American library books » Religion » 2012.01.14 -The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s bodily circumcision and the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil the by Lord Jesus (classic children's novels .TXT) 📕

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My witnesses and the witnesses of the Holy Spirit, Who spoke and speak through the prophets, and He will remain to the end of the time and will build My church, My kingdom, My homeland for the saints. Amen.


— Oh, it is the time for You to work, Shepherd Lord, and it is the time for You to shepherd, for the people have spoiled the way to You for the faithful ones, and they have put it aside. There is no need to ask anyone if they believe or not, but we rather have to work from heaven, Lord. On earth, everything is mingled, for the antichrist is at the end of his road and he looks in the Scriptures to fulfill according to them his work and his haughtiness as long it is his time. It has been long until he has spoiled everything, before he has deceived on the right and on the left with his power, with his dyed face, by which he has gone up to the top for the sake of his dominion over the whole earth, and no David has been found until now to destroy this giant who has mocked God’s face and the seat of His glory from above.


Two thousand years ago, You told the disciples not to call anyone father on earth, as only One is Father, the One in heaven, Lord, and You also told them no longer to consider among themselves that one should be greater than the others, but that they should rather serve one another in love, one to be smaller than the other, one to be more serving than the other in his ministry for the brothers. Behold now how much foolishness is on earth! It was written in the Scriptures that this thick darkness, which was made by the lack of faith, would come over the people; and we, Your saints, many of us had prophesied about this black time that it would come and that it would spoil and trample Your entire vineyard under its feet. It was written that it would come and that You would find unbelief, and behold the fulfillment, Lord.


You, those who set yourselves as great over people under the name of shepherds from God, who have ordained you as shepherds? The spirit of prophecy, the spirit of the revelation has to ordain shepherds over the church of the Lamb of God. Oh, why do you put aside the voice of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the revelation from God? You have done this only to have dominion, and Lucifer lives in you. Oh, what will your answer be that you have become thieves? Look into our lives, into the lives of the Lord servants of old and be ashamed, you, paid shepherds, shepherds hired to sell the flock on the glory for you from it. Oh, where will you hide in such a way that the Lord may not find you and call you to account, because you have stolen His vineyard and give it to the passers-by so that they may trample it under their feet? Oh, after you have trampled over the saints and fathers, by whom the Lord strengthened on their testimony His house and watch over the flock, now you have given yourselves over to the Babylon; you have given yourselves to the mixture and there is no one of you to rebuke you to repentance for the crushing of the Lord’s will, from Whose hand you have taken the helm. I rebuked the king straight in his face when he sided with those who went astray from the faith and who misinterpreted the truth, and I did not give myself over to a hand inimical to God for the fear of the scepter of the dominion over the earth. The Lord will require an answer from you, you should know this! You have set each other as shepherds of flocks and have no longer wanted to hear from the Holy Spirit, Who reveals God’s will from God! You have covered the truth and you will be called to an account before God. Now you are not afraid, but the fear of God is going to come on earth and you will freeze to death. Oh, repent! The fathers from heaven require you an answer for those that you have spoiled and put aside so that you may embrace the pagans and play with the people’s salvation, worshipping on behalf of their name before the man greedy for power, eager to overthrow God and to sit in God’s temple as God, as it is written that the man of lawlessness will do in the end of the time. Oh, of what use is this to you? Wake up and listen to the Lord, Who cries out far and wide, asking you to throw aside the decay, as the day is coming when you will be frightened worse than Judas, who was leaving the disciples and constantly went to and from Caiaphas. He had never wanted the other disciples to know about his dishonest ways, but the Lord’s eyes had always been upon him and He had tolerated him so that the Scriptures of the Lord’s betrayal might be fulfilled, for Judas had walked after his interests in the world, and he had done it in secret until the day when it was disclosed who he walked with, for after he had taken the Lord’s Supper with the other disciples, he received satan’s power in him and betrayed the Lord, for he was eating from two sides, and those who had bought the Lord from him did not tell him anything; they did not tell him what they were going to do to the Lord he had betrayed, and only after Judas saw what it had come out of his dishonest walk, he said: «I betrayed innocent blood», (Matt. 27:4), but it was too late when he saw that and great fear fell upon him, the great despair.


Behold, you do not have the Lord in you and you did not realize what kind of work you chose when you decided to be servants on God’s behalf, and I, the bishop Basil, the Lord’s witness on earth and up to heaven, am telling you that you have been nourished with unbelief in vain. God is and you will see that He is and great fear will seize you and you will not be able to hide from it for the fear of God will come down from heaven and it will fall unexpectedly on you, because you have betrayed the Lord. You have to leave room for a question mark, as behold, God is and He is coming with His retinue of saints on earth as word and He is visiting His vineyard, as the clock is beating His coming, and He is coming speaking and searching out. Amen.  


Oh, Lord, save Your people and bless Your little inheritance, bless the people of Your word, that of the Romanian people, for the people have violated Your law and You are coming, searching and working, and You start all over again from the beginning and You make them all new; You make them again for they have become corrupted. 


Get up, faithful people, and rebuke satan in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, so that he may lose his power and obey, for I have prophesied upon him a word of reproach, which has to be fulfilled to its end; moreover, you should also speak over the earth the word of reproach for satan and for all his servants, for they hid my book and my prophecy left against satan, and let it be read daily at you to be remembered, and let it command in the name of the Holy Spirit the destruction of satan’s work on earth, from the people and from all its nests and secret places. Amen.


You, servants of the Lord’s altar into the midst of this people chosen by the Lord for His glory of nowadays, bring prayers to the Lord for His victory, and reproach satan every day, as all the time there is with you a table with clean food on it, fasting from worldly food, as the Lord has asked you to eat monastic food always and to be always prepared, day by day with fasting and prayer, and you have loved to do this and fulfilled so at the Lord’s word, for the kind of the devils that swarm from heaven and down to earth no longer have any fear now but of the faithful ones, when they spend their day and night fasting and praying for the Lord’s coming and for His victory in the end of the time, that from nowadays. The Lord has asked you to eat monastic food always and you have loved and fulfilled so at the Lord’s word, and you have listened to Him. The Lord took you out of the world and you came out of it to be His people set apart for His glory. Have a big heart! The Lord is with you within His coming, within His entire glory full of word! Give Him power to come and build; to come and the Lord to be on earth! Amen.


Lord, have with them a heavenly citadel on earth, as our longing burns in heaven after Your Scriptures set on earth to the least of the Scripture of Your entire fulfillments. Oh, give them the victory with You! Let the angels and the saints be inhabitants with them, and through them to be workers over the earth, and may those who do not love God be cursed, as it is written, for the Lord is coming. Amen.


— I am giving you of My joy with you into the midst of the people of My word, oh, My beloved saints. The time is with the spirit of the darkness on it; however, We have a house on earth, We become light in it, We share Ourselves and build the church, as My saints had built it through their life by their testimony and by the spirit of prophecy. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.)


Peace to you, My people! Prepare for Me, son, a feast of Epiphany now, and strengthen yourself within My Spirit, because I, the Lord, strengthen Myself in you so that we may work much glory and wisdom over those who come and get together near Me and near you at the feast of Epiphany soon. I am sending to you travelling angels together with them to My spring of word and water, confirmed by the word of Epiphany upon it. I am coming into their way with My glory and I am giving them from it so that they may know Me and be faithful. I will strengthen them within Me, as they cannot find anywhere clean pasture anymore, as there is only poison everywhere, there is only faith denial, and it has been foretold through the Scriptures that it would be this; however, for My elected, these hard times will be shortened, for this is what I spoke through the Scriptures, as I promised.


May your hard work for the preparation of the Epiphany feast be blessed, My people! My saints and I are coming to your help, and you should be and stay within the spirit of humility and within the spirit of the infancy from Me to be able to be carried in the arms, son, for My arms are with you. Be faithful, be greatly faithful, for I have promised you and this is how I am going to fulfill. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy

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