American library books ยป Religion ยป 2013.03.17 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adamโ€™s expulsion from paradise by Lord Jesus (free ebook reader for android txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซ2013.03.17 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adamโ€™s expulsion from paradise by Lord Jesus (free ebook reader for android txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Lord Jesus

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Master over everything, and the one who stands up for judgment with My works come to judgment against Me.


I am aggrieved because of those who judge Me for the work of My coming as word on the earth, and they judge every way possible those who bear My coming and everything that is with it. Oh, how much contempt, how much spirit of judgment, how much forsaking from them, how much contempt against those who carry My cross of today! Oh, those who do all these things against My little ones, through whom I go hardly as word on the earth, they do everything to Me, and they stand up with judgment against Me, and those who forsook Me, after they have walked with Me, devise discontentment and claims, and these bring oppression to My Spirit in heaven and on earth.


I will face the pain, I will do it, and in this way, I will protect My work and My place on the earth and My people, too. I will stay to be struck by all those who want to do this, for they do not repent, they do not bow their foreheads for their sins by which they oppress and despise Me; sins, under which I get in order to carry them and to protect My walking and My victory because I am Who I am and I have full and great power, of which, the man divested of God, is not afraid, and those, who wanted to strike Me and My todayโ€™s walking in order to stop it, have also not been afraid; however, they have struck against themselves and not against Me.


Oh, I cannot rely on the unsteady man to the end. I cannot walk on the way with the reluctant one, and those, who are reluctant and not fit for My way, cannot walk on it, as Adam was rejected by the law of paradise when he violated it in his heart. Then I started to mourn and despair when I saw his conduct in paradise and I went there to make him see what he had done; however, he immediately hid in himself and then one behind the other one, thinking that this could be done. Oh, no, for God is light and justice, but as man did not repent because he made God grieve, he pulled himself out of My arm and fell down on earth and then he did his will willingly and since then he has always paid for it, and for seven thousand years man has been crying because of his disobedience, and man cries even if he does not understand what his crying is about.


Let it be heard now the voice full of crying of the man built by My hand who fell from heaven after I had built him. Amen.


โ€” Oh, Good and Merciful Master and my Creator, oh, my Lord, You have taken me at Your table of today to tell the human race this real truth. The heaven cries, and it has been crying for more than seven thousand years, from the day when I, the man, was taken out of it because of My will without God for it, and man has been crying, oh Lord; the spirit of man cries and it has been crying since then and up to this day, and only I, only I, Lord carry and feel powerfully and without any comfort this crying of man, for man is confounded like me in paradise when I thought to cast You out so that I could remain a master alone, and You, my subject. Oh, my wretchedness, oh, my disobedience had drawn me to this. Now, in the end of the time, (See the selection topic: โ€žThe end of the world and the Day of the Lordโ€, r.n.) You have given me comfort and Your word upon me and I see with power and with pain this long and much time, which my disobedience has spoiled so much. Oh, glory to You and glory to the heavenly powers because You have overcome and brought salvation to those who repent, Lord! Oh, glory to Your godly mercy, Lord!


Oh, let Your people not fast with discontent and with their thought at food, and let it not be hard for them to fast, but let them rather fast within a spirit of forgiveness, brother to brother, as the one who does not forgive his brotherโ€™s trespasses, neither will Father God forgive his trespasses. Oh, let them not forget to fast with a clean heart and with a clean face, and with their belly, too, for hypocrisy, which deforms the faces of those who fast to show that they fast, this is their reward, the reward from their self-praise and from the hypocrisy which they eat. Oh, only the Father sees and rewards in secret those who abstain from good food and riches, for man needs to have his wealth in heaven, not on earth, where is eaten by time and by thieves and moths, for that in heaven does not goes bad, because the evil and the enemy does not enter it, and the man who gathers in heaven, has got his heart in heaven too, for You have taught man that where his treasure is their his heart is, too. Oh, I know this, Lord, for I lost my treasure in paradise when I took my heart from near You and put it near the woman and not within You as You created it for me to draw to You, and my pain has been as long as seven thousand years and even more, and the pain of the separation from God is hard and there is no one to tell the man except I, about the pain of the separation from God, the pain of the manโ€™s heart, which for the sake of his heart, he separates himself from Your heart, and You cannot play up to the one who does so with You, for You are the One Who made the heaven and the earth, and it is not man who did them. A speck of dust is the man who tries to struggle against You, as well as glory is the man who struggles to be only Yours within in all the thankfulness of his soul before You, and I could not be like that in paradise, and I paid then with tears without any comfort the injustice for You then when I sold myself to the pride against You.


You, those who want to struggle against God for yourselves, oh, put down your weapons and leave off your discontentment, leave off the pride for it, leave off grumbling and backbiting, the despising spirit given over the brothers, judgment and all its things, and take into your arms and heart the longing and the spirit of repentance for your sins, and do not forget that your sins will not be forgiven if you do not forgive from the heart anyone who goes wrong against you. However, do not forget oh, do not forget that no one can go wrong against a Christian man who belongs to Christ, that no one is to blame for him, but only he is to blame when he goes wrong, for guilt is in man, it is not outside of man, no, never. I tell you about this pain for I suffered in paradise from this deception and I believed that the mistake was in God or that it was from one to another between the two of us, man and woman, but it was not so; rather the whole wrong doing was in me and then it fell down on the whole human race, and now, I am repenting before the Lord and I am crying within a comforted joy, for the Lord has descended on the earth with His coming as word of preparation of the human race for the day of the judgment of the creature, and that I, Adam, the first man created by God, have, by His coming to His people of today in the Romanian people, I have the promised forgiveness and the permission to speak to the man who has come out of me from one generation to another, that the Lord is the Almighty One and He is the only one Master in heaven and on earth forever, and man owes his life to God, his obedience and the love for this, so that the face of the paradise may be seen on the earth and then the entire creature to rest from waiting, Godโ€™s entire creation, from beginning to end and to the glory, which will no longer come to an end, but will be forever instead, and upon it, there will be the Lord as King, He and all His people, obedient and forgiven through great repentance, and exalted by the power of repentance at the rank of sons and heirs of the paradise, my garden from beginning, at which I am looking and crying, as the place from which the Lord made my body of clay is brought under oppression, under pain from those who, like me in paradise at that time, hide from God and do not seek with the spirit of repentance, but with the spirit of judgment and oppression from the sides and with the spirit of contempt over those who remained, but the Lord is the Master over His creation, and He is the hope and His entire work from beginning and up to this day for the salvation of the sinful man.


Oh, come Lord, come with the saints; come and dwell in all the people and cleanse them from all their dirt and save them, Lord; save them all after that! Amen.


โ€” Oh, this is I, the Lord, want to do, and I have listened with gentleness the word of the one created by My hand out of clay. Oh, this is what you should also want; all those who hear My word and eat of My mouth, if you can allow Me to be your Master. Amen.


I, the Lord, bestow blessing over those who start the time of the fasting from food, according to the power of their love and faith, but all should pay great attention because if they are not gentle and humble in their heart and then with the word of their mouth, then they will not fast according to the truth, as from the treasure of oneโ€™s heart oneโ€™s mouth speaks, and not otherwise, and in this way it is seen what the heart has, what treasure is in it and where it has got its treasure.


I am putting blessing upon you, My people from the spring, and over those in the cities nourished with My Spirit from here.


I am blessing separately those who suffer with Me the strikes given to My Spirit and to their spirit, as it is hard and difficult to carry the denigration now from those who once walked on the way believing and giving thanks for My forgiveness upon them.


I always bless the descending of My word and My place of descent, against which they stumble, like many others who do not know what this new establishment means, settled by My word on the earth.


Oh, be thankful, sons who receive God. Pray to the Father, Who gives you the Son and the Holy Spirit. Ask from Him in My name the entire protection and help in everything, and be good, oh, be good, for I speak with the storms, not you, because when they come out to blow, they do not blow against you but against Me. I, the Lord, have always protected My people and My work, and I have faced the whole trial, and this is how I will stand to the end. Let no one complain before Me. Who is the man that he may complain? Man always needs to repent, and then be

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