson, you attained your life’s purpose of successfully passing your genes. Living out for 35-40 years was enough for the task. You live for 80 years now and for what purpose! Passing your genes and for that seeking good food, great mate and security of life are some purposes, required no more. Human population is already many times more than necessary. Humans have already destroyed the sanity and system of nature by their greed and over population. The nature, ecosystem and human species already have many times too many β€˜slaves’ and animalistic men and women β€˜brilliantly’ doing overtime; unconsciously or consciously, in successfully β€˜passing genes’. What purpose you have now? Wasting your precious one life for livelihood, sex, indulgences and old-age security! Since thousands of years, handfuls of magnificently endowed and empowered humans have created β€˜purposes’ and they have truly extended humanity the very precious reasons to celebrate life and living. We now have the knowledge of how our brain and consciousness works. We now know very well how Reality works for us and our cognition. We definitely know how we can successfully design such personal

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